I’m very blessed to live in a rural community. This amazing farmland is a very short walk from my doorstep.
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This kind of living is very familiar. Growing up on a 40 acre dairy farm had me walking roads like this all my life. So it’s no surprise that this community feels right at home.
So, my self assigned photography assignment today? Culverts!
Farmland is filled with ditches. And where there is water, there are little tiny bridges that hold driveways. Culverts are needed wherever there’s water, so there’s plenty down this road.
(this is my dream home by the way, the perfect barn is out back)
Hey, and step right up for the most amazing ambiance possible! Here’s the perfect sound track while you scroll. 🙂 This one isn’t quite as pretty as mine (yes culverts can be pretty!) but you just can’t have a culvert without the water turned on.
Culverts and ditches simply remind me of being on the farm. They make me homesick but in a good way. 🙂
Having a culvert at the foot of your driveway offers you your very own little river. Rushing water is the most beautiful sound on earth.
Having my own culvert one day is definitely on my dream list! What’s not to love?
Do you have a fond memory of something a little quirky?
You can check out other photography type posts HERE.
Lovely photographs:)
I would have to say the most quirky thing I have very fond feelings for are corn fields:)
I grew up playing hide n seek with the neighbor kids in the nearby corn fields!! It was so much fun and who knew kids could spend most of the day playing in the corn field:)
Have a great day!!
I live on Big Farm Road, how’s that for rural? I feel like I was always meant to live here and I am so blessed to be where I belong. Your photography is beautiful and I felt like I walked your roads with you this morning.
I remember living beside a house with a creek and a huge culvert that went under the road – we used to walk through it when the water wasn’t too high. We don’t have culvert or ditches in the small town I live in. But we do get Amish in their horse drawn buggies going by most days. That’s a nice sound to hear!
I have to agree with Heather. I love the sound of unshod Amish horse hooves.
My property is between too retention ponds with a culvert on my side to carry water under the road to the river. I have the more desirable side of that water transport, as opposed to the people across the road. The drawback is a lot more mosquitoes.
You do see and show the more romantic side of a ditch.
I loved small creeks when i was little. I liked to clear away the leaves and debris so it could flow better……turn over rocks and find crayfish or find a small pond in the woods loaded with frog eggs….get a bucketful and watch them turn into tadpoles then set them free…..ah those were the days….kids today playing video games don’t know what they are missing…….lol
Beautiful pictures. Mountains and rivers and forest are what remind me of home, but so does the sound of shifting gears as my dad and grandpa were truck drivers and I used to get to ride around with them when I was a kid. Your pictures are beautiful! I am jealous. It snowed here all weekend, and while I do love my snow pictures, I am ready for some green!!!!
Hello Donna,
The natural sounds of running water is soothing and relaxing. I love your photos, they are so pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Smiles, Paula
Hey Donna! This post brings back so many memories for me. We had many culverts by my home growing up and there was a rather large, concrete one in particular that I would go spend long summer days – when there was no water – sitting inside and drawing on the walls of it with rocks. I called them “chalk rocks” because they would draw just like chalk and allowed me to create huge murals. I never thought anyone would ever bring up that memory, LOL! So thank you for that. Makes me so wish to go back to my childhood for a little while.
some beautiful shots!
As long as the water runs the other way & not overflowing. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
I love the sound of moving water. I guess, in terms of quirky, I like the look of a swing hanging from a tree. We used to have a swing in our backyard 🙂
Good morning Donna. I’m a Manitoba girl at heart so I’m with you on the culverts! Have a wonderful day…it’s sunny!
PS Will you and your camera be coming to Vintage Alley at the Women’s Show in Chilliwack this weekend?
My grandmother had one of those at her driveway, bad memory when dad missed the road and drove into the culvert,not good!:)
Hey! That looks just like our area! There are little creeks and culverts running all through the fields for drainage. The other fun thing is that you get all kinds of neat wildlife right next to your house. Herons, frogs, some kind of unidentified swimming cute brown furry thing. I love how you captured all those great culverts!
