For the next 31 days, I’m going to blog about how I’m going to flip my blog passion into a business.
Let me explain why.
I’m a girl leading a double life. Can you relate?
Me #1:
Donna – Graphic Impact
a business owner that runs a sign and graphics company for the last 20 years.
a home owner.
a parent to an amazing son.
Me #2:
Funky Junk Donna – Funky Junk Interiors
a blogger
a writer
an artist
a stager
a junk picker
a photographer
a builder
a dreamer and goal setter
A typical day:
Donna goes into work. It’s a nice day, things go well, I know I’ll get paid in 30 days, I go home, make dinner, yawn, tuck my son into bed, and then…
I morph into Funky Junk Donna. I can’t wait to tap my fingers on the keyboard to tell you about a few new adventures. Time stands still as I gather up inspiration from blog hopping. Then it’s time to hit the thrift stores to stock up! I find the perfect rusty ‘ol something or other and dying to get home, photo shoot it and create that post. Then start the above cycle all over again.
So what’s really going on here?
Ohhh… I think you know. 🙂
Us diehard bloggers have a bit of a sickness. And I think the real word for it is called passion.
And I personally have procrastinated long enough in many ways with this here blog career. For you see, this isn’t my day job. But I’d sure like it to be.
I’m officially going to talk about flipping your passion into a business for the next 31 days.
But.. there’s only one thing. My hobby isn’t my main business.
You so aren’t qualified to give this advice…
Yeah, no doubt… BUT… that doesn’t mean I can’t go for the gold, right?
Why are you DOING this? Are you CRAZY?
Yes. But with intention. I’m a storyteller. And what I write about inspires me and makes me own it. So over the next 31 days, everything I do on the blog will be with intention to make a few more of my dreams come true. And hopefully it will inspire you to do the same. I mean, if you WANT to.
But I do think I can help you in some areas regardless.
I’ll be nattering about:
how I grew my blog and why it matters
how to manage working AND starting up a side career at the same time
sponsors and campaigns that can earn you money on your blog
magazine submitting and writing
how to get featured elsewhere
future plans and aspirations
Not wanting to create a new biz? No worries!
I’ll also be covering:
junk decorating
photography tips
how I store my junk
how I care for my family, work and blog all at the same time
and how tired I’ll be getting from blogging daily. For 31 days straight. Egads…
AND during this time I’m going to start one of my biggest procrastinations of all time. Writing an ebook. Or a book. Or something. It’s part of the plan. So the blog entry that day may be REAL short. 🙂
I may even invite a few guests that really know what they’re doing for a quote or two. Who knows.
Basically put, I’m going to focus on doing what it takes to flip this here blog passion into my career.
And I’m going to encourage you to use your own God given talents and make them into something you can’t live without. Because you have a purpose and it’s time you realize that along with me.
Now know, I have nothing in draft mode. NOT. A. THING. So the blog entries will be a little like a running journal. I’m gonna live it, tell you about it, then dive into that given topic. Daily. Some with large posts and some small. Some with pics, some without. As life unfolds if you will. Survivor style. 🙂
31 Days – from blog to biz
Worth playin’ for?
Tune into Day 2 on Sunday and let’s find out… 🙂
So, what do you wanna know about in this series?
tune into THIS post to see the invitation to this series on Nesting Place
All 31 Day posts to date can be found HERE.
Blogger’s gone mad on me so I’ve had to remove the individual listings. Please check the blog’s sidebar archives for the individual posts. Sorry!
This is a great idea, Donna. I’ve only been blogging 6 months, but I’ve been told that I’m doing very well for that length of time. I didn’t think I had the time to do it. You see, I live a double, triple, etc., life too. Although I’ve been blogging a short time, I’ve been a dealer and redesigner for nearly two decades. What I’ve learned in that time, I’m just incorporating into my blog. Blogging is becoming a great passion for me too. I made so many blogland friends. I enjoy sharing, and seeing what everyone is up to. I will definitely be along for this ride. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my this is going to be great! So excited to see what you do & the progress you will make! I think you’ll be great & love that you’re going to let us follow along with you on your journey! Good luck 🙂 🙂
Sounds fun! I can’t wait to see how things unfold! I’ll be here watching and you never know I might be inspired to get blogging again!
