SNS #60 brings you ~ your fav Christmas recipe

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #60, the fav Christmas recipe edition!

If you’re new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up. Check below for this weekend’s theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. 🙂

~ your one fav Christmas recipe ~

Most of us have at least one fav thing we love to make around the holidays. And without hesitation, this is mine!

peppermint sugar cookies

Happy Valentine’s Day! I cheated. 🙂 I’m showing you our Feb edition until I bake our trees and stars this year. Same recipe, diff cutters and decor! 🙂 Hey, at least the batter’s in the fridge!

why I love them

The texture in these cookies is incredible! They *poof* in your mouth and disintegrate on contact. And are equally delicious frozen too. 🙂

my secrets

– tiny bit of pure peppermint in the cookies AND icing, but don’t overdo it!

– roll out on the thicker side, texture is better

slightly under bake so bottoms are white

– ice them different colors so you have a wonderful visual! (I use soft hues of yellow, pink, green, and blue)

son (on right) and friend getting cookie creative in 2009

making the same cookies waaay back in the day with my helper. 🙂

Rolled Sugar Cookies

(I always double the recipe, but here’s the single)

2 cups flour

1.5 tsp baking powder


3/4 cup sugar

6 tbsp butter or margarine

1/3 c shortening

1 egg

1 tbsp milk

a drop or 2 of pure peppermint extract

– beat butter and shortening for 30 seconds, add sugar and beat till *fluffy.

(*this is the key, beat till you see froth, that’s what makes these cookies so light)

– add egg, milk, peppermint, beat well.

– add flour and baking powder and pinch of salt

– beat or mix till well blended

– chill

– roll out, cut, bake 375 for *8 min

(* I bake them slightly underdone (350 for 9 min) so they are white on the bottom)


powdered/icing sugar whipped with butter and milk

1 or 2 drops (taste it) of pure peppermint extract

food colour of choice

decorate each cookie right after frosting it

recipe is from Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book

year – ancient

What’s your one ultimate fav Christmas recipe?
Link it up in this weekend’s 3rd themed linkup!

Need some gift ideas?

Check out my favs, along with some deals in


~ HERE  ~

~ Upcoming December Themes ~

Dec 17 – your full home Christmas decor reveal (link open until Dec 25 2010)

Dec 24 – No theme. Just let’er rip! SNS will be up for those loving the extra browse, however I won’t likely be highlighting or commenting. It’s time for family. 🙂

Dec 31 – Share this years’ Christmas story (link open until Jan 7 2011)

I hope you’ll join in the fun!

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime.

List HERE.


~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, then cut and paste that url) If your post has been deleted, please try again.

 2. Please put a link in your post (button or text) that leads back to the party so others can see what’s up! (see BUTTONS label under main blog header)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old.  This helps keep content fresh!

The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can’t decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It’s all good!

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Categories: Uncategorized

35 thoughts on “SNS #60 brings you ~ your fav Christmas recipe

  1. What fun! We are baking this weekend, I can hardly wait!
    I love rolling my cookies and little thicker and under baking too..they are best that way, nice and soft 😉
    Thanks for hosting!

  2. That picture of your son on the counter made me laugh out loud, that is seriously adorable! Thanks again for all your hard work in hosting such a great linky party…one of my favorites!

  3. Is the pure peppermint extract something you can typically find at your regular grocery store? I’ve never purchased it thus the stupid question. 😉
    I’ve been married for 7 years next month, been a mother for 3 years this month, and I’ve yet to establish any kind of Christmas tradition for our little family. Now I’m thinking.
    Also, I wanted to thank you for your multiple link parties within the one post. It can get a little overwhelming when there are hundreds of links, having them divided by category really really helps.

  4. I always love your posts — both the link parties and the ones with your creations. You are such a talented lady! Your traditional cookies look fabulous!

  5. Ummm, these cookies sound delicious.
    Your boy is sooo cute and looks like a GOOD helper.

    I have a couple of recipes in this one post but my fav is the PEPPERMINT BARK.:))
    Thanks so much for hosting.

  6. OMG! I just love the pic of your little helper on the counter! What an absolute doll! It’s so nice to have, not just the memories, but the documentation of those memories, too. I too often forget to click the picture for those moments. I need to take my little helper into the kitchen right now to frost some cookies.

  7. What a great way to create Christmas memories!

    The recipe I posted is new to me this year, but currently my absolute favorite! SO good. Thanks for hosting the party, Donna. Have a great weekend…

  8. Everyone is so incredibly gifted!! WOW! I love peeking in on everyone’s blog……oh to have the time to follow everyone and read

    all day l – o – n – g!

    Talk about creative inspiration!!


  9. This is such a great idea! Thank you for setting up all these linky parties full of so much fun and wonderful talents to share with all of us. This is a great gift. Your cookie recipe is now on my list of “To Bake” goodies.

  10. Hi Donna,
    I love the picture of your cute little helper! I just received my Romantic Homes magazine, and imagine my surprise when I saw you featured there! I am so happy and excited for you! How cool is that?! And then I saw Miss Mustard Seed, and Fiona and Twig as well! I am so excited for you ladies! Congrats!!!!!!

  11. Ummm…cookies being made after church! Check. I can almost taste them. That shot of your little helper is too funny and cute. Love, love, love your site. Spot on my style…cheers.

    ps. A Baileys milkshake is also very good…

  12. Hi Donna,
    Family time and baking is always a great time, Your son on the counter is adorable 🙂
    I am so flattered you chose my Icy Mirror Makeover for your sidebar feature! Thanks so much, you are so sweet and I am so flattered !!
    Hugs to you 🙂

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