Beautiful sound. Before you even asked it brought up a childhood memory. I used to walk on the rail road tracks near my home. I would climb down the railroad bridge and get under the fence somehow to the little river. I would go barefoot and watch the little crabs and the noises. I loved this time.
Love these, especially the ivy covered one. I can remember as a child going to visit my city cousins in West Van and being amazed by the ivy growing up the telephone poles! My favourite thing in the photos is the weeping willows in the farm pic. Nothing reminds me of BC more than those big, beautiful trees in a yard. Sigh… as I look outside to -32C. Loved the soundtrack too! 🙂
Wow, thought I was the only person who took pictures of culverts! I took a ton of them in Japan; loved the nice, neat stonework! Amazing how old they were and still in such great shape.
Funny that you posted this! I was just thinking that we needed to make our culverts a little prettier with some ricks or something.
Oh how nice to look at all those gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing!
i lived in a rural area once….i loved the feeling….and i love horses…..my daughter always said she was going to have one when she grew up….well, she is now a grown woman and she has 11 horses, 2 piggies, chickens, geese, dogs, and a bull.
i now live in a suburban area….three dogs, a cat and a bird….but i have this longing to get back to the rural life…not to work it,,,,too old for that…. but, just for the peacefulness….
Love the pics! I think the fifth one down with the vines is my favorite.
I grew up in the country too. Lived on the top of a tall hill with a blacktop road that led up to the house. That road T’d into another road at the bottom or the hill.
When I was beginning to learn to ride a bike and kind of mastered riding around the house/barn area, my older brother goaded me into riding down the hill. It was a Sunday and I was wearing a pretty pink eyelet dress and we had company. Well since we had company aka other kids, I felt compelled to go down the hill. Problem was I had not yet mastered using the brakes! Those wheels and pedals got to turning too fast and before I knew it, I flew off the culvert at the end of the road, went through some berry briars and into the barb wire fence on the other side of the ditch! Brothers!! :/
Moral of this story? Don’t listen to your brother!!! LOL
gah! You made ME homesick for the country life where I always visited my grandparents. Where do you live? They lived in Iowa, and there’s just something about the slower, greener, more simple way of living that I often long for…
I had a culvert that beavers loved to dam ..picturesque as all get out but it had to be blown up about twice a year so the road didn’t wash out.
Yep Donna your not going to believe this but I still live in the same neighborhood I was born in and we have a creek that did have a wooden bridge for about 55 yr. Then one day the state
decided it was cheaper to have culverts instead
of the bridge I grew up with. The only trouble with the culverts is if they don’t keep them cleaned out they get stopped up and the water rises out of the creek. Your right there is nothing better than listening to running water in a ditch, stream or a creek. You certainly have beautiful country around you.
Down here in Texas– we call a culvert;…a *bar-ditch*…they do the same thing, divert water away from roads and things… and when they dry out, you head down to the bar-ditch with some bacon (or bologna) on a string and catch some craw-dads!
oh yeah, good memories!
Thanks Donna for sharing those lovely pictures and including the sound. Makes me think I am right there with you. Would love to have been. When we were kids we had a dry creek in the pasture behind our house and when it rained, it was like a small river and we would get in a #3 wash tub and float down that creek. It is a wonder we did not drown.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures.
Thanks for sharing Donna …I love the sound of water…so much so that after the few days of soft pure snow I wait for the sound of rain to wash it away!…I love snow …but I love to see running water…(and pray it won’t wash anyones homes away!)
Something about this valley of ours isn’t there!
I love the sound of running water. That is why I wanted a water fall in our back yard. It is small, but it delivers the sound. I have a bit of a funny (maybe scary) story of my youth. When I was little, my two older sisters and I were playing by a small concrete ditch. I slipped and fell in. The water qickly took my small body racing down the ditch. My sister, Julie caught me by my shirt just as I was about to go under the road. Thank goodness I was young enough that it didn’t ruin my love for rushing water.
Great pictures!!!! Love the speed of the water slowed down! Beautiful!!! And that would be my dream house too!
There is a HUGE old brick culvert near my home at a place called CAVE IN ROCK. I had my childrens’ pic taken there when they were small. One of my ALL TIME FAVES of my daughter! 🙂 GREAT PHOTOS!