Salvaged Junk Hearts for Valentine’s Day – PJ 263

Salvaged Junk Hearts! A DIY collection of tutorials on creating hearts, junk style! #ValentinesDay #valentines #valentineprojects #hearts

Welcome to Party Junk 263 – salvaged junk hearts

Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific

Hello my fellow junkers!

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I thought it would be fun to revisit the land of salvaged junk hearts.

We junkers are a different breed, are we not? Not that there’s anything wrong with pink sparkles and glitter, but we love our hearts with low sheen finishes, with a healthy dose of repurposed materials. 

Here are a few of my favs from last week’s linkup and around blog town…

Branch trivet heart - Stow and Tell U

Branch trivet heart – Stow and Tell U

Simple, sweet and beautiful. And actually, I need one! 

Reclaimed wood heart with hinges / My Altered State
Reclaimed wood heart with hinges / My Altered State

Wood scraps are not to be overlooked! Time to purchase a small saw of sorts… I adore this treatment.

Reclaimed wood heart by Beyond The Picket Fence
Reclaimed wood heart cutout / Beyond the Picket Fence

Doesn’t this layered heart appear to absolutely radiate love? 

Reclaimed wood heart by Patina White
Reclaimed wooden heart with stamps / Patina White

White and wood… with a junky love message. How perfect.

Reclaimed wood heart by Scavenger Chic
Chevron style reclaimed wood heart with hinges / Scavenger Chic

The red patina and tall shape of this heart really drew me in! Perfection.

Reclaimed wood XO by Beyond the Picket Fence
Reclaimed wood XO for Valentine’s Day / Beyond the Picket Fence

These look large enough to be a base for an entry table! Cool…

Reclaimed heart made from moulding / Remodelando La Casa

Reclaimed heart made from moulding / Remodelando La Casa

The PERFECT thing to do with leftover trim. Love the textures and how the colours alternate!

Salvaged Junk Hearts from craft supplies
Salvaged materials hearts / Funky Junk Interiors

If you have bark, buttons or even string, you too can have the cutest salvaged materials hearts in the land. These take minutes to make!

Salvaged junk hearts on Pinterest.42 AM

Desire more? Follow my Pinterest board Hearts to Love! It’s pretty gorgeous!

Be my Valentine - colletion of hearts on Hometalk.06 AM
AND… Be My Valentine, a collection of hearts on Hometalk.

Ready to show your own upcycled projects AND salvaged hearts? Link up below!

~ Party Junk blah blah linkup rules ~

1. UpcycledDIY home projects only please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.

3. Only projects new to Party Junk please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook and I Love That Junk with no additional permission required and add your link to like minded themed linkups.

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Categories: Junk Drawer, Link parties, Reclaimed wood projects, Seasonal
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13 thoughts on “Salvaged Junk Hearts for Valentine’s Day – PJ 263

  1. There’s so many junky hearts to fall in love with here!! Thank you so much, Donna, for including my twig heart trivet in the collection. When I made this, it was an inspiration from your rustic hearts from several years ago of which I STILL love!! Thanks again ~ Amy

  2. Thanks Donna for sharing my projects!! I was out of town and away from the computer all weekend, so just catching up now. What a nice surprise!

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