DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 434

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 434 - Farmhouse styled patio tour, foraged flag, faux vintage basket, plus! Features and NEW junk projects!

Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 434

Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific

a beach path onto Kamaole Beach in Kihei, Hawaii

Aloha all!

I am totally adoring my tropical surroundings, still running from beach to pool to walks to a little shopping and eating out here and there. I’ve blogged about my first week here you can read in THIS post if desired.

You’ll enjoy this. Today I brought out a beach umbrella to the beach and struggled to figure it out. A lifeguard (hello?!) came all the way down from his station to help me sort it out! Can you even believe that?! I felt like such a silly little ‘ol lady. He even taught me a few beach tips, so I’ve decided I’m going to write a post about the beach now that I’m a pro and everything! Heh…

And make a lifeguard stencil in honour of my hero of the day. I’ve been meaning to do that forever anyway. You just NEVER know how you will be inspired I tell ya…

I’m also sharing lots a live stuff (until I can get another blog post together) on Insta Stories you can follow HERE.

It sure was nice to revisit your projects from last weekend! I am missing my tools and reclaimed wood, so I’m DIY living vicariously through you at the moment. That’s one thing about this place… there is no old wood.

Anyway, here’s hoping more of you will find the party post this week since I’m going to bypass the scheduler this round and just do it myself live! Take that sleepy, vacationing laptop… 🙂 I think I’m due for an upgrade. Next trip…

Here’s a few features from last week’s party…

A found and foraged flag by Homeward Found, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

A found and foraged flag by Homeward Found

Deb takes her signature tone-on-tone style to a reclaimed wood flag this round. It’s beautiful and patriotic all in one! Check out the post to see what those ‘stars’ are made out of!

Farmhouse styled patio decorating by Organized Cutter, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Farmhouse styled patio decorating by Organized Cutter

Ok farmhouse lovers, this tour is a MUST. There are too many charming elements to visit in this post, so you’ll have to trust me on this one… take the tour.

p.s. then there’s the plants that stay alive… those FERNS!

Vintage grain-sack market basket by Homeroad, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Vintage grain-sack market basket by Homeroad

Susan found a way to ramp up a straw basket and give it a true french vintage vibe! The look is adorable and would also make a beautiful planter!

What have you made this past week? Link up below!

Party Highlights on Pinterest from Party Junk.53 PM

~ Blah blah linkup rules ~

1. UpcycledDIY home decor projects only please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog. NO FOOD NOR NEW CRAFTS please.

2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.

3. Only projects new to this link party please, to keep things fresh. Repeats may be deleted.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook with a link back to you, or its own new LINK WIDGET with no additional permission required.

5. No need to link back to the party! Would love it if you pinned the first gallery picture instead. Thank-you!

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Categories: Link parties

11 thoughts on “DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 434

  1. oh my i’m so glad you liked my flag!!! i had a lot of fun making it, it was a fast project, and it’s so perfectly ‘fool the eye’ that i am getting a kick hearing what people think i used to make it! thank you for the honor of being included in your feature, Miss Donna. enjoy every moment on your beach…. and that LIFEGUARD, too!!! 😉

    • My pleasure Deb, thanks for bringing that beauty over!

      May you also be blessed with a helpful lifeguard in your time of need once you head down here. Maui magic I tell ya! 😉

  2. Hi Donna – great seeing those sunsets !!! Thanks for hosting (even when you are on a HOLIDAY – always appreciated.


    • You’ve outdone yourself this summer, Carlene. It’s gorgeous! Every single detail reminds me of growing up on my own farm.

      And yes, everything indeed feels even happier while being here! Thanks for the good wishes!

  3. Hi Donna,

    Love your story about the umbrella and the lifeguard. That would be me.

    I would never have guessed how the flag was made. Nice!

    The marimekko napkins are a favorite. Will check into buying some and decorating with them. I covered canisters different sizes with the brightly colored vinyl, but using the napkins I think would be easier.

    Thank you and have a great weekend on the beach!

    • Oh how I wanted to follow the lifeguard into his station and quiz him on SO many tourist questions… “What do lifeguards really want?” It’s my bet #1 on his list is that people would listen to his airhorn announcements! (which few do)

      Maybe tomorrow I’ll brave it… haha

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