New Upcycled Projects to Make 633

Visit 20+ New Upcycled Projects to Make 633 - American Flag stool, bee art, bed slat shelves, doily journal, plus 20+ more repurposed projects complete with tutorials so you can make them too!

New Upcycled Projects to Make 633


Visit 20+ New Upcycled Projects to Make 633 – American Flag stool, bee art, bed slat shelves, doily journal, plus 20+ more repurposed projects complete with tutorials so you can make them too!

Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific

Happy weekend!

We are due for a hot and sunny string of 5 days, so I plan to finish up my chicken coop potting bench that I’ll then be sharing next week! Not sure why it took me a week to run into town for soil and flowers but it did. I think this girl needs a stay-at-home vacay cuz she’s slowin’ down!  Are you going anywhere this summer?

What else am I doing… oh! I took a day to design some new stencils with a garden theme, so hopefully will get in another day to test them and get them up and running! HINT! I have some clay pots that could use a cool pottery logo or two on them… 

So until then, let’s just run right over to these amazing upcycled features from last week’s party post

New Upcycled Projects to Make 633 features:


Thanks for supporting our feature artists with your visits and shares!

Please pin the top graphic in this post, or visit each original project below to pin theirs!

American Flag Penny Tile stool

Stenciled penny tile American Flag stool


American Flag Penny Tile stool by Organized Clutter

Never did I ever imagine a patriotic American Flag coming out of the Penny Tile stencils when they were designed. How clever and beautiful!! Love how the colors pop over the darker background. What a fab idea. This tutorial includes the stencil details.

painted fruit bowl and fruit

Re-painted fruit bowl


Painted fruit bowl and fruit by Interior Frugalista

This clever tutorial shares how to update a dated fruit with bowl to get a super cool neutral look. I love that it resembles concrete! Check out the before to see the dramatic difference!

vintage doily journal

Doily journal cover


Vintage doily journal by Fresh Vintage by Lisa S

Working with the shape of a vintage doily, this beautiful journal makes such a gorgeous cover for any kind of journal you desire to have! What a unique idea along with a super fab tutorial.

Bumblebee wall decor diy

Bee art


Bumblebee wall decor DIY by Purple Hues and Me

Love bees? Grab your craft supplies to whip up this cutie for the perfect summer art project! Visit the tutorial to see how it looks hanging on a front door!

bedslat shelves and hooks.jpg

Bed slat shelves with hooks


Bed slat shelves and hooks by Pillar Box Blue

From simple bed slats to a productive and beautiful plant shelf with hooks? Now that’s an upcycle! And wonderful way to get plants covering a wall. I’m taking notes…

What have you upcycled lately? Link up your newest project below!

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New Upcycled Projects to Make 633 linkup


What did you upcycle lately? Link up below!


1. Upcycled, repurposed DIY home decor projects only please. No food nor new crafts.

2. Projects must be your own work in tutorial form.

3. Only projects NEW to this link party please.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook with a link back to you, or its own new LINK WIDGET with no additional permission required.

5. Would love for you to share the first gallery picture. Thank-you!

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Categories: Junk Drawer

4 thoughts on “New Upcycled Projects to Make 633

  1. Donna,
    Thank you so much for hosting! I know it must take a lot of
    work. You put together such an amazing ‘party’.
    I can barely keep up with all this creativity!!! I want to visit everyone 🙂
    I want to thank you for sharing my doily journal, I’m so glad you liked it. I had a good time putting it together. Now I will be on the lookout for more. Maybe different shapes and sizes. A good summer project-
    Hope you have a wonderful week
    xo Lisa S

  2. OMG, Donna! How exciting to see my bee featured this week! You made my day and week, too! Thanks for hosting your fabulous upcycled projects parties! I look forward to them each week!

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