You vs. the computer; who’s the boss?


Can you spot what’s missing from this picture? Excuse the bad photo, but it’s nighttime and changes happen here 24/7. Here’s the shot you’re use to seeing.   If you guessed my computer, you would be right. The Mac is currently residing in my downstairs office short term. I’m having trouble with the wireless router staying […]

A neighbourhood inspiration snoop


One of our very favorite things to do is take walks around our lovely little neighborhood for inspiration. We are very fortunate to live close to a river so we’re always gravitating in that direction. I decided to tote my little point and shoot to see what inspiration could be captured for my own yard. […]

Would you live in a barn?


 If you were to ask me what my dream home looked like, I’d say it was a heritage home with loads of architectural detail.You’d probably see very little drywall in the mix. And yeah, I’ve even had dreams of converting a barn into a home. Wouldn’t that be cool? I think that’s why I pull […]

Inspired by Pinterest


  I recently discovered a website that provides amazing inspiration. Pinterest is a site that allows you to ‘pin’ any picture on the net, and place it in your own special collection. You can even pin other’s pin choices to your own. The neat thing is, not only are all of one’s pins shared with […]

Junkin’ in Fort Langley


A sweet comment I found the other day was someone wondering what I look for when I go shopping. The outcome may surprise you abit, so follow along on a shopping day in… … historic and beautiful Fort Langely, located in BC Canada. I recently had a kidless half a day, so I scurried on […]