You are cordially invited to Bella Rustica. See you there!

Lin – “So, will you come and do this?”

Me – ‘tap tap’… this thing can’t be on… “Are you SURE you have the right person?!”

Lin – “YES!”

Me – “Well, ok then, eh?! Let’s JUNK!”

Ohhhh man. Is the US of A ready for yet ANOTHER visit from a humidity freaked out Canadian? YOU BETCHA! But it’s a little more than that.

I’m going to be a guest at Bella Rustica Vintage Barn MarketPlace! As in, on a stage and everything…. Ohhhh goodness.

Projects by Funky Junk Interiors, on what may be taught at Bella Rustica, Sept 28 29 30 2012. via Funky Junk Interiors

So… hmm… what can I teach or talk about?

How to make old signs via Funky Junk Interiors

Well, maybe I’ll host a workshop on how I make old signs…

How to make a one board toolbox via Funky Junk Interiors

No wait! Maybe I’ll build something cool like a toolbox and get some volunteers on board. Yeah…

(new here? you can see all my work HERE)

Funky Junk Interiors teaching workshops at Bella Rustica Sept 2012

I got it! Maybe some beginner photography staging tips.
Or a little junk staging challenge. 

Working with tools…  

A little blog chat? 

An inspiring story or 2?

Know what? It’s gonna be a surprise. But it’s going to be FUN!!! 

Word also has it there’ll be a few of your fav bloggers in town at the same time so we’re planning on doing something together on stage. Update coming soon!

Bella Rustica Vintage Barn Marketplace, Sept 28-30 2012, Tennessee

What is Bella Rustica?

Bella Rustica is a vintage show that transpires once a year in Tennessee. Venders from all over the Southeast come on over and pull out all the stops, creating a fun event of junk, food, music and just a great ‘ol time.


Sept 28 29 30, 2012! 

It’s a big 3 day event!


Milky Way Farms, Pulaski, Tennessee

Bella Rustica is taking place at the amazing, historic Milky Way Farms.

Milky Way Farms, Pulaski, Tennessee

Set in rural Pulaski, Milky Way Farms is on 1000 acres of gentle rolling hilled gorgeousness. And the drive out is much the same. 

I was pretty much there a month ago and was not ready to come home. So don’t wake me up if this is a dream, because I’m soooo not done with the sweet folks, sweet tea, funnel cake, grits and talking trees. I’ve yet to see a firefly.

Hear that Lin? I AM STAYING UNTIL I SEE A FIREFLY. So someone better fake one if they’ve gone out for the year.

Bella Rustica 2012, Sept 28 29 30 at Milky Way Farms, Pulaski, Tennessee

These amazing barns have been here for decades. They’ve been lovingly restored and are open to hosting events year around. The vintage show is going to take place in what’s referred to as The Show Barn. I want to LIVE in that.

Bella Rustica 2012, Sept 28 29 30 at Milky Way Farms, Pulaski, Tennessee

Imagine if you will, tables filled up to the rafters with the most amazing vintage must haves. In a real barn! Check out those stone walls and rafter beams. Talk about atmosphere.

Here’s a taste on what Bella Rustia looked like last year. If you don’t think you can come, be prepared. These photos will have you asking Santa for your gift early and you’ll be looking for a friend to pull a Thelma and Louise style road trip! (with a much better ending)

Photos by Autumn Lynn Photography

Bella Rustica, Pulaski, Tennessee, copyright Autumn Lynn Photography

Bella Rustica, Pulaski, Tennessee, copyright Autumn Lynn Photography

Bella Rustica, Pulaski, Tennessee, copyright Autumn Lynn Photography

Bella Rustica, Pulaski, Tennessee, copyright Autumn Lynn Photography

Bella Rustica, Pulaski, Tennessee, copyright Autumn Lynn Photography

Yeah. No kidding. That’s just a real good time waitin’ to happen!


So here’s the best part on why this has all come about.

Bella Rustica is a really cool and today kinda way to raise funds for Agape, a Tennessee based organization that offers support and placement for foster and adoptive families.

