Funky new boarded wall for the laundry room
Back in the day, whenever someone would be sitting in front of the TV, we’d all be in danger of ‘the laundry basket’.
Mom would swoop into the room, plunk a big ‘ol basket full of freshly line dried laundry in front of us, and we knew the drill. But we whined anyway.
“I don’t waaaant to fold that! I hate folding laundry!”
And then mom would remind us in her knowing optimistic voice, “Ohhh, but it’s a CLEAN job!”
Yeah, yeah. But that still didn’t removed the pain of having to do it.
Much like a biz write off. Not so exciting. You still have to pay for the thing…
Folding laundry is still not my favourite thing to do today. We often have at least two clean, dumped baskets full on the sofa. And you guessed it. When my son is ‘busy’ watching the tube, guess who gets to tackle the pile.
She has taught me well. 🙂
The topic of laundry is never an exciting one, so maybe that’s part of why I avoided this room. You remember the gorgeous dumping ground before HERE?
First up was to brighten up those walls. The back wall got a coat of pure white straight from the can, and was trimmed out with random sized boards placed at random locations, just like I did in my photo studio HERE.
We’ll call this one a funky new boarded wall for the laundry room. Cheap, easy, temporary and rather pretty.
The cross beam is just for decoration. I did the same wall treatment in my farmhouse bathroom HERE, and I really loved the look. Kind of a rambling farm house kinda vibe.
The wall boards are temporary, so just one screw is holding up each board. Crazy, but it works!
One day I hope to cover that ceiling with something, so I needed the wall boards flexible for now. I just wasn’t into delaying this yet again only to stare at a ceiling I didn’t want to do right before Christmas.
Onward we go!
Next up, the wall to the left got a coat of the colour that runs through the entire house, called Bamboo Beach, by Cloverdale Paint in Canada, running at half strength.
I love using an eggshell kitchen grade. Fab stuff.
And because I wanted to show you more than just ‘walls’, I threw on a wood lid from a trunk (with felt liners underneath), and propped up the family farm sign to hide the cut out hole where the taps are.
This is just a simple, temporary fix for now, until I build a counter over the washer and dryer, but it’s honestly pretty neat!
That was a bad sign by the way… if I like it, I may forgetaboutit. Please remind me in the New Year?
It’s a small fix, but it’s made a dramatic difference already!
Hmmm… How fitting is it that my mom’s dairy sign is reminding us to… happily fold?
All Laundryroom 2014 updates are HERE
Dream Box Building Challenge #28
Anything worthwhile takes time. Kinda like this room…
Reason or excuse? I’ll let you decide. 🙂
Visit what dream box building is all about HERE
Visit all dream box building updates HERE
Hi Donna,
First off congrats on taking the leap of faith!! I love your family farm sign…I have a cow in my laundry room and she somehow makes me happy.
Your site/style is awesome and your from the west coast…back home for us is Vancouver Island!
Love that Cow sign! Looking good. I don’t like folding either!
LOVE it Donna!!! The wall looks so bright and fresh and that diagonal cross beam adds that funky touch! LOVE the idea of the trunk lid on top – we haven’t built a counter over our washer and dryer yet either and this is the perfect solution for now!!!
donna i love the cow love love her and the walls look awesome, any addition to help fold laundry is welcomed and that is a good one, loved the newsletter, entered the pallet party place and saw the most awesome thing…the pallet breaker, if i wasn’t so poor one of those would be on the way to me now… i’ve never seen anything like it..i have a stack of pallets i would tackle asap because pulling them apart with a crowbar is exhausting… i bookmarked it and am saving my pennies thanks for showing me that xx
“Udder”ly fantastic!
The randomly board wall is just perfect. I’m trying to figure out where we could do that. Hummmmm… Maybe one of the bathrooms. Out maybe my laundry room. Hummm…case case
love that wall!
what is so perfect about temporary fixes, is that they do the job for now and even when life gets crazy and a thousand other projects beg for your attention.
we are working in our laundry room too and it’s going slooooowww! but we did some awesome work in one day, 12 hours of hard-non-stop moving crap out, cleaning and paining. we’ve enjoyed the bareness of the room, but wouldn’t you know it, that junk (and not the good kind) keeps creeping back in. and i have to keep up with putting things in their place just to keep this room cleared out for the next phase.
i’m pretty excited about it and love seeing your updates on yours.
Your laundry room looks fabulous, Donna. Mine is spooky scary….sort of like from a horror movie so I spend as little time in there as possible….I know….excuses, excuses. 😉 p.s. When I bring the laundry up for my boys to fold they ALWAYS fuss so I offer to let them sort the laundry and treat the stains…that always seems to shush them.
Can I borrow your boys? I despise treating stains and sorting!! To be honest I really don’t like doing laundry (or dishes!). Maybe it reminds me of my childhood of a farm laundry day (wringer washer) when my mom would have piles sorted all over the kitchen floor when we’d get up for school, and she would just be finishing up when we got home at 4 o’clock! I know, I know, I should be thankful for my modern front load washer & dryer (and I am, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it). 🙂
I LOVE it – especially with that sign and the board on top of the washer/dryer. It looks really neat and now I want to do my walls in my bedroom like that.
The whole room with the new boarded wall looks so good I think it’s totally OK if you forget about it! That cow is awesome too!
I absolutely love the wood plank over the laundry machines, and the wall behind it is fabulous!