This week’s finds

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality would like to know what thrifty finds we scored this week. Here are mine..

This microfiber offwhite sofa for (drumroll…..) $30! Included delivery to boot! Do you notice anything missing in the picture? Look one more time before you continue reading.


If you noticed there’s one arm missing, you’ve earned an honorary hawkeye award! Truth be told, this is a chunk of sectional in NEW condition. It’s beautiful and perfect and was only $30 because of the missing chunk. I’ve been in a dire need for good back support and had been sitting in a lawn chair of all things while watching the tube, so this was a lucky score for the timebeing. The sellers also pointed out that I may land the missing component at a local furniture store as the piece isn’t that old. Won’t hurt to check it out! And in the meantime, I’m left with a lovely cushy place to rest. The colour is perfect with the walls! Teddy Bear (the cat) loves it too it appears. Why do cats always have to test run something new the moment it lands in the door?!?

At the same garage sale, they had these two bark covered candles for $1 each. Love them! The other is in my bedroom. The little wire mesh/wood trimmed basket was free at someone’s roadside pile.

My friends/neighbours Geraldine and Hank gave me this old ladder which I promptly placed in the garden to create my birdie hotel.

I had a GREAT weekend! And look very forward to relaxing on that sofa with my son tonite!

What did you score lately? Join in Rhoda’s party and let’s see!

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19 thoughts on “This week’s finds

  1. Wow — that sofa was a great find! Honestly, I don’t think it looks bad without the other arm. I see pieces like that all over the place — I think they have some formal name for it, maybe a chaise? Anyway, it looks great. Love the candles, too!

  2. What a great find on the sofa!!! I’m so happy for you 🙂 …and i just added ‘wooden ladder’ to my thrift list…i love that idea 🙂

  3. Aww.. thanks for sharing my excitement on my new stuff! 🙂

    When I picked up my son, I told him there was something special in the house. Immediately he started hitting me with guesses. I gave him a hint.. something for the house that he’ll use all the time. Right away he said new couch. No idea why! He darted up the stairs and did his (awesome dude) snicker. I ask him, “Do you like it?” “Ohhhhhh YEAH.” There may be hope to get rid of his rocking torn forest green recliner yet! 🙂

    This AM he got up extra early with all his blankets and pillows, “So I can go on the new couch!” LOL

    Let’s say I’m glad I had him in training to not eat on the sofa previous to this!! The big blanket (actually my bed cover, so I need another now!) is for him to spread out if he’s less than.. pristine clean and all that.

    What I love most about this thing is all the cushions are intact. Even the seat ones! So jumpy 10 yr old boys can’t knock it on it’s side for a change!


  4. I love the couch and I can’t believe the price, you placed it perfectly, you don’t even notice that the arm is missing.
    Great idea for the ladder to house the birdhouses and I love the bark candleholders.

  5. Wow girl! You did score! I would have fought you for that bark covered candle… : ) As much as I love yard sales, I have been stearing clear. I told myself that I had to use everything in my basement before I could buy anything else. And quite frankly, I have no dimes to spare, so I am finding that my “junk” is pretty cool!


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