Easy DIY wood screwdriver organizer

workshop wood screwdriver organizer

  Learn how to build a handy screwdriver organizer with 1 scrap piece of wood! Easy to make, quick to grab, that helps keep your workshop organized! What a summer this is turning out to be! I currently have hired a handyman doing some long overdue projects to the outside of the house that I […]

DIY pallet shelves, built with any reclaimed wood!


Learn how to build DIY pallet shelves, repurposed from any reclaimed wood! A simple, free project offering loads of workshop storage! As you may already be aware, I’ve been working on revamping the workshop, adding some enhancements while working at gaining every available square inch! Recap   Start with the full workshop series HERE Or take the finished dream […]

9 – Stacking reclaimed wood for airflow, and hiding stuff with a faux chest


Vision watching a cartoon. All these looney tune characters are trying to stuff an itty bitty building full with heaps of reclaimed wood. So they toss huge bundles over their shoulders, and darting at road runner speed, they huff and they puff and they PUSH the stuff in. Upon impact, the wildly bulging building separates at the seams for just […]