New branding and a new blog for Funky Junk


This little blog of mine has served me really well since the beginning of time. (4 years)

Kinda feels like pulling on a comfy pair of jeans. It’s familiar and we all know what to expect.

I’ve loved blogger. It’s gone through many changes over the years, and they keep on improving it. It’s a good place to be and use. I personally highly endorse it!




But… eeeeek… the big WordPress switch is coming soon!  I just desired to be on my own platform, so the plunge to go forth will be in the short term.

I thought it would be fun to show you how I went about choosing the new look that’s to come as well.


I knew I wanted a junk themed blog this round… just makes sense. So you may have noticed some new elements lately. I took photos of these items against a white piece of paper, tweaked them in Lightroom, then sent them off to my blog designer, Bethany of B Spoke.

She created her magic and sent it off to our guru Josh to create the design to work with code and such.

So how on earth do you make that into a blog you ask? Well, first you need something to blog ON I figured…


How about a beat up old bulletin board?

Then I messed around with some elements to get a feel for how it could be brought to life as a blog design.

Do you see what I see?


Yessiree.. an up-cycled blog even.

new blog design funky junk interiors


I did these logo designs and the button below, but you’ll definitely see the magic of the Bethany and Josh team very soon!

So… you may see the lights flicker and dim here and there. There will no doubt be a few glitches to deal with.  But I know I’m in good hands, so it’s just part of the ride.


I’ll hold your hand if you hold mine… (eeeek!)

(date of change still pending… but it’s really soon!) (eeeeeeeek!)


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Categories: Junk Drawer

58 thoughts on “New branding and a new blog for Funky Junk

  1. Love the new logo and all the elements….it’s perfect! Of course I love that it’s a little more feminine. I’ve been thinking of redoing my design as well. I spent time when I first started making sure it was what I wanted and it’s served me well…but I’m starting to want something different. I’ve also been thinking I need to move from Blogger but don’t want to have a new learning curve to deal with. So I’ve been putting it off.

    But I really really love the direction you are going…..

  2. Well maybe you can give me some tips once you move 😉 still trying to figure out some things since my move.But still glad I made the move! Your design looks great!


  3. Im an avid follower – not stalker.
    your design is wonderful, you should be quite happy with yourself.
    I’ll be holding your hand.

    Onward through the fog!


  4. I understand your ‘eeeeek’, it’s something I’ve been considering for the future. Yes, scary, but I think it will be worth it in the end. (and I’ll need to find someone I can trust to help!)
    I love your logo idea, it is so you! Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together. I hope the transition runs smoothly for you.
    Debbie 🙂

  5. When I started my blog a year ago, I opted to go with WordPress…and LOVE IT! I’m a graphic/web designer by trade and we use WordPress for all of our clients because its so easy to manager. You’ll be happy that you made the switch!!

  6. I love it!! I am excited for you. I am not good with change. I think because I am old and when I finally figure it out I want to stay awhile lol. I think it is a good idea though. I am a little nervous about the change in reader. Might have to follow your lead 🙂

  7. I love all those elements and love them together! You’re a genius and have gotten me looking at our junk around here in a totally new light, trust me! 🙂

    By the way, I’m having a spring sale on all my vegan, handcrafted soaps – on now through March 21. Hope you’ll stop in and look around.

    Now I’m off to find more junk – and try to see it through your eyes! 🙂

  8. Way to go- am so lovin’ the JUNK..good job, goodthinking!
    Please, I have a request: As I note many bloggers I follow are making the same change as you..could you give us [ME] some of your thought process ..the whys, hows etc. Because you have done well I would consider your input.


  9. oh Donna I am so excited for you! Ugh I see you spammed this morning!! But once again congratulations about the new branding and the switch!!

  10. I bet the new one will look wonderful. As a blogger blog I like how easy it is for me to use, uncomplicated and I’m chicken to take the plunge to WP, so you’ll have to do a post with the pros and cons after you’ve been on there for a while.


  11. Love the look you’re going for so far. It seems “you”. Looking forward to your thoughts on the big move. I’ve been thinking of moving, but haven’t had the time to look into it too deeply yet. So if you could send an extra two hours a day my way, I’d love you for it!

  12. I love the new look! I’ve been following you for years and as a “baby blogger” myself and a real life reinventor (read-lots of different careers and constantly changing things in the house! 🙂 I know the push to change things up. I commend you for acting on it!

  13. If this is just a taste I can’t wait to see it all together! I’m not to good at all things computerized and all the tech out here in blogland…I think I have a handle on it and it changes! I think I’ll stay put for awhile, although it will probably be when it is obsolete, and I’ll go kicking and screaming! LOL! Good for you…can’t wait to meet the new you!

  14. Hi Donna, Your new logo is great and certainly speaks of your style. I’ll look forward to your ‘new’ blog soon and wish you all the best with the changeover. Blessings, Pamela

  15. So scary yeah? my redesign is almost finished as well and I think I’m going to be lost without the comfort of my old jeans. Looking forward to learning with you on WordPress; should be next week for me – yikes!!

  16. Donna,
    I love the combination of the rusty junk and the blue-purple hydrangea. It’s a little bit masculine and a little bit feminine…or “A little bit country, and a little bit rick and roll” for those who remember the reference.

    Best of luck in the move.
    We’ll bring candles if the lights flicker 🙂
    ~ Dana

  17. My heart is all a twitter at the new junk logo!! I can hardly wait to see the new blog. I love WordPress for many reasons, but owning my own content was at the top of the list. Good luck with the transition, you will be so glad you moved.

  18. Saw on FB that you would be transitioning real soon. Best of luck and hopefully you won’t have a ton of tweaks to deal with! All the best, Sue

  19. It’s so pretty – I love the new layout and all the great things your blog designer made out of the elements you chose. And you’re right, changing the look of your blog (as well as the platform – eek!) is something that takes a lot of courage because at first, it will look weird because you aren’t used to it yet.

  20. Donna you continue tobe an inspiration to so many – let me tell you this… God guides your path & He is pleased that you continue to do His work. You continue to share Him in so many ways thru your blog and as long as you continue to make Him the center of all that you do – it is the right decision. Your new junky clipboard format is super. Excited to continue to tag along & see where your journey goes next. Blessings –

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