A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station.

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!

A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station.

The Painted Fox Challenge / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

If you’ve just arrived from In My Own Style, welcome!

Junkers, today’s post is extra special and right up your quirk induced alley… 

The Painted Fox recently sent 9 DIY bloggers some surprise farm house swag kinda gear in the mail. (their stuff is AMAZINGLY cool with a vintage, farmhouse vibe)

And our assignment was to create something with it. Fun!

Reproduction antique fan covers / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

I was challenged to come up with a project for these ultra cool metal vintage reproduction fan grills and the adorable 2 piece milk crate inspired pot.

Then my head exploded. I honestly could think of a million and one ideas!

“Calm down… what do you NEED?”

A junky blog office / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

 So I made 3 things for my blog office. Can you spot them through all that delicious junk?

Look for a junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station… because here we go!

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!

#1. A junk styled file sorter


I needed a paper file of some sort BADLY for my blog office. Papers are always strewn all over the desk, making it a tad difficult to find the keyboard. (handy when you don’t want to work though?) I needed a fix…

You’ll need…

  • 2 reproduction fan grills (hanging all 3 together would be cool too)
  • Rusty washers
  • Twine
  • 3 larger S hooks
  • 3 smaller S hooks
  • (and in my case, 1 weird bracket so I could hook one side onto the ladder)
  • Scissors

Make a rusty washer chain / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

1. Slightly overlap washers of various sizes (stagger them), then double knot with twine. Trim very short.

Make a rusty washer chain / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
2. String S hooks through your ‘washer chains’.

3. Find a way to attach the top S hooks to what ever you’re attaching this thing to. (because I’m pretty sure yours may not be a ladder…)

S hooks / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
The S hooks make it a breeze to unhook the baskets, should you desire to walk downstairs to an office to file them later… like I do. 

before / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Tsk tsk… such a vast wasteland of valuable space. Let’s fix that!

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!
I know… brings a tear to the eye, no?

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!
That filled up a little too fast… I’d better pay those bills. See? It works!

The top tray sits completely loose so you can easily cart it off to wherever you need to go.

And it’s just quirky enough to go with the rest of the… existing office quirk.

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!
Gasp… I can see my desk top.

antique fan grill paper file / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
And then there’s always this option…

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!

#2. A quirky enamel bowl and fan grill clock


‘Beyond quirk’ would best describe this weird yet funky clock. It’s got a little industrial edge slathered on heavy with junk factor.

I’ve always wanted to build my own junk clock. And this fan grill put me in mind of the vintage caged versions. So here’s my take on a junk styled one.

Junk styled clock from an antique fan grill and enamel bowl / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

You’ll need:

1. Masking tape an x to the bottom of the bowl, to mark the centre and also so the drill bit doesn’t slip on you.

2. Drill a hole large enough for the clock workings. Because I KNOW you have this tool bit kit by your side… 

Learn how to make a rustic junk-styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station from a reproduction vintage fan cover!

3. Insert the clock workings (new or used like mine) through the holes of the bowl and the grill, then end with the hands.

4. Glue the grill to the bowl, and house numbers to the grill with a metal friendly glue. Allow to set.

5. Bend the clock hands ‘towards you’ so they bypass the house number’s bumpy profiles.

Total bonus: It actually works! And makes me smile every time I look at it. This shall come in handy in the early AMs…

Twine station with a branch dowel / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

#3. Must have cool twine station


This adorable two piece milk crate inspired pot is the cutest thing! I love the fact that you can use them together or separate.

I chose separate… to create a twine station. I’m a twine-aholic and love my string too. I just seem to use it for everything, so I love it within SUUUPER easy grasp.

I feel silly writing this out but I need to match the rest of the blog post format…

Twine station with a branch dowel / part of A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

 You’ll need:

1. Insert a small branch through a roll of twine, using the caged basket sides for support.

2. Go use your twine, because you are DONE.

I’d be happy to take about 50 of these sweet galvanized things off The Painted Fox’s hands… they are so stinkin’ cute!

Thank-you to The Painted Fox… I LOVED this challenge, and cannot wait to see what the other 8 bloggers have created!

The Painted Fox Challenge - click to visit The Handmade Home next!

Your next stop… The Handmade Home! 

I’m right behind you…


See them all!










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23 thoughts on “A junk styled file sorter, quirky clock, and cool twine station.

  1. I feel like a cast member of the Wizard of Oz — if only I had half the creative brain that you have! You never fail to amaze me with the stuff you come up with.

    I love, Love, LOVE that darn clock. (Lemme know if you ever get tired of it… I’ll be happy to send you my address!) Too bad we weren’t voting – I’d be casting my vote for it in a heartbeat!

    • Although Donna’s is the most unique of anything I’ve seen (like most of her stuff – what a gift you have, Donna!), honestly Beth, your tiny fairy condo idea was adorable and I loved how you used all sorts of found objects to create it. …was that a great run-on sentence or what?

  2. Dang girl… I had no idea some of y’all were creating things! What the wha? You knocked this out of the ball part — as usual!! I am swooning that twine holder. #brilliant

  3. Bravo, Donna! You really transformed your surprise items the most of the 9. I love the blue clock – the bowl behind the fan makes it look like a globe. Very cool! Clever use for the file baskets, too. Thanks for the fun!!

  4. I love it Donna. You are just so creative. Always enjoying looking around your blog. Love all those ideas you come up with using rusty stuff. Like they say here in FL Truth the Rust. LOL

  5. A two-pinner from this post. My twine is stuffed into a cabinet because it has no holder, it needs one, and my bills might look nice corralled in a hanging basket. No, not really. Bills don’t ever look nice do they? I’m unsure about a box of peters however.

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