My own son is adopted, so I get it. I know about the struggles of waiting for years to have a child, and what it feels like to have that special day finally arrive.

But then there’s the adoptee parent’s side. They also need a huge amount of support to come to terms with making the right choice. And let’s not forget about the foster option.

It truly takes a village of wonderful supportive folks to make placing a child happen.  I just truly couldn’t be happier to be a part of this cause. It just fits.

I’m not doing this alone. My travel expense were donated by HomeTalk, a community for sharing all things home and DIY with pro help on board. For free! Have you been for a visit? Come on over! Warning: you might not leave.

Thank-you for your big hearts, Hometalk! This is so amazing.

So I am offering my time for free for a week to help prepare and take part in this event. 

So why me? Well, I asked that too. And Lin said I was the right one for the job. I loved junk, I loved making stuff with it, she knew I was into inspiring others and the cause fit like a glove. So, let’s do it! Will you come too?

Because dag nab it, when else can I meet you? This would be so awesome! This round it’s all ABOUT meeting you! I’ll be there for 3 days, so why not come on out, bring your friends and join us while supporting an awesome cause?

If you feel like talkin’ junk, nattering about blogging, downing some great food and don’t mind the odd eh tossed into your y’all,


Bella Rustica Vintage Barn Marketplace

520 Milky Way Drive,

Pulaski, Tennessee

{ Sept 28-30, 2012 }

Fri, Sat 10-6

Sun 12-6

 Approx Funky Junk workshop times:

 Friday 1pm and 4pm

Sat 11am and 4pm

Sunday 3:30

100% admission fees are going towards Agape.

There will also be some fundraising events inside the gates.

If you’d like to donate something or volunteer, please contact

Linda at

Volunteer info HERE

Help spread the word with a poster HERE

More on Agape HERE

Donate direct to Agape HERE

Funky Junk Interiors is going to Bella Rustica! A vintage market geard to raise funds for Agape. more at Funky Junk

So… wanna come?!

Bella Rustica Vintage Barn Marketplace, Sept 28-30 2012, Tennessee

Would you consider sharing this post and button to help spread the word? 

Let’s help the cause!


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43 thoughts on “You are cordially invited to Bella Rustica. See you there!

  1. DADGUMIT!!!! <--- that's a southern catchphrase, by the way. You should use it. I'm already doing too much this month, so an end-of-the-month getaway isn't happening. But I'm definitely putting it on my list. ALL of the things you suggested are perfect. Have a great trip. 🙂

  2. I was already planning to go and now I am more excited! I will look for you! If a weird Tennessee girl with short curly hair that you have never seen before stalks you, don’t worry, it’s just me 🙂

  3. So excited for you! And those barns! Amazing. Hope you have the best time ever!

    P.S. Is “you betcha” a stereotypical Canadian saying? cause…. I say that all the time and it just never occurred to me that it was more than just a super fun sounding phrase. I thought if I steered clear of the “eh”s most of the time then I was good. Joke’s on me!

  4. Donna you are going to FREAK over Milky Way Farms. We shot a couple TV episodes (for my employer who had a horse training TV show) there a couple years ago. The property is absolutely stunning. The original house is full of such charm and the BARNS… Oh don’t get this horse girl started on those. Tuh-Die-For. They have a round arena in one of the barns that I wish I could have taken down stone by stone and brought home with me. Sigh…. Have a great time!!!

  5. Squee!!! I live about an hour away and had no idea this was in Pulaski!! I’ve only been in this area for about a year. I might just have to take a Saturday drive over to Giles County!

  6. awh! how fun is that? looks like a fabulous time, wish I could go…I was just in Tennessee last month, it is so beautiful!

    those barns are drool worthy, we have some pretty barns in Fort Worth, that host flea markets. nothing like shopping for awesome junk in a show barn! yeehaww!!!

  7. I am so happy that you are getting to experience such a beautiful place for a beautiful cause. I’m sure that you will be spectacular and I hope that you will be able to share with the rest of us. Have a great trip.

    • I speculate I’ll hear lots of that! And that’s ok too, because my message is pretty universal.

      My message is about having the confidence to create something out of nothing and with little skill. That’s how my story started and I continue to learn daily. And what I learn, I share on the blog. I hope you come regardless! It’s for a great cause. 🙂

  8. Why don’t you make up some posters of you and one of your projects? You can sign them like a real celebrity. I’d like one! Here’s a joke: You are from Canada? Answer Yes. What, do you live in an Igloo? Answer No! I live in a snow fort!. You should wear a white T-shirt painted to look like a Hudson Bay Blanket. Come in wearing a pack basket and carrying a canoe paddle. Wish I could come, but the younger dog just had back surgery today. Has to be quiet for three weeks.Ann

  9. I’m sooooooooo excited!! I have been waiting for Bella ever since the last one, and I nearly fell off the couch with excitement when I saw you were going to be there!! You seriously ARE the perfect one to do this! I can’t believe we are lucky enough to get you to come down here to Tennessee! I have to say, if I’d had to guess which of my favorite bloggers would be coming here, I probably wouldn’t have picked the Canadian! At least not until your last trip down south! But YAY so glad it is you!! Hopefully it’ll have cooled down some…it was still kinda hot last year!

    I’m sooo soooo excited! I’ll be shopping on Friday probably….hoping to be a vendor sometime in the future if this keeps going (and I don’t see why not!), but I don’t have much time to blog or junk right now with a new baby (who will probably be there strapped to me!) and a two year old! Someday I’ll find some time!!

    Again…..SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!! I just wish you were going to be selling stuff because I’d LOVE to have some funky junk!!!!!! Maybe you can make stuff in your demos, then auction it off for Agape, or give it away!

    Can’t wait to see what you do!

    • Stacey, you keep this up and you’ll have me believing all this! 🙂 I kid. I was debating the same… maybe the stuff that is in the demos can be auctioned off. Maybe I’ll make stuff before the show for that too. I’ll see what I can find time for. Great idea!! Excited to meet you too! Make sure you say you’re the one that ‘didn’t pick the Canadian’. Cracked me up! 🙂

  10. Love your blog. Think you are amazing. Didn’t know you had adopted. That makes us family! I have 3 adopted and 2 bio. Thanks for all you do1
    Marty @ Marty’s Musings (visiting from blogtalk)

  11. I am so excited you did a post on this and will be there! I saw an ad in a magazine and was thrilled that I could attend my first barn sale since it is less than an hour away! We just made plans to go yesterday and then I saw your post. How amazing it looks… I hope I will get to meet you!

  12. My goodness, girl, what CAN’T you teach about? I think that anything you present will be very well received. Congrats on the opportunity! It would be fun to have people in the “audience” participate in something. Like “what in the world is it?” or, before upcycling, “what in the world was it?”. I like your idea of a staging competition and photography tips would be awesome! Really, anything you do will be fun! Wish I could make it. isn’t too far (several hours but hey, that’s a road trip, right?) and if by some miracle I do, I’ll be sre to pop by and say howdy! Can’t wait to hear more about this great adventure! Hugs, Leena

  13. Shut Up?! You are going to be in TN?! I live in TN! I have heard of Pulaski, but I have no idea where it is? I am about to hop over to a map and find out! I would LOVE to hear what you are going to share and enjoy some shopping in that beautiful setting! Not to mention, AGAPE is one of my favorite organizations! Life to the full, Melissa

  14. How exciting! Glad you are going to be there! I’ll be there bright and early on Friday morning. Will try to catch you a firefly the night before! 😉 They seem to be few and far between lately though! Sandie

  15. I am so excited about this!!! I love your blog and whatever you teach about will be inspiring. I will absolutely BE THERE! Looking forward to meeting you. Dianne

  16. Ohh I get nostalgic! I lived in Nashville for 6 years… is the best place!
    Now I am far back in my country in South America but… with passports ready to move to Canada!
    I´m sure you will have a blast! people in Tennessee are the best and you will fell at home!!
    Love your blog and hope you have a great time! perhaps next time I will be there too!

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