Imagine if you will, walking into a store with unlimited decorating resources and you could play to your hearts content. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it?
Well, that’s exactly what I was able to do in Tamara’s gift shop, Milner Gardens!
Tamara’s poinsettia and gift shop consists of three barns joined together with many others offering storage. They do other things such as host vintage markets on their property so there’s always major buzz transpiring!
The store is run by Tamara’s sis in law, Fiona, however I’ve noted on Tamara’s blog, that she did much of the decorating herself. And it’s beautiful!
Anyway, so after the greenhouse tour, we visited the store. I expected a quaint little shop.
But instead, walked into THIS.
The store is HUGE and gorgeous and beautifully laid out by color and theme. And I’ve only shown half of it….
However, there were a few areas that required a few tweaks. Tamara asked me what I’d do with the patio tables on display, one thing led to another and we started playing.
We found some old relics in a neighbouring barn, brought them in and used them as props. And here’s what we came up with.
This was my red/rustic themed table.
This little green chair made it’s way in and promptly got put to work holding other green related decorations. I placed props along the back wall to bring the items toward you.
Tamara is FAST. See? 🙂
She created this glam table with lots of sparkle. And is very VERY good at what she does.
And fast. 🙂
I touched on this one. I placed the chair there which was an extra and put it to work, showing off that really cool icicle garland. So pretty!
Imagine if you will, major space and limitless poinsettias. Tamara put this together in SECONDS. I love the extras she added.
This area was already beautiful but I propped those things in front of the shelving unit to again bring things towards you in a 3D manner.
Tamara found this broken chair and put it to work. LOVE it!
Here’s something we both worked on.
The front counter before….
And after. The cool broken chair got moved. 🙂
This was one of my favourite sections. I just fell in love with the vintage stove prop.
Isn’t that clever?!? Love the red and white choice too. The swirly balls remind me of candy canes. Perfectly themed!
And last but not least… ‘the light’.
Isn’t this amazing? This was created by Tamara and husband Byron for their daughter’s greenhouse wedding HERE. It’s made out of pot lights and a few hundred glass ornaments.
They aren’t new to creating chandeliers by the way. They’ve made 3 to date that I could find. It’s now a family wedding tradition. Brainstormers these two are!
Well Tamara, I loved building these posts. They had me reminiscing about our ultimate girl’s day out and wishing for another. I’ll be callin’ ya. 🙂
Tamara generously sent me home with two large and two small poinsettia plants for me to decorate with. So next up in this series, you’ll see a little Christmas prep I’ve been busy working on the past few days.
More to come!
All parts to this series are HERE
Part 1 – an ultimate lunch at Little White House in Langley
Part 2 – a poinsettia greenhouse tour with video
Part 3 – We decorate Tamara’s barn store – this entry
Part 4 – Decorating my own home with poinsettias (will be on my sponsor blog)
Join Tamara’s Great Poinsettia Decorating Challenge linkup for a chance to win a fab $50 dinner!
YOu have all the fun!
Gorgeous shop!
Hey drop on over when you have a sec…I am doing CRAFTS!
For the sale on Saturday! Hope you can come!
Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures!
Beautiful shop! I especially liked the old stove and the seatless chair with the poinsettia in it. Lots of great decorating ideas and of course, those gorgeous poinsettias!
Wow, what a fabulous shop! Not only great items, but great ideas on how to display items! LOVE the kitchen range “dressed” for Christmas and the glittering light of pot lights with glass ornaments! Thanks for posting! Simply beautiful!
What a sweet store..I love all the color..
All I can say is DROOL…DROOL…DROOL…thanks for sharing such an amazing store. If only I lived closer. 🙁
How fun is this shop! Full of wonderful items and clever displays! I absolutely love the chandelier that Tamara and Bryon made…the coolest thing ever!
I haven’t started decorating yet and the photos of this shop are helping to get me motivated… it’s gorgeous!!
Everything is so beautiful! Wouldn’t it be fun to play there everyday? oh, to have a shop like that…
Oh my!! Where to start, but never want to end! I think I could spend all day here! You were VERY lucky to have spend the day with Tamara and help her out at her shop(s) and even luckier to get to take home some of their best work! That lighting piece is magnificent!
Beautiful. What fun to be in those barns. Can’t wait to see more. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! You are having way too much fun!! And I am not there!! What’s wrong with this picture???? Sniff!!’Beautiful decorations…love the shop!
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I have known Tamara through blogging for a long time. She has a great sense of humor, is very smart and full of fabulous ideas. I remember her daughter’s wedding when she posted about making the chandelier. The setup was amazing. How cool that you got to meet her and “play”.
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