“Your Funky Junk” – a facebook group for junkers!

Join 'Your Funky Junk', a new facebook group for junkers! If you like junk but don't have a blog, this is the place for you! via Funky Junk Interiors

Once upon a time…well, a year ago, I fired up a private facebook group for junkers called Your Funky Junk.

I could see a growing need for an environment for all to equally share their junk creations, especially for non bloggers. Bloggers have a platform, but non bloggers don’t.

But… I hesitated.

Screen shot 2013-08-13 at 9.46.10 PMI mean, what if no one came? Ugh… Fear of failure reared it’s ugly head yet again. And I listened.

But slowly over time, folks were finding the private board. I just didn’t let them in. Because I honestly didn’t know what to do.

I continued to recieve attempts of show and tells on Facebook, but they were hard for others to spot. They were ‘hidden’ from the main thread. I just didn’t find that a very user friendly way to share, especially for those that didn’t have big, pretty blogs.

So a good year later, (that would be yesterday) I did something about it.

I opened up the group!

Screen shot 2013-08-13 at 9.48.05 PMYou can bet I sat on pins and needles as I threw out an invite on Facebook. But slowly, the forum started to fill. 25… 50… 100…. woa… 150… no way… 250…. crazytalk!

As of now? In one day the group has sprung to 350+. Obviously the need was there all along!

Join Your Funky Junk, a private Facebook group, where anyone can share their junk! via Funky Junk Interiors

Your Funky Junk!

This one’s for anyone. If you have a computer, and a desire to get creative with junk, I encourage you to check it out!

You don’t have to be a pro photographer. You don’t have to be a pro anything. Just come as you are. If you have a will to create but don’t know how, I guarantee you, once you see these junk projects scroll in front of you, you’ll be jumping out of your seat, anxious to give it a try yourself!

The group requires approval to get in, but no worries, just ask and we’ll getcha in!

I’m soooo excited I get to see EVERYONE’S creations now rather than you just seeing mine. No more excuses gang… just do it!Join Your Funky Junk, a facebook group for junkers! Where anyone can share their junk! via Funky Junk Interiors

Join Your Funky Junk, a facebook group for junkers!

Cuz I can’t wait to see your junk. 🙂

Update: membership is currently at 1,500+! I’d say junk is a HIT!

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Categories: Blogging Tips, Inspiration, Social Media

16 thoughts on ““Your Funky Junk” – a facebook group for junkers!

  1. Hi Donna,
    I would love to join this fb group! But it’s not coming up on my fb page. I must be doing something wrong. Can you help? Thanks, Melanie

  2. I read “junk challenges” and then I scrolled and looked at people’s junk. I have to join just so the “like” button works and I can tell folks how cool their stuff is. Oh and in case there is a junk challenge!

  3. donna way to be not afraid! i knew you would be alright with this! i love your blog and i copycat lots of your ideas in my garden and yard. hubby a little difficult about letting anymore junk into the house. lol

  4. Can you belong to a group as a page? I use my blog FB page more than my personal. I am currently under the group as myself but would like to be under my page instead. Do you know if possible?

  5. Thank you so very much for responding!! I was so hoping as that’s where I spend most of my time and feel like I don’t see that page very often! 🙁

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