DIY laundry room drying rack using a vintage ironing board

vintage ironing board drying rack for a laundry room

Transform an old vintage ironing board into a functional and stylish laundry room drying rack with this easy DIY tutorial! Perfect for small spaces and adding a touch of farmhouse charm to your home. Included is an easy-to-copy stenciled Laundry sign with video tutorial. This post may contain Amazon plus other affiliate links in which […]

Reclaimed wood and pipe LAUNDRY sign hanging station


Reclaimed wood and pipe LAUNDRY sign hanging station There is one room in my home I somehow continually succeed in avoiding. And that would be my laundry room. So when the requests kept coming to bring a LAUNDRY stencil design to life, I knew I had my work cut out for me. As it stands, the room […]

A ladder laundry room shelf for Country Woman Magazine


What does a rickety ladder have in common with two cute cats? For starters, they landed in a magazine! Hello there Country Woman! It’s been nice creating for you once again! When I was summoned to come up with an upcycled project, my eyes fell on an old ladder, destined to be something much cooler…while still […]

Funky new boarded wall for the laundry room


Funky new boarded wall for the laundry room Back in the day, whenever someone would be sitting in front of the TV, we’d all be in danger of ‘the laundry basket’. Mom would swoop into the room, plunk a big ‘ol basket full of freshly line dried laundry in front of us, and we knew the drill. But we whined […]

SNS #23 brings you – rustic laundry & something new!


Intro Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #23! If you’re new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a  DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project that you’re proud of so we can clap along with you! Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so […]