A funny little sidetable (for Christmas)

Do you remember my crazy radical junkin’ day next door?

If you do, you’ll recall me sitting on this sawhorse while the festivities transpired.

Well now… that was too good of a trinket to miss out on! So I hauled it inside and put it to work! Funky Junk style. 🙂

Check it out. It even snowed inside on this fine day. 😉

Could I have painted it white? Yep! However I always try stuff in their original state first. Always. You can’t go back if you paint.

It chimes in super well with the blog office area right behind it. I guess I collect saw horses now, eh?

I didn’t do a thing to it. I even forgot to wash it. 🙂 When creativity hits, dust flies around here!

A simple table runner idea is to simply cut a strip of linen fabric for a pretend fringe. Double it up and cut your desired design. Works for me.

Little felt things are on the feet so we can scooch it around the room where desired.


It’s just a simple little fun idea created in 3 seconds that works! I may jazz it up after the holidays moreso if I keep it here, however for now, I really enjoy the rustic feel it offers.

I mean, it matches the junk tree after all. 🙂

I can’t wait to show you how this looks now. 🙂 Coming soon! I can’t keep up with the likes of me.

Do you use anything unusual for a sidetable?

pssst… bring your fav Christmas recipe on over this weekend!

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63 thoughts on “A funny little sidetable (for Christmas)

  1. I use a little 2′ ladder, an upside down planter painted white, a thick tree trunk, a couple of small chests stacked together, and a regular big chest. (Man, I should do a post on them). But my favorite is a bedside table in my master bedroom and on top of it I put big round 29″ clock that was no longer working. It’s funny, my 8-year old was looking at it the other days and asked why I hadn’t blogged about it. I love it!

    Speaking of love, LOVE the bench/sawhorse/side table.

  2. Love it!! I really like how you can take something so simple and make it feel so cozy with just a few little touches. Like the lantern and a simple piece of ribbon? Perfect. Love it!

  3. Yeah, I knew you were gonna do more than sit on the thing!

    I LOVE it! And the little frilled runner! Love the snow and the mag plug as well! Clever and cute!!!!!


  4. Funny, about not washing…I’m the same way. Hose it off (only if there’s cobwebs and poo) and bring it in! And I didn’t probably throw a comment to your tree but it absolutely warms my heart!

  5. You’re a woman after my own heart! Yes, I have used some non-traditional items for side tables: An old fruit crate tipped on it’s side w/ storage inside and room on top, a large step-stool with a basket of magazines on top, a tall wood stool/chair (the kind that has a flip up section that’s almost like a step ladder), and I even have a large old wood breadbox tipped up on end that we store cd’s in and the remotes in an old cheese box on top!
    J in WA

  6. Very clever! I can see the question to paint or not, wise to wait. You do have a great sense of seeing what can become of things, and I enjoy reading about it all.
    My current coffee table is an old library card catalog. I just took it off the base and plopped it on the floor. Has worked out great, and the little drawers hold a wealth of things.

  7. I love this! All your projects inspire me! I need to find some junk… where do you find all this fun stuff!! Also, I love your tree and the pot that you put it in. It’s all awesome!!

  8. Donna, OK to post on today’s party with something that has been up this week other places??
    It’s just a fun and easy project I’d like to share here too.



    PS understand if not. ok =)

  9. It is wonderful. I like that you design very well in side table for Christmas. You simply cut a strip of fabric according to your desired design and presented very nicely . I am really happy that this idea is works for you. In advance Happy christmas to all of you!

  10. Wow, Here I found colorful christmas. You decorate very well all the things for christmas. I get some idea through your post. I think that you have great idea about how can we make Christmas occasion so beautiful. In Advance Happy christmas.

  11. Really very Inspirational blog!I love this little side-table for christmas. I really like to know that you always try stuff in their original state first. It means that you like perfection in work. You done great job. I think that You celebrated the christmas with very nice idea. It is cool stuff!

  12. It is pretty nice! You have a very good idea to create a very beautiful things. I think that you choose a wonderful way to create a whole thing. It is very Interesting to know about little side table. Nice stuff!

  13. I adore to your blog. I get very Interesting tips through this post. It is very creative. I really like to do such an Innovative things so people are recognized us. Thanks for sharing wonderful Ideas.

  14. I have three old suitcases that are stacked with have the torso of a manikin with shelves in it for a bedside table. The luggage was purchased at a reuse it shop for $1.00 a piece. I saw the manikin with 3 shelves in it in another reuse it shop. I thought it was for sale but it was a display piece. They sold it to me for $10. A bedside table for $13. No, it wasn’t free but I still think it was worth every penny.

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