Hello friend! What would you like to say?

Say you had this place.. this magical place where you could tell your stories. How your day went. What you learned. What you wished to learn. What you wished to teach. Anything you wish!

And you’d know you’d have an audience without even asking.

Your audience would be kind, appreciative, supportive, but best of all, engaged.

There would be no mean comments, because the place you’d share wouldn’t allow them.

You are safe. 

What would you say?

As a blogger, this forum has changed my life. It’s become an open book to share what ails me, the triumphs, the scary stuff, and even the exciting to come stuff!

Writing is also therapeutic. I could have a very low day, but a few kind comments seems to melt away the worries.

Readers are like invested friends. They genuinely want to hear what YOU have to say. It’s the coolest thing in the world!

So what’s this post about, you ask?

I’m hungry for a good read.

From YOU.

I want to hear what’s on your mind for a change. 

Because I believe every person has a story that’s worth sharing. Big or small.

I want to invest some time into you. Get to know you a little more.


How are you, friend? 

What’s that thing that you’d like to say today, but haven’t found a safe place to say it yet? 

You KNOW the topic! It’s been on your mind… you just haven’t worked it all out yet. Perhaps you could use a little advice from other kind souls… we are here and ready!

Or maybe you have something simple to share that really brightened your day. Joy spreads joy!

Do you wanna take a trip?

How’s your garden growing?

Did you make something you’re proud of?

Or perhaps you’re just here to read. Wonderful! Pour another coffee, and enjoy!

I just want you to know… what you have to say… no matter what it is, matters.

Because this I know…

What you share will touch someone that needed to hear your message.

Even if you think it’s nothing.

I’ve done umpteen personal wordy inspirational posts HERE if you feel like a deep read.

And then there’s the short, abbreviated Daily Junk Mail posts HERE.

But today… I’d love to hear what matters to you.

So… hello friend! What would you like to say?

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Categories: Inspiration, Personal

67 thoughts on “Hello friend! What would you like to say?

  1. Must be serendipity. I could use a chance to talk. I’ll be 57 in a couple of weeks and will celebrate 35 years of marriage to my favorite man whom I still love very much. But, both my parents are gone and my siblings are very much struggling with life in another state and I don’t hear from them much, although I try. And it’s okay, even if they don’t always respond, they’re my brother and sister and I love them a bunch. But where has the time gone? I tend to feel introspective at my birthday. As I get older I am learning to be a little kinder to myself and more comfortable with me. Even though I’m aging there is still a lot to do. I’m looking forward to learning new things and trying things, but I miss some of my past. Being more agile, thinner(yes, I use to have cheekbones that were well defined, