Plants and features a tropical nursery carries

Metal bird houses / South Maui Gardens, a tropical nursery tour /

Well friends, we’re now well into our 2nd week in Maui. Wow… really?! We shouldn’t have blinked!

The first week was all about finding our way and climatizing. And after the 2nd week, it feels like home sweet home.

I have to admit, we haven’t done many ‘epic’ things, other than beaches, pool, local eateries and just enjoying. I took one trip into Home Depot for some supplies to make something, (fun!), but other than that, we’ve been totally unwinding.

In among all that time, I also got sick. Is it legal to get sick in Hawaii?! Crazy! Just cold symptoms, but really hung close to home for a good week. I’m chalking it up to maybe a stress unwind (which is typical for me), but could be the change in weather pattern too. Maui has been experiencing all time record highs for temps and humidity right about when we arrived. What are the chances?! 🙂

Regardless, it’s hard to be long term uncomfortable when you have a pool, beaches, air conditioning and trade winds on your side. I really actually love the humidity, because it’s so different from our own climate.

So anyway… we were shopping for souvineers at a neat mall the other day, when I took a stroll down a side road, drawn to the lush tropical trees and growth. And that’s when I noted I was standing in front of a tropical nursery. Woa….

I noted their open hours, then returned today to get in a photo shoot to share with the garden lovers out there.

South Maui Gardens, a tropical nursery tour /

Welcome to South Maui Gardens, located in Kihei, Maui! Thanks guys, for permission to showcase your beautiful place!

Need a palm tree or 8? This is the place.

A little different from a typica west coast look, I will tell you that!

water plants / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

Since so many of you wanted me to do more gardening posts back at home, I felt you may really enjoy this tour, because it’s just soooo different!

Please note, I didn’t write down any plant names. The place was closing in 15 minutes, so I basically ran through the place, snapping and giggling at how beautiful it all was. 

Let’s go for a walk!

fern inside a planter / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
vibrant red lava rock / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Something that is really hard to miss in Maui is all the red and black lava rock. It’s gorgeous.

Palm trees / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Are any of these palm trees tall enough for you? Goodness…

Palm trees / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

I thought the root systems were so interesting. 

Palm trees / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Here’s a group of smaller palms. Gasp… I will never feel accustomed to thinking this is normal. Ever.

I look at these pictures and ask myself… “You were there?!”

Slow down time… slow down…

Lava rock for plants / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

So here’s something interesting. I came across this pile of gravel of sorts. Upon closer inspection…

Lava rock for plants / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
…. it was ground up lava rock. Absolutely weightless. They use it to help aerate the soil, as well as for decorative top dressings. 

You can even order it for driveways and such. Neat, huh?

It’s as tough as nails, I couldn’t crumble it with my fingers.

Vibrant blue plant pots / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Another thing that makes Maui so special are their vibrant colours on everything. Loved these massive, colourful blue pots!

Distressed aqua plant pot / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
And this teal distressed pot. I think it was metal. Isn’t that patina outstanding?

potted tropical plants / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
tropical succulents / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
tropical air plants / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
tropical cactus type plant / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Aqua distressed doors / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Who else wants these doors as is?

Pond plants / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Natural wooden carved garden bench / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
This bench? Speechless.

Alligator birdbath / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
This alligator pond (or birdbath?) is just cool.

Distressed outdoor wooden furniture / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Be still my heart… the look of reclaimed wood. You don’t see much of the real deal here, and I’m gathering it’s because of termites.

Distressed outdoor wooden furniture / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

Blooming tree / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

Blooming tree / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
This flowering tree didn’t even look real. 

Rustic stone garden bench / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
I know that MASSIVE clay pot was crated for shipping, but I love the crate cage.

Rustic stone garden bench and crated clay pot / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

And that fabulous stone bench isn’t too shabby either. Wow.

Carved garden feature and old radiator garden art / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

Carved garden feature  / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

Chippy radiator  / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Made me so happy to see some junk…. and mightly tropical looking at that!

Antique sewing machine table  / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /

Flowering trees with colourful outdoor planter pots  / South Maui Gardens, a tropical plant nursery tour /
Wouldn’t you love a full out shopping spree in this wonderful place?

And bring some of this tropical climate home with it of course!

Visit all Maui 2015 instalments to date HERE.

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South Maui Gardens is located at 35 Auhana Road, right in Kihei. 808-463-5898

(this isn’t a sponsored post, I just wanted to share)

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19 thoughts on “Plants and features a tropical nursery carries

  1. This is great – never been to a tropical nursery before thanks for the tour. Many great items that would be fantastic focal points in the garden. You might have to bring something home for your garden to remember this time.

    • Carole, don’t think I haven’t wished that. I don’t think most of this would thrive where I live, just too cold. Plus there are issues bringing plants home across the border. I think I have to purchase airport friendly stuff or something. Will check into that!

      I’d love my own palm tree… swoon!

  2. Love these plants.. But really love the pots and statues. Great pictures
    Love the Lava rocks too… Wouldn’t it be great to bring them home.

    • Gail, YES! I’ll be bringing small, manageable samples home at the very least! The statues and pots are truly beautiful, very athentic feeling to the area. This place was such a great tour!

  3. Love the pics! Have you found Saver’s Thrift Store and Goodwill (found new & used sovenirs at both places)near Kihei? Google thrift stores Maui…lots to check out plus a Habitat ReStore. Having a son living on an island in AK, my favorite to “tote” things there and home is an 18 gal. heavy duty tote, holes drilled through lid & tote, lid zip tied to tote. Make sure it meets airline size & weight limits and ck. in as luggage. Happy Shopping!

  4. Donna – the flowering tree is a desert rose bush. I have one, but not that big. I live in Tampa, Florida, where it’s very tropical most of the time! Loved those containers, especially the tall blue vases/planters…wow! Thanks for sharing your trip with us and glad you are feeling better 🙂

  5. Once again, your outstanding photography takes us to a beautiful world that many of us, including myself, have no access to…thank you for that! I loved these beautiful pix soooooo much, I had to look at all of them several times over…and dream. The flora is just breathtaking, of course…and those huge, colourful pots…OMG…WANT…especially the teal one with the gorgeous patina! *drooling*

    This post also has me missing my old water radiators…never really considered them to be a thing of beauty before…thanks to your photo of the one you captured, my perspective has completely changed.

    I sooooooo hope this trip is everything you dreamed about and MORE! I am petitioning the Universe to slow time down for you so it doesn’t rush by in a flash. Hope the Universe is listening to me for once! 🙂

    • Susan, I’m truly moved that these pictures mean this much to you!

      And I’m fine with the universe whipping by… as long as the universe continues to send me to far off cool locations to document! haha

      • I think the Universe must really like you to have gifted you with this six weeks in Maui with your son, so you must be doing something right, Donna! Your photos are always enjoyable as are your posts, actually…but I’m really big on nature as well as gardening, and since the flora of Maui is much different than it is in my area, these photos were an extra-special treat! Thank you so very much for taking the time out of your vacay to share your trip with us…I’m looking very forward to seeing/reading more! 🙂

  6. It really is paradise, I can’t believe all the gorgeous plants and I really can’t believe those tall palms in buckets – what. Continue to have a great time, enjoying my visit to Maui, channeled through you.

  7. Hi Donna, sure looks like you’re enjoying your self. I know what you mean by not wanting to leave or for time to slow down, i was so blessed to take a vacation to Kuai for a whole month. We rented a beautiful home on a golf course with my husband, my sister and brother in law and a family friend. It was beautiful, and i loved all the tropical flowers that were growing on the property. I’m in love with the teal pot and those door are to die for. I can just see myself trying to carry them on the plane, lol. Love your blog, look forward to it every week. Thanks for sharing your memories which brings back my memories of our trip to paradise. Till next time, Diena

  8. Can you tell us which of these pictures you love the most? Do you like wooden, metal, flowers or people when you are taking great shots?

  9. Wow! I am wild about the garden spot. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful place. I have been to many garden centers but that one was like a fantasy garden. I loved the picture of the blue door. That was so soothing. Who knew that a radiator would be a garden ornament and look good doing it? BUT Donna…the chairs. The CHAIRS!!!! You must figure out how to do them and share. All that old wood, the colors. Yummy! You must be gathering ideas for weeks or months of projects when you return. So keep those pictures coming and enjoy your trip. We are!

  10. How tranquil. I want to sit in one of these reclaimed wood chairs with a cup of coffee and a good book. Of course the stone bench would work too. What a unique piece and what a beautiful combination of island artifacts, tropical greenery and rustic finds.

  11. It wasn’t until my brother was stationed there that I learned about real life in Hawaii. Everything has to be shipped in from milk to lumber and nails. So, I would imagine anything wooden is a treasure. People can build houses there, but they can never own the land.

    I can’t imagine why they’d have a radiator there. Susan, I wish I could give you my radiators. But I still need them come winter. Man, I’d trade them for forced air and central air in a heart beat! And can’t imagine ever being nostalgic over them….

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