My Maui backyard

Our maui backyard /
I honestly believe in the saying, “Once a farmer’s daughter, always a farmer’s daughter.”

Farm girls need the cool crunch of grass beneath their feet, and the umbrella of tall, protective tree branches, that reach high into the blue sky, at any given moment. Especially on a nice day.

And this would describe my Maui back yard to a perfect T.

Our maui backyard /
One of the first things that sold me on our chosen condo over the next 6 weeks was the ground level entry. But not for ease of carting in groceries, which is always a plus.

It was because of the garden, that really becomes a natural extention of a ground level patio.

This is what I wake up to each morning, along with my kona coffee.

One condo we stayed at last year was lovely, but I felt confined greeting the outdoors from a tall patio, far away from my beloved grass.

Napili Point worked for me! And so does this.

flower petals on the lawn / Our maui backyard /
I call this Maui confetti. Isn’t it spectacular?

The grounds keepers came through yesterday, mowing and clipping to perfect, and the next morning, this was all back again.

I even managed to get a few flowering branches to decorate with. 🙂

palm trees against a blue sky / Our maui backyard /
The warm breezes are always busy circulating. It’s humid, but not in a bad way. I feel I can breathe, and often find myself muttering under my breath, “I LOVE THIS PLACE!”

bunched up palm trees / Our maui backyard /
Standing in the middle of ‘my yard’, this is looking towards one direction…

Our maui backyard /
… and a short walk away, there are many twisting and turning meandering walks, with loads of new discoveries. Plants and birds are in abundance!

There is something to be said about starting your day in outdoor surroundings. If off electronics, your mind wanders to other things vs the latest flashing youtube video on Facebook.

The different mind set has helped me contemplate the changes I’d like to see in our lives, and how to incorporate them. I think what I’ve been missing in my own life is a little more silence to think. Does that make sense?

booming garden arbour / Our maui backyard /
We are starting to settle into somewhat of a loose routine. Teens love to sleep in, so I sneak out here each quiet morning, with my coffee (and at times, electronics), and allow myself to wake up to this, along with my many little bird friends. I feel a little like Cinderella.

The stories I could already tell already are coming on fast and furious, such as the chef I met at the pool grill last night, and I’m a little fearful of forgetting the finer details! But I’m still uncertain how to handle blogging about this trip. I know you’re here for junk… which I’m diligently mindful of, as we tour around. So just how much do you even want to hear about our newfound island lifestyle?

I’m debating on keeping a journal so I don’t forget. Then maybe I’ll create condensed stories from that on a variety of topics.

Time to take a small wander through my backyard… I wonder what I will discover today?

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12 thoughts on “My Maui backyard

  1. So excited to see where you find junk! I am heading to Maui in Dec (LOVE it there, also LOVE rusty junk!) will check out the places you suggest.

  2. Love reading your blog about junk BUT also love reading about your vacation and seeing all the pics you post. Feel free to post about Maui

  3. Love to see your Maui photos & read about your daily adventures there even if every day doesn’t include “junk”. You’re a great photographer & writer!

  4. I will happily stop by each day to see your pics, and read your thoughts about this wonderful time in your lives! If you happen to throw in some Island Junkin’ along the way, that would be grate too 🙂

  5. I can’t speak for all your other followers but I am not opposed to hearing the “non-junk” details. I know I’ll never visit Hawaii so this allows me to do so vicariously. 🙂

  6. At Napili Point, you’re right next to Turtle Bay. Try snorkeling there. That’s the first place I ever saw sea turtles. They’re huge! Cue the underwater shriek of joy!!!!! A lot of turtles overnight in the bay and swim out in the morning but a few always linger. If you want to stay dry, walk over to the beach on the north side of the point and you may see them feeding close to shore.
    Or are you down at Kihei? In that case, not sure where you’ll see the turtles…

  7. Speaking personally, I’d soooooooo LOVE to hear all about your Maui experiences…both junk and non-junk, so I hope you will let ‘er rip and will rap about all of it! Oh, and please include plenty of pix, if you don’t mind, because I am sooooooo enjoying getting lost in these beautiful photos of such a beautiful place! That is *my* route to a blissful escape since I am unable to take off anywhere right now and I would imagine I am not alone in that. My thought is that this blog, first and foremost, should be about what pleases *YOU* and, if in the process, it pleases your readers, that will be your icing on the cake. Life is too short to put your own happiness on the back-burner…plus, you may just find that, in the process of seeking your own happiness, you are also helping to make others happy, too. But, really, you shouldn’t be overthinking this too much…you’ve got a gorgeous yard there to enjoy…and an entire gorgeous island to explore with your boy! Wishing you both the most magical time ever! 🙂

  8. Love the pictures and yes to hearing about your trip, plus your finds. It all balances out and makes stopping in to visit a pleasure. Thanks.

  9. Not all of us are here for junk, Donna. I’ll wager that I have a lot of company when I say, we are here for you and what you write about any topic.
    Gardening, the cats, (love the cats), what happens to be on your mind, the challenges and joys of your particular life. Many of us have not been to the islands, but would love the experience. We get to have that through your travels. And you share the nitty gritty of things and that is much more interesting than a travel brochure. And it is Real. Everyday life through someone else’s eyes and thoughts helps put things in a new perspective and broadens our view. Always look forward to your posts and when I see it in my Inbox it is one of the first ones I read. Nice way to start the day. So keep on sharing…..and sharing….

  10. 6 WEEKS??? Geez. Your photos are so beautiful and I love reading about your adventures. I don’t only come to Funky Junk for junk, I come because I like you and love watching you bloom. 🙂 Post away Donna. Have a beautiful visit.

    Teresa Gunn

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