So awesome, I had to tweet it. Good luck, rooting for you!
Donna, you WILL be successful, if not a little worse for wear at the end, but what GREAT things in life – raising kids, running a business or simply creating the next BIG thing -doesn’t take a lot of commitment and a bit of blood, sweat and tears?
They say every business takes at least 5 years to either sink or swim, so I’m counting on you being a marathon swimmer by that time…Gals like us refuse to SINK!!!
Besides, life would be SO boring if we didn’t set goals a little higher than AVERAGE. Who wants to be mediocre? Anyone can do that!
I’m raising my paper cup of mocha to you this morning….
Sounds great, can’t wait for your daily posts!
What a fun ride this should be. I will for sure make every effort to check in and see how it is going. I wish you the greatest success!
…I just had to add, as for the “Qualified” aspect? Let me just say, 20+ years ago when my husband was having a conversation with a good friend with a Masters Degree in Business, he was telling him how he wanted to start a specialty fabrication company geared in entertainment, and his friends response was, “Where’s your business plan? You need a business plan!” Well, we did not have a business plan. We just wanted to make great things and have fun with it. Lots of passion, lots of meetings, lots of years later – without a business plan, we have grown a successful business. SO NEVER EVER, EVER let anyone tell you you are NOT qualified. Passion and experience GO A LONG WAY!!! That and a great, yet humble attitude. And I think you’ve got those covered!!!
I will be reading! I am an interior designer, new store owner and new blogger- mom, wife and dog owner…..and Canadian—and I live in Poland!!
I am really interested to read your stories and see how you have managed to come so far with your blog. I am a new blogger- I can’t even say the word without laughing out loud…it just sounds really funny to me! But, I have to say- I really like it! Any expertise you have I will gladly read!
Donna – I just have to say that I love you! For the past few weeks, my mind keeps going back to trying to figure out how to do this passion thing full time and make money so I can quit my day job. I have no idea where to start…. And I have so many questions…..
what is blogher?
do you make money on the ads on your blog?
which company is best?
how do I grow this?
There is so much I want to do and I don’t know how to get there!!!
I’ll be reading every word!
thank you thank you thank you thank you
You rock!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
So stinking excited to read all you have to say, everyday, for 31 days!
I would love to somehow (note the somehow – I don’t know exactly how to do it) flip my passion into a career. I look forward to reading your series on this topic!
can’t wait to read your daily doings…I’m sure we’ll all find plenty of inspiration from your journey – thanks for sharing!
It struck me the other day how much more is involved in blogging than I ever realized when I began! You have to have some creative ability, writing skills, the ability to stage, to photograph (interior stuff is hard!!!!), to have time to do projects, crafts, etc AND time to write about them… WOW It’s like the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance – better be capable of pulling off every style or you won’t be around for long!
So even though I’m not as accomplished as I’d like in all the facets of blogging, I find all the inspiration and information (like this blogpost of yours) I need to keep me growing.
It’s also fabulous to be able to share & swap ideas with a world-wide audience.
I love it!
Well, guess I was led to come back to my blog today for a very good reason! Can’t wait to soak up all the knowledge your are going to be blogging about in the next 31 days. I have two blogs and have been trying to tend to the other more since that is where my passion lies. Just haven’t found the right ‘knack’ to do either one correctly just yet, so I know I’ll be learning so much from you! Have a great weekend!
What a great idea. As usual, I’ll be glued to your posts. I think this will help a lot of people, Donna, not just you. Love.
