A super simple reclaimed wood old sign paint shelf


On my continued Crap to Clean before Spring quest, today I’m taking you downstairs to my paint studio. Confession… I have not been reading my KonMari book (post HERE) like I should.  But that’s because I haven’t caught up to her suggestions yet. Goodness… I need a year off of life to do this thing […]

Pyjama productivity. Why does it work?


Rustic bulletin board tutorial Over the weekend, I woke up to a sunny day. Nice! Don’t you feel a burst of added energy when you do? My cats were no where to be seen, which either means they found a better place to nap, or they started their day far earlier than I. Probably the […]

Salvaged Junk HEARTS for Valentine’s Day – PJ 317


PJ 317 – Salvaged Junk Hearts Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Hello friends! Love is in the air this weekend, so I hope you brought along some Valentine’s Day themed junk along this round! We’re celebrating LOVE this weekend, along with your other fabulous junk, so here’s a few of my favs… […]

The bike ride sunbeam that kept me company


The day was ‘family day.’ And it was GORGEOUS out. Not wishing to stay locked indoors, I suggested to my son we go for a ‘family bike ride.’ Fun, right?! Wrong. He had no interest.  Ah, drat. Well, I refused to miss out on that gorgeous day, so I geared up, and was on the […]

Vintage glass creamers for organizing screws


It’s been a LONG time since I stepped foot into a thrift store.  But, I was craving for ‘new junk blood’, so on my way back home from an appointment, I swerved into a thrift store parking lot to see if anything spoke to me. As usual, I was about to exit the doors empty handed, […]