The amazing garden junk party – WOW

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From decked out interiors to amazing exteriors, this Hometalk Meetup  Milner Village Garden Centre event was one the locals shouldn’t have missed!

Are you ready for way too many photos? Awesome!

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Milner Vlillage Garden Center is only a short 45 min drive from my place. If you’re ever in Langley, you need to take in this store!

Milner is actually the retail division of Darvonda Nurseries, which is the place that supplies all the Costco stores. Pretty cool!

Hometalk Meetup Milner Village Garden Party

What was once several barns…

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… is now a full blown garden centre and store.

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Greeting you right at the front is this decadent wagon decked out with old crates and flower displays. A real eye grab!

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But hey, there’s a party going on today, so let’s check it out!

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The moment you walked inside, your eyes lifted upwards. An amazing, stunning ceiling of cheerful colour, just like spring!

Milner Village gets Funky Junked at a Hometalk Meetup

Each chair was slipcovered in white and further glorified with a gauzy purple bow.

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Each centrepiece on the tables were different… they are GORGEOUS. The little purple violets look right at home in the little burlap totes.

Milner Village gets Funky Junked at a Hometalk Meetup

 This lavender wreath was the perfect touch, joining forces with a pretty green toned bottle.


Hometalk Meetup Milner Village Garden Party

Several speakers took their turns at the mic. Here, host Tamara is chatting it up about container planting. And how not to wear a mic around your head. 🙂

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The Little White House hosted the food and my oh my… did they! High tea was on order and well… I ate too much. 🙂

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Egg salad crossants… delish!!!

Milner Village gets Funky Junked at a Hometalk MeetupHometalk Meetup Milner Village Garden Party

I’m sorry. I know this is kinda mean. Hey, I’m hungry too!

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While the room held an elegant tone, it was perfectly downplayed with the quirky salvaged displays. Loving the plants in the cup and saucers and I’ve never seen such a pretty planter’s pot boot!

BUT… here’s the major winning quirk of the day. You’ll love it… and I think I want two myself!

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Cinder block chairs, with plenty of blooms were the perfect garden companions. I could totally see this working outdoors! When you want to sit, carry your cushy pillows with you! I sooooo loved these!

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Where there was a place, there were flowering plants and moss. It really was exquisite.


Right above the chairs were these chubby rusty birds. I fell in love with every one of them. Why I didn’t I bring one home I don’t know!

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Aren’t they the cutest things ever?!

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So fun! Who else wants to build these?!

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Ohhh! And every party needs swag. The sweet little Milner Village totes held all kinds of wonderful garden style surprises.

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Including some wild flower seeds compliments of Hometalk! I can’t wait to plant mine.

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The demo tables were lined up near the back. A really great shot of mine is at Stephanie’s via Garden Therapy HERE. Gorgeous photos!

Milner Village gets Funky Junked at a Hometalk Meetup

Meet Stephanie to your right! What a cutie!

toolbox kits for the Hometalk MIilner event

I was demoing how I create the easiest toolboxes in the world, perfect for non builders. I put together a few kits to encourage the gals to build their own.

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Well, the kits were an instant hit!

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Every one was different, with quirky handles, different sides, they were all over the place with design, which made them totally unique. I really hope the gals decorate them up too! And Nadine, I totally should have taken your demo one apart before you left! What was a thinking?!? 🙂

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I even had a few swing some tools for the first time. That totally made my day and is why I do what I do. I LOVE teaching and encouraging!

Pretty Girl, I misplaced your card. So sorry! But I want a full update on how YOU put your toolkit together, deal??

So! Wanna check out the store a little more? Warning… you’ll die.

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The infamous bubble chandelier got it’s spring on with all the other lovely displays. Pure talent runs this store. It is GORGEOUS.

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Swoon… Did your eyes go to the same thing mine did?

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Ohhhh yeah. I love the red/teal/black tones to these metal bar stools.

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Lots of stunning mossy accents and that clock! Loved the clock.

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The Canada canvas intrigued me. It had a real distressed feel. I can’t remember why I didn’t bring that home either!

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And then there’s the tall, rusty cloche… my favourite of all! I need to go back for it. I don’t know what I was thinking.

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Milner Village gets Funky Junked at a Hometalk Meetup

The perennial section is being built and let me tell you, when this area is done, it is going to be a complete stunner! There was a pond with an old piano beside it too. I’m totally adoring the vines growing on the building in this shot. Drool… I love that look!

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Oh sure, go flaunt your pretty red selves at me! Ok!!! I’m coming back for you too!

Milner Village Garden Centre, you are dangerous. And so much fun. Thank-you Hometalk, Milner, and for everyone that came out and enjoyed the day! It was a blast!

Here are some other wonderful posts on the event… love how each had very different pictures!

Tamara – The Greenhouse Diaries  – the host prep, and a very funny read!

Stephanie – Garden Therapy – stunning photos and a great shot of my booth!

Laura – The Dandelion Wrangler – another great shot of my table and that cute seaside room!

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Categories: Events, Gardening, Junk Drawer, Staging / decorating

15 thoughts on “The amazing garden junk party – WOW

  1. I’m so glad you included so many pictures! Everything is so beautiful!!! I think I could spend hours at that place….looks like a fun day!

  2. Hi Donna. I enjoyed the garden party at Milner Gardens very much. It looks like a wonderful place to shop and drool. 🙂 I visited Tamara yesterday and now I’m going to visit Stephanie and Laura. We used to have a wonderful greenhouse similar to that here in Fredericton but, sadly, they closed. Everyone misses it. Have a great weekend!

  3. Hey Donna:

    I sent you an email yesterday. We want to use one of your images with your watermark. Can you respond today? The article is running on Monday.

    Thank you!!!!


  4. What a fun place! I love the boot planter too! So much fun…I would have picked the rusty cloche to take home, I have been wanting a metal cloche!
    Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing! karen….

  5. Hi Donna, I love the shots that you took from the day. It was interesting how everyone had different photos of the same event. I like your photo tour as it really took me back through the day, from arriving at the barns to the event to the shopping!! You even got a great photo of us (whew! Those close ups can go so wrong). I’m with you on the shopping…I will be back for sure. Love that shop.

  6. I like the idea of the cement block chairs too but wouldn’t it be nice if you could actually sit on them and relax?? With that design the back would fall over as soon as you leaned back. Someone needs to take that idea and redesign it. Thanks so much for all those pictures. What a lovely event! Hugs! deb

    • I think you could dig in some posts or rebar for the back of the chair, then slide the bricks over them and fill the holes with cement, like building a small brick fence. Then put the rest of the bricks in front of it either with mortar, or like in the photos, if you don’t want to commit to mortar for the whole thing.

  7. Thank you so much for taking us with you on this fantastic trip! It was heavenly! There’s just nothing like gobs of flowers all piled up together like that. Love the plants in the concrete blocks – so cute.

    Thanks again.


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