Taking in the fabulous Maui Swap Meet and a fav place to eat

Maui Swap Meet - antique floats from Japan | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Someone made a comment on a post that was something to the effect of, “Why are you even working? Just enjoy!”

She was absolutely right. I was still in high productive mode, having not settled into any routine of sorts while here in Maui. It just felt normal to bring my gear to the beach and post a little of this or that.

So, I’ve let the productivity slip a little… in order to better engage where I presently am.

But something strange happened on the way to that blissful stage. I felt like I was plucked, and lifted away from my old life… like it wasn’t part of me any longer. I tried to make peace with the feeling, but I felt ‘homesick’.

Homesick for a little familiararity.

It wasn’t until I started tweaking these photos for this post, that I felt myself slipping into a slice of that familiar joy again.

There is absoutely nothing wrong with taking a full break from what you normally do. I get that. But I’m very blessed to do a job I absolutely adore. It’s really my play. Taking part of my play away removed part of me.

But 2 weeks haven’t yet passed. I’m patiently waiting for that stage where it flips around. But… it isn’t here yet. So. A post it is! And it’s a topic that I think you’ll really enjoy!

Maui Swap Meet | funkjunkinteriors.net
One thing that one can never miss when visiting Maui is the Maui Swap Meet!

But it’s not quite what you may expect by the name alone.

Maui Swap Meet - tropical flowers for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I found 3 tables in total that housed long lost trinkets from home. And one of them was all about high priced antiques. So if you’re looking for an authentic piece of cheap Hawaii from Grandpa’s attic, it will be very hit and miss. 

Maui Swap Meet - tropical flowers for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I went in with this knowledge, as I came here last summer as well.

And I’m not sorry I returned. I had a blast!

Maui Swap Meet - Auntie Lia's booth | funkjunkinteriors.net
This is theeeeee place to find all kinds of unique home baked goods, and hand crafted items. There’s lots of mass production imports as well, but it’s easy to spot the originals.

How can you even resist a food cart like this? I asked Auntie Lia’s opinion on what I should get, and they guided me to the mango bread. They bake it either well done or light. Light it was. And WOW! It’s like banana bread with a slightly different flavour. Amazing. MUST GET.

BUT… the very best part of this is engaging in conversation with the locals. It’s one thing to buy and leave, but you’d be missing a huge chunk of fun if you didn’t take advantage of the kindness and generosity here.

Maui Swap Meet - bananas and fresh coconuts for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
This gent does well with slicing open coconuts, handing you a straw, and scoop. They are delicious, and something you cannot come here without partaking in.

Donna / Funky Junk Interiors drinking a coconut at the Maui Swap Meet | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I did a lot of Snapchatting when at the swap meet (you can find me under funkyjunkdonna) and this was using one of the filters… had to play the part up right!

Maui Swap Meet - Shaka Pops, Maui made handmade popsicles... delish! | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - Shaka Pops, Maui made handmade popsicles... delish! | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Another delightful find were these locally made popsicles called Shaka Pops. The Maui Coffee was my chosen flavour and it did not disappoint. It was smooth, mild, and melted nearly as soon as I started it… which means it’s the real deal. They were incredible.

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Sadas booth | funkjunkinteriors.net
But I gotta tell ya… these two were my heros, from Simply Sweets Bakery.

A Malasada is a baked cream puff or donut of sorts, that is punctured and stuffed with delicious fillings of choice. And they are pretty much to die for.

When I noticed the lineup never went away, I took my place, patiently waiting to see what all the comotion was about.

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Sadas booth | funkjunkinteriors.net
And I got the backstage tour because of my extreme curiosity! Thrilled!

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Sadas booth | funkjunkinteriors.net
Really clever! A small hole is made in the pastry, then instantly filled. But eat them while they are warm… as in right away. Oh my goodness… oh my goodness…

These two were priceless. They even pulled out a lawn chair for me to enjoy mine on the grass behind their booth. Who gets that?

See, this is what I mean about getting involved. It’s like going to a business meeting. You can either choose to sit and listen, then leave, or become engaged, and really learn something special.

Always, always engage. The stories are amazing.

Maui Swap Meet | funkyjunkinteriors.net
It was a beautiful day… very warm and humid, but not to the point of too uncomfortable.

Maui Swap Meet - burlap stamped Maui tote bag from burlap | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - unusual wind chimes | funkyjunkinteriors.net
These wind chimes were so unique. Each one had a moving component to it, and naturally, sounded heavenly.

