When sneaky friends and curbside workshop tables team up


Now that I’m home from my most recent adventures, I have been mulling over what to start working on next. I had thoughts of maybe firing up my dream workshop again. But after quickly building for Crafty Affaire, then dumping my unsold stuff off, then heading to Toronto, then going on that weekend cabin getaway thing, […]

A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station.


A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station. If you’ve just arrived from In My Own Style, welcome! Junkers, today’s post is extra special and right up your quirk induced alley…  The Painted Fox recently sent 9 DIY bloggers some surprise farm house swag kinda gear in the mail. (their stuff is AMAZINGLY […]

A surprising goldmine at a cabin on the river


It was right before I left for Toronto. My son was due to go to camp the next weekend so I knew I had to act fast. I searched for a bed and breakfast in the nearby area so I could enjoy a little r&r myself.  Fully expecting to perhaps stay where I stayed last time, […]

PJ 257 – 75+ salvaged old signs


  Welcome to Party Junk 257 – Salvaged Old Signs Every Friday, 7PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Hello weekend party people! I am back from my Toronto trip! And I think the difference in time zones and a hectic schedule are just hitting me now. All at once. So it comes with PERFECT timing that I […]

A curbside metal rack welcomes me home


Oh my friends… what a weekend I have just come from! My venture to Toronto has come to a close. I will admit, I’m a little overwhelmed in a good way from all that transpired, so I need to sit on all that for a bit before I can start to tell some stories. Just […]