Hi Donna,
This is going to be great! I thank you upfront for sharing what works for turning your blog into a biz! There are so many things I have questions about when it comes to blogging. You’d think after two years I would have a lot of it figured out but since this blog takes backseat to my full time job and family life, there are many aspects of blogging that I have been curious about and want to pursue but just haven’t had the time (or sometimes energy) to make it happen. Now, I’m not putting the pressure on you to give us all the answers 🙂 but info. on what has worked, what hasn’t, etc. will be so helpful.
Thanks for sharing!! I think I might have to join the 31 days of change….I’ll go check it out!
Oh my gosh, Donna! This is going to be great! I will look forward to watching you make your dreams come true each day. I am so super excited for you! You go, girl!
Hooray!! Can’t wait to read all of your insights. I’m just like a sponge waiting to soak it all up and then squeeze it out to use for my own blog.
I’m looking forward to this Donna, you will rock it for sure. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
Yippee! Sounds great. I have been going full throttle these days with blogging. I do believe I am a bit obsessive sometimes, but I have so much passion inside I can’t help it really! I do need some pointers though, and look forward to hearing what you have to say….as I really look up to you as a blogger, Mom and creator of all things Junk and otherwise, that I LOVE!
uhm… wow! I will tune in for the transformation! Best Wishes for your continued success!
I’m with you. I’ll be here reading and giving you whatever you may need at the time. This was my topic of choice and I can’t wait. Have fun.
Nattering…that’s a fun word!
Good luck, this topic should make for an interesting read.
You. Are. Awesome!
I’m really looking forward to this and want to thank you for being so open and willing to share your insights & experience. I’m especially interested in the magazine aspect AND I’d like to know what kind of vitamins you take for all your energy! 🙂 -amy
I will be looking forward to each & every post……I’ve been wondering how you do it all! 🙂
Awesome news. I so need this. I’ve been wanting to start a blog, but didn’t know where to start. This will be so helpful for me. Maybe now I will get that motivation I’m always looking for.
Well I fell in love with this site the minute I saw the picture of the stairs with the cat looking up – SO INSPIRING!!! I will be following!
I’m so excited to read this! I can’t wait to soak up every detail!
I’d like to wish you every success! would be nice to quit your day job!
Good luck to you!
I can’t wait. Hours are being cut at my ‘real’ job and I have seriously been thinking that now is the best time to plunge in and try to make this whole blogging thing work for me! I can’t wait to see your posts on submitting ideas to magazines because I have really been struggling with this. There is not a lot of good information on the web. Super excited!~
I think this is so great! I am so excited for you and am really looking forward to your tips on expanding your blog. That is what I am currently dealing with myself. Can’t wait to read everything! 🙂
I am so excited about this series! I am contemplating selling my stuff and just need a little more information before I jump in the craft biz pool. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
This couldn’t come at a better time! I’m hauling my vintage furniture and decor to my very first tag sale tomorrow! Nervous and tired from preparing but SO, SO excited! I hope I sell something…
Looking forward to the next 31 days.
Thank you so much for the next 31 days! Like Sarah, this couldn’t come at a better time for me too! I have just started my own blog…that is a dream I have procrastinated on for a long time. I am hoping this will turn into a business someday, but I am only 2 weeks in and really just beginning to scrape the surface of figuring this all out. I can’t wait to hear your bits of wisdom each day!
Go get ’em! Your dreams, that is. This is exciting and I can’t wait to read the posts or journal entries or whatever it leads to in the next 31 days.
I will be following along for sure. I want to turn my small Etsy biz into something bigger and better. Looking forward to all you have tio say and following your every move for the next 31 days…if anyone can pull this off, you can!
I’m so excited about his, I am a new blogger trying to increase my business and this is so perfect. Thank You!!!
Looking forward to it!! Ann
Looking forward to reading and slipping along, for the ride (at least for now)
You are inspiring Miss Donna!
Smiles from,
Suzanne in NW Illinois
Dear Donna,
You have always been a great source of inspiration to me and now you are continuing to amaze me. I have never understood how some of the amazing people in blogland accomplish all that they do while I have the inspiration but can never seem to get my ducks in a row. I will be looking forward to this journey with you. This is going to be so much fun!!