Maui Swap Meet - shell wall hanging | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - shell wall hanging | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Isn’t this shell wall hanging beautiful? If ‘beach’ was my style, I would have snatched this up in an instant.

Maui Swap Meet - rustic twig coloured pencils | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - rustic twig coloured pencils | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I’m sorry to say, I forgot to capture a business card of this business. But they carried all sorts of imported wooden objects and other unique things. I brought a big bundle of pencils home. How fun to include them for photo shoots!

Maui Swap Meet produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
But you can’t get through this market without snooping through the unique produce to the given area. 

Maui Swap Meet dragron fruit produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - Hawaiian produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - Hawaiian produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - Hawaiian produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - produce for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The market was busy, so I didn’t quiz the owners of the produce. But I would have loved to know a little more about the more unique veggies.

Maui Swap Meet - live cocoanuts to plant for sale | funkyjunkinteriors.net
This booth offered cocoanuts to eat, drink, AND to plant! If I lived here, you bet I’d be scooping these guys up.

Maui Swap Meet - mini sock monkey ornaments as surfers and Hawaiians | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - mini sock monkey ornaments as surfers and Hawaiians | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I also came home with a sock monkey… surf board style! These little guys are mass produced, but decorated and dressed locally. If you caught my Snapchat (under funkyjunkdonna), I even interviewed the artist. If you look closely, the pants have little sock monkey figures on them. 

She mentioned it was tricky finding the right fabric for these little guys. I just fell in love with her handiwork and had to come home with this cute guy.

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Succulent Designs, gorgeous creations made from succulents | funkyjunkinteriors.net
And here’s one for the succulent lovers…

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Succulent Designs, gorgeous creations made from succulents | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Succulent Designs is also locally owned, and each creation was one of a kind.

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Succulent Designs, gorgeous creations made from succulents | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - Maui Succulent Designs, gorgeous creations made from succulents | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I fell in love with this ‘spanish moss’, but it’s really known as Pele’s Hair.

Maui Swap Meet - Maui Succulent Designs, gorgeous creations made from succulents | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - Hawaiian licence plates | funkyjunkinteriors.net
But when I rounded the corner and found this booth, I knew I’d be bringing something home.

This booth had a little of everything… and many things labelled Hawaiian. Which spelled ‘authentic original souvenir’ in my eyes!

Maui Swap Meet - antique Hawaiian milk bottles | funkyjunkinteriors.net
These Hawaiian antique milk bottles were only $5 each, and from 1960! Home one came.

Until I had second thoughts. I went back as the gent was packing up, and asked if more of the bottles were still available. They were. So I picked up two more.

And that’s when we started chatting. It appears he was there every weekend through donations of friends, to sell for a local sick little girl. I’m so glad he told me the story. I also then happily plunked down $25 more for the brown Hawaiian license plate from 1980. 

So glad I asked. So glad.

Maui Swap Meet - antique floats from Japan | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Maui Swap Meet - antique floats from Japan | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I also came across these Japanese floats. It’s said that you can find the odd one on a Hawaiian beach if you’re in the right place at the right time, but I have never found one myself. I came home with 2 of these regardless, but admit to being a little nervous. I just hope they make it home intact! Perhaps I’ll stuff them into a shoe… 🙂

The Farmacy in Wailuku, Maui | funkyjunkinteriors.net

After the swap meet, I drove 10 minutes to the quaint town of Wailuku, to make a quick stop at one of my beloved places to eat… The Farmacy. It’s a heathy eating place that I found last year when visiting the Iao Valley. And I’ll never forget one of their specialities… it was called The Roaster.

The Roaster, a to die for sandwhich at The Farmacy in Wailuku, Maui | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The Roaster, a to die for sandwhich at The Farmacy in Wailuku, Maui | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Oh my goodness… all the way home I could still taste the roasted eggplant wishing I had picked up another! This sandwich is AMAZING.

One of my fav things to do is ask a local place what their chosen specialty is, and order that sight unseen. Best thing I ever did here.

The Farmacy in Wailuku, Maui | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The Farmacy in Wailuku, Maui | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The perfect end to yet another day in paradise…

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23 thoughts on “Taking in the fabulous Maui Swap Meet and a fav place to eat

  1. Those flowers – Oh man I was a florist back in the day so I just flipped with joy when I saw that. So beautiful! What a neat market and I’m so glad you’re having fun. Enjoy Donna this little trip was perfect timing. Can I say that sandwich looks so good. Hugs!

