I think it’s safe to say, some days it’s just really hard to get fired up about doing stuff.
Upon doing a sweep with my eyes in every possible direction, undone things can feel like too much.
Unfortunately, in these cases, it’s a matter of getting out of the chair, and forcing myself.
How spoiled am I? I don’t have to commute several hours. My job is to do neat stuff to my home! What’s to NOT be inspired about?
Well… it happens to the best of us. Do you have that thing where if you plan something, then you REALLY don’t want to do it? As if every thought has to trickle in like a big ‘ol surprise party before you’ll want to lift a finger?
I swear, my brain is wired like a windshield wiper. It needs a new screen (fresh ideas) every minute of the day. Ever changing. Must be a surprise.
Otherwise… motivation drops faster than the temperature of my coffee.
And I do like my coffee hot… hard to accomplish when you forget to drink the cup you just poured.
Is there any hope for me?!
But I know without a doubt, a big part of my lack of motivation is dealing with mess.
(above / before)
This was our first fine, warm, sunny day. I wanted my coffee out in the natural light for change, so I head out to the patio, threw the foam pad on one of the pallet sofas, plunked a sheet and pillow down and…
gazed upon the dirt.
At least my coffee was hot. 🙂
Well, by golly I wanted my (hot) coffee before I got up to clean anything!
But that only lasted so long. It was hard to focus on the birds happily chirping in their (clean) tree homes when I didn’t want to touch anything in mine.
There was only one thing left to do.. and that was haul out the pressure washer once again.
I really don’t like complaining on the blog, so allow me this one paragraph…
I never love the ramp up of pressure washing the patio. You get wet, then you get cold. And because the pressure washer is so heavy duty, (I’d rather have something like THIS) (affiliate link) it’s hard to pull around. And the hoses NEVER NOT leak. It’s like a water fountain spewing every which way right out of the machine. (I can never twist all the threads properly)
Now.. mood change!
But… boy does it do a great job! I mean, spectacular. As soon as all the hoses are (sort of) hooked up and I have my rain and safety gear on, there’s no stopping me.
I always start with the patio. The ceiling, then work my way down. The grill, pallet furniture, floor, rails front and back… every square inch gets hit.
Then down the patio steps, sidewalk, shed, anything outdoors. All of it.
Even the lid on this pallet tray had some mildew on it. Bye bye to that!
Starting with a clean slate again is actually very motivating. Now I can’t wait to do something nice out here with flowers like in 2013, and maybe change up the cushions and stuff this summer.
Without a plan of course… 🙂
And because this wasn’t a very pretty post, here are a few of my fav things from last year that I’d like to see come back in some capacity…
Pallet chair
Crate coffee table / tray / ottoman
Hmmm… strange. No idea why there’s a coffee in every picture… 😀
So anyway, just today I tested the patio out again. You know… to surprise myself.
Still too cold. So I decided to maybe throw out some reclaimed planks on the lawn and pressure wash those for some new builds for The Olde Farmhouse Vintage Market. Good idea! I need to get on that!
Except… I had one small issue.
I couldn’t move. Where’s the wood again?!
Looks like I’ll be trying to mesh mess and motivation here too.
Who am I kidding…
– – – –
Can you relate?
You’re so witty! How do workshops get so cluttered so fast? Its something I have to do far more than I like. But when you get going, somerimes its just better to clean later. Porch looks great!
What is the floor of your deck made of??
Hi Cheryl, it’s vinyl sheeting! Very easy to care for and waterproof too.
Oh my gosh I love how you write Donna…!! You made me laugh out loud…!! Thanks for being so funny.. I too am a person who’s motivation seeps away so easily like yours to your temperature of your coffee…!! It really takes me some time to complete one project let alone all the ones you gals take on, like the thirty day challenge, no way in this world would I be able to do that… I’ll stick to my little painting projects and be satisfied…
Thanks for the chuckle. Hope you get to enjoy your “HOT” morning coffee on your patio soon…!!!
I love this post! I have a heck of a time getting motivated some mornings but certainly NEVER before coffee 🙂 And my garage looks very similar to your wood shop. Drives my husband bonkers.
I can SO relate!! I just spent all day Friday pressure washing my back deck. I hit everything, the furniture, the rails, and even the patio cushions! Who knew the pressure washer would clean the mildews off the patio cushions? It did perfectly! And of course I was completely soaked. And my garage… Always ends up just like yours looks right now. I don’t know how it gets that way. I’m just a creative mess I guess! Thanks for sharing so I don’t feel so bad.
You amaze me. Thanks for being so real. I can relate, except I don’t have a patio or pressure washer!
Enjoy your coffee and junk, (b/c I sure do).
I can sooooo relate! My garage is an absolute hideous mess….my craft room…. I can’t find it and the rest of my house…well, if I could pressure wash all the junk out I think I’d be in good shape 😉 I do have to pressure wash the front porch and back patio in the next few weeks….maybe that will help…who knows? Thanks for sharing ~ you made me feel much, much better.
Oh boy, I think everyone can. Sometimes I get all worked up about doing something that it would have been easier just to do it.
Your porch looks amazing! Great job persevering!
Hay! Whatever happened to the Heap of Change challenge??! I’m still working on mine, and I’m still in the art studio. I’ve stopped for a few creative moments, but got back on task again and again. It’s still a mess. You have to make a mess to clean, right??! I think I’m 2/3rds of the way done. Still plugging away…
So glad I am not the only one that does this, but if im honest I probably would have finished half the porch then decided it needed flowers or something green so I would be off to buy flowers to plant, by the time I got home I would decided I needed to paint a pot or something…and good chance of the Mister coming home to find the half done porch with the power washer still sitting ( and leaking ) on it with soil and paint on the table.:-)
I can completely relate to this! Somedays I just have to force myself and I find once I get going the motivation comes and I get all caught up in a project.
If we are not wrong, we believe that today is Donna’s Birthday?
April 6 ? We looked at past post and correct us if we a wrong.
Many wishes on your birthday Funkyjunker Donna !
Thank-you! Yes, happy birthday to me! haha
Oh, can I relate! We may have to move and that prospect has started me to clean out things again. Alas, one day of good progress only to hit that overwhelmed wall! Good luck with your Spring Cleaning!
I laughed out loud while reading this post! Felt like I was right there with you, struggling with clamps and hoses.
Could we have possibly shared a virtual mind meld? You absolutely described my ADHD brain that is so super-charged with ideas….but when it comes to implementation, not so good on the production end. One of my favorite sayings is “Hey you too much thinking and not enough doing”. However, once I do get started on a project, there’s no holding me back!
Thanks for putting a big smile on my face. It’s good to know there are others out there that share my reluctance to get started!
Happy Birthday! My son and I both have BD’s this month. I LOVE your site and just wish I had your inspiration and talents.
I too often long for another place to live. I grew up on a 100 acre farm in Pennsylvania. I now live in the mountains near LA.
And last, but not least, you look like you’re in your 30’s REGARDLESS of photo shop. Celebrate yourself 🙂 I’m turning 66 and don’t know where the years have gone!
Saw a sign on pinterest. Old creamery with cow. Was cute would like to buy do you have it how much. When can I get it
Hi Ms. Donna, I love your posts. A woman after my own heart. Coffee has become my newest addiction and I don’t seem to want to do anything unless that cup is sitting right there beside me. Thank the Lord for the microwave! lol
Seriously though, I truly enjoy reading your blog posts for the special junky things you do. My dad always loved old crusty, rusty, greasy stuff and so do I. Nothing thrills me more than being able to make something cool and useful without spending a penny.
The motivation you give just by being you is wonderful! Thank you!