Before I read the bit about you writing a book, I saw your first paragraph and thought – I smell a book coming on – she needs to write a book! Yea for you and I can’t wait to read all 31!
OMG these is so great!! I can’t wait to read about your new adventure. I been blogging for 5 month mainly so that my family can see what I’ve been up to. But now I’m really to grow my blog. Just signed up for a class on blogging and this will fit so nicely into that. P.S. I just love everything you create
Fantastic! Can’t wait to follow along, you’ve already been such a big help and inspiration! Thank you, for being you and encourging others (me)
I will be following along Donna. You always have good advice and tips. I too am participating in 31 Days. My topic is how to slash your budget painlessly. So if I can slash my budget, and then start pursuing my passion with my blog and make some money, maybe I’ll double my money 😉
You have to go out on a limb to get the good fruit! Go for Gold Donna!
Great idea!! Go for it!! I’ll be reading along….
I’m excited! For you and for me! Thanks for sharing your journey with us! 🙂
Thank you! I am really excited to read this!!! I look forward to the next 31 days!!! Good luck in the flip!
Yay!!!! So excited for this Donna!! You already know what a huge inspiration you are for me and so many others- I can’t wait to tune in to these 31 days of your knowledge and tips too! 🙂
Thank you for this Donna! I have no idea what I’m doing most of the time, but I have so much fun and feel encouraged blogging! I can’t wait to read all about it!
You Go Girl!!!! I love it!
Donna, I’m really looking forward to this series. I too would like to make money through my blog and my furniture makeovers. I am quite the novice to this whole blog thing. I’m hoping to learn some great things from your series!
This is gonna be sooooooo gooooooood!
Your posts always excite me and motivate me! I love to see you connecting the dots day by day and I thank you for what you have shared…what you do share and what you will be sharing.
{Jeremiah 29:11}
hugs, mb
Go Donna Go! I can’t wait to learn with you!
so you’ve decided to do this! so happy!
i’m pretty sure this will be my new favorite read of the day! i hope i have the courage to do the same some day!
I’m so glad that you are blogging about this! (My blog definitely needs a boost.)
very cool, Donna. You’re my first visit from the 31 day challenge (I’m doing 31 holiday paint projects) and I feel like I struck gold! Can’t wait to read your posts!
excellent topic~so happy you are joining in, can’t wait to read your series Donna!
Looking forward to your topic Donna! It sounds inspiring, motivating and encouraging!!
Ohhh…that is SO my dream right now. I can’t stop my full-time job being stay-at-home mommy of three kids 2, 4, and 6, but the oldest just started kindergarten. One step at a time! 🙂 Can’t wait to tune in!!!
coooool! Can’t miss this one and learn and enjoy! 🙂
Well this is exciting news for sure!! I am ready to read!!!!!!!! And, make sure you enjoy the process Hun!!!
Blogging is such a great platform for us creative driven types…this series is just another thing you do that takes it to another level! Super smartie. xxoo
Just five words. I love your gutsy style!
I can’t wait to read and learn.
I’ll be following every post in this series … it sounds awesome.
This is great. Joining in with you.
I’m so excited for you!
I’ll be reading along.
I’d love to hear about ways of growing your blog. Ideas on how market yourself without being spammy.
I’d love tips about income related options.
And, if you know the square root of 42, that would be helpful. Just kidding 😉
All the best,
Dana at Cooking At CafeD
I’m excited to read your “31 Days” posts but on a more important topic…. THOSE STAIRS! I die. I showed them to my husband and actually got a “cool! I like those! let’s do something like that” when normally I get him putting a pillow over his head saying “lalalalalalala, can’t hear you!” (I know, we have a very mature relationship).
anyways, can’t wait to see what you come up with. I’m kinda flying by the seat of my pants on my 31 Days challenge, too, so I’m just mildly panicky right now. good luck!
Can’t wait to see how it unfolds!!