    • Oh sheesh Carole… I should have taken more floral pics just for you! If I go again I will. 🙂 There were so many booths that carried them and each one didn’t even look real. I can’t even imagine these as ‘grocery store flowers’…

  2. Hi Donna! Where to begin! The photo of you with the straw in your mouth is great. What a beautiful photo of you. Hawaii does suit you. And then I’m wondering what wing beans are? And I’m going to try and see if I can copy the roasted eggplant sandwich. It looks amazing! Please keep the posts coming. I’m enjoying them so much. You know my youngest son who is 22 is in the army and is stationed in Hawaii. Now I’ve got to find out which island. I get them confused and I am no way no how any good at geography! lol! Have a wonderful day and I hope your son and sister are well! Keeping you in my thoughts.

    • Haha, yeah, I do love the vibe out here so much. Different from anything else in the world. It’s a very laid back atmosphere. If you are one to run by your watch, or even honk your horn, you would be frowned upon here. LOL Even the speed limits are slow… 35 mph! I feel like I’m crawling these highways, but it gives you more time to take in the sugar caned lined roads and rolling hills anyway.

      That’s cool on your son! What a place to be stationed!

      Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts.

  3. Oh my! I found myself ‘hanging’ on every word!!!! I’ll just HAVE to go find the rest of your ’16 Hawaiian posts!!!! Never been to the islands but would definitely do some ‘net research on your blog before I go for THE best advice! Luv your excitement (and “taste”) about the local “art” (in all its forms!!!!) Sending hugs………………….

  4. So glad that you are still posting! It is selfish on my part but I love to see everything you visit. Here in Hawaii you take more of a local approach since you are living there for a while. And I still love those floats! Good thing I wasn’t there or my wallet would be much lighter. Thanks for featuring them in your blog. <3

    • You are so right Laura, not being rushed doing all the typical touristy things inside a short timeframe (plus I’ve already blogged about most!) allows for a very local kind of visit. More to come… count on it! My camera is full! 🙂

  5. Great pic of you! Seems like you’re really relaxing and having a great time. Eat another one of those Maui-sadas for me…I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I know about THOSE! 🙂

  6. Good morning, Donna

    An awesome tour of the swap meet. The flowers, food and all the goodies in between. My kinda place. Your pictures are wonderful and make you feel like you are there and not in Cali, as I am, Beautiful picture of you…you look so relaxed. Enjoy!

    • Glad you’re enjoying it, Nancy! More junk would be a nice addition, but the food, crafts and flowers more than make up for it! 🙂

      I’m trying to figure out how to inject some video clips so the true sights and sounds can be better captured. I’m doing some on Snapchat but they don’t help blog posts! Still thinking…

  7. Donna, you are so brave! Just out to tackle the world by the tail! I’m in awe of how you just travel alone without boy in tow and explore. Reminds me of my younger days LOL. Wonderful posts and thanks for sharing your day…enjoyed it!

    • Haha, I know, who have I become?! Seriously, I think each and every year leading up to today has prepared me for… today. Just a short few years ago I didn’t even know how to rent a car on my own. LOL (p.s. the boy wanted to sleep in)

      That said, Maui is so safe to travel alone. You could walk the streets at night on your own and feel completely safe. That’s part of the big reason why I’m so drawn to keep returning.

      • Well, you sure have come a long way and should be VERY proud of yourself. Also, you are teaching your son valuable lessons along the way!
        It’s a win-win. You go girl!

  8. hi donna,

    thanks for the field trip to the maui swap/flea market.
    the food looked fabulous, oh so fresh my favorite were
    the souvenirs. so many choices, how could you decide.

    were you able to get a card from the shell wall hanging booth?
    i’d love to have the wall hanging. the shells on it were beautiful.

    keep us mainlanders up to date on all of your escapades.

    thank you,


    • Ahhh…. I did not! I attempted with every photo I took but some didn’t have one or they were busy. If I go next week I’ll be sure and ask for one! This was a mass produced item though, so I imagine if you google search it you’ll probably find more.

  9. Donna! Looks like you’re having a wonderful time! The chocolate filled donut? The sandwich? The flowers and trinkets! I’d be going crazy!!!
    Have a wonderful rest of your stay!


  10. Hi Donna! Loved the post with all your neat info and special photos of your shopping day!! Wonderful! Enjoy your stay! Rebecca 🙂 PS….. You are beautiful!!!! 🙂

  11. Ooo I loved going on a virtual trip to the swap meet with you Donna. Aren’t those sock monkey’s just the cutest thing ever and the lady with all the succulents is right up my alley. I’d spend all day catting to her and finding out about any new species I could bring home with me. Love the planters she has. So different. Keep the trip posts coming, I’m loving them

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