An easy photography background – cheater board and batten

A blogger’s busy season is about to fire up with Christmas straight ahead.

Remember 12 Days of Christmas last year? That’s happening again! So I’m mulling over 12, easy junk styled Christmas tutorials to whip up.

And being that my home is generally a dark cave this time of year, it’s nice to be able to resort to the photo studio for light filled pictures to pick up the slack.

Home photo studio at

It’s a great room with TONS of southern exposure.

And if too bright, I just draw the Ikea cheap sheet curtains to a close and all is well.

And just in case you’re wondering, that above picture wasn’t taken today. I could only dream it was that clean…

Cheater board and batten wall treatment / Home photo studio at

This is more like it. It’s always such a shock to see things the way they use to be. 🙂

Anyway, here’s the other side of the room. The wall was pretty beat up with having hung everything under the sun on it. After filling and painting, I decided a little architectural detail would sweeten things up some, and offer more stability when things were hung.

Cheater board and batten it is!

Laundryroom before-6780
Random sized boards were painted out the same as the wall,

Cheater board and batten wall treatment / Home photo studio at

… then each board, spaced out randomly, was screwed onto the wall in the middle only. This allowed me to level the boards with my paint filled hands by tapping them to the desired angle.

I had planned to use more screws, but the boards were so stable, there was no need. Just painted up the screws…

Cheater board and batten wall treatment / Home photo studio at

… and it was complete!

Very easy to remove for wall painting as well.

Pretty tricky… the far boards to the right and the left are covering wall sockets. So glad to get rid of some of them at least!

Now for that bundle of blue spaghetti…

Wires and wall sockets ought to be illegal. Haven’t they invented wireless / blue tooth for everything yet?!

Cheater board and batten wall treatment / Home photo studio at

Ho ho ho… I think this will work out just fine!

Dream Box Building Challenge #25

Are you gearing up for all that the upcoming season involves?

Why not start now?

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10 thoughts on “An easy photography background – cheater board and batten

  1. I’m looking at your neighbor’s house across the street – blue and white house with red front doors. Having you as a neighbor would give me inspiration!

  2. Love and now I’m even more excited about my next property. We plan to sell our little farm in a couple years and move further out into the country. I’ve been planning out the future workshop space and this is fantastic -I love the idea of a photography station. Would make my life so much easier.

    -Carole @ Garden Up green

  3. Hi again, not laughing this time!! 🙂 This is awesome! Just seeing the imperfectly perfect board and batten for the first time. I absolutely love it. And you are spot on, hubs would have a cow if I suggested it to him! I love the effect! ( And I hope you didn’t get offended at my laughing at your laundry room, it tickled me no end! To share like that is so wonderful!!! ) I have been reading your blog quite a while now, I love your LIFE changes, and all the things you do. Hi to your boy for me.What an fine example he has in you!

  4. I SERIOUSLY need a photography station/area! Great job on yours. I wish I was your neighbor. I’d bum your area to take my pics. Ha! Have a great weekend Donna!

  5. donna i am always always amazed at how you can basically take nothing and easily turn it into a show stopper… now get busy with that spagheti so you don’t wind up with curly air ha ha xx

  6. LOVE your new wall! You have the best ideas!! I can hardly wait to see what great things you show us with your new wall.

    Blessings, Edie Marie

  7. I can’t wait to get my studio painted white inside and to set up the back wall just for photo shoots. You would not believe how a khaki color on the walls can diminish the light or make it look too yellow in photos. I have a ton of special orders signs to get done first then I can paint the studio wall. Seeing yours makes me even more anxious to get started on it.

  8. I don’t have a photography room or a specific staging area. I tend to use an old chest on our porch for most stuff (when the sun is on the other side of the house). For furniture shops I’m currently using a wall in the grooming room but its not the right kind of wall. Maybe one day…

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