I think I’m going to get tired of blogging straight for 31 days as well, but it’s all or nothing right??
Looking forward to many more posts!
I am slowly working on changing my current course of survival into one more internet/blog based! 15 years of climbing ladders has not made me any younger! Can’t wait to see what unfolds!
This is GREAT!!! I had plans of trying to get some pitches out for advertisers by Oct. 1 and I’m still working at some details on my blog. I NEED to make it a priority and get some of my ideas into gear. It’s hard with 3 kids, home-schooling, living on a farm, trying to get projects done for up-coming craft sales, etc. I soooo want to make just a little $ on the side to help out with life here at home…Christmas presents, extra things. I LOVE blogging and sometimes I don’t know that I am good enough, but I don’t want to make a lot of $…just some to help. I’ll REALLY look forward to your helps and want to take on this challenge, too, so that by the end of Oct. I have some of my goals in action. Thank you! You are always so inspiring and encouragine!!!
I’ll be following along. I’m playing ’31’, too! OH, and I love the stairs!!!
Looking forward to this!! I’ve been blogging for about 2 years now and up until today, I had 18 followers and no idea how to get more.
BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE your stairs!!
Everything you can share in that wonderful noggin of yours! I am on the diving board toes curled about to jump off of and going for my dream of making money being creative so any advice you have will certainly be helpful! THanks in advance, can’t wait to see what you are gonna share now!
Oh this is going to be so exciting. It looks likes there are lots of us on the edge of our seats cheering for you Donna. Let the games begin 🙂
Suzy xxx
We are all here cheering you on, but remember this. Should you NEED to miss a day (when Life happens) you will not be disappointing us. Not like we have money riding on you, or anything…
We all want the very very best for you and also hope some of it rubs off on each of us too.
If the situation comes up that you need anything, do not hesitate to put out the call, as I know whoever can help will jump at the opportunity.
I want to know, how does one train cats not to sit on keyboard as human tries typing.
Once again, you are helping so many more through helping yourself. There are so many women out there hoping to do just what you are doing. What a gift you have, and the best part, you are so wiling to share and elevate others. Thanks again Donna!!! Sharing these posts everywhere! I am blabber too.
I too have found a passion as I started blogging about fixing up this old farmhouse of ours. It started out as just a chronicle of what I (and my hubby) are doing, or attempting to do around here. Something our children and grandchildren might one day appreciate, and also a creative outlet for me.
It has become so much more for me. I envision starting an online business or perhaps a little shop or booth someday. For now I will just keep doing what I love and tuning into this series. I have a great respect for you and for your blogging skill.
I too an participating in 31 Days with 31 Days to Slash Your Budget Painlessly, where I will be babbling about saving at least $200 a month. What can I say…I love to write 🙂
O.K. I’m interested…I already work/create from home. I want to spread my wings so to say in this blogging world to become more connected. I would love to be featured somewhere someday or even write my own book -I have alot of ideas about many different subjects. I will be following! Blessings from Ringle, WI – where this week I am setting up our town’s Harvest Day – Oct. 8th – busy, busy…
I can’t wait to follow along!
I found you via my daily visit to Pinterest which then leads me to various blog hopping… How exciting for you to start this adventure! Can’t wait to see how it goes.
where to begin? i think i have to email you ‘cuz my comment might fill the post!
Shh, please don’t tell anyone but I dream about this too. I’ve been blogging for several months and go from moments of extreme pride to extreme depression when I compare myself to other great ones. I’m joining this 31 days now (so a little less than halfway through) but know that I’ll be reading and doing this step by step hoping to gain insight, wisdom, all of it. Thanks for putting your time and energy into this. Readers like me appreciate it more than you know!
Wonderful blog and fantastic heart warming post! You inspire me! Thank you for sharing all you do! Hugs & Smiles
I am looking forward to this! As a newbie blogger hoping to morph into a vintage furniture rescuer I wish you all the best! I love your blog and not just because you are a fellow Canuck 😉 God bless and good luck!