My experience in an online design contest.


Some of you may remember the amazing online decorating contest, So You Think You Can Decorate. I promised to update you on my experience with the contest, but I’ll be honest. When it ended for me, I needed to catch my breath. And I’m nearly (kinda sorda) there. Nearly. 🙂 An online design competition: 9 […]

A tablescape of memories for So You Think – wk 9


Well,  I didn’t make it to the final two in the contest. But it’s ok. The two gals still in the running deserve to be where they are so kudos to them! I’m pretty proud to have had the opportunity to hang in there as long as I did! I’m going to do a post […]

Build a TV stand from a pallet!


Build a TV stand from a pallet! Visit home tour with above photo HERE I’ve always wanted to make a coffee table out of an old wood pallet. However when our big screen TV died and I brought in our little flat screen from the travel trailer, I knew we needed a new stand for […]

Create your own wooden gate window screens

Wooden gate window screens

Create your own wooden gate window screens I love window treatments, but my preference is the type that doesn’t attract pet hair. Can anyone else relate? So as I was dreaming up what to do around my large picture window in the living room, an idea came to mind.   I’ve had these privacy screens […]

Painted wooden crate stairs


These stairs were the inspiration for firing up a line of stencils. Click HERE to view our current designs in our online store. . I’ve always loved the look of stamped numbers and logos on wooden crates. So when the PAINT theme came up for So You Think, I had an idea I’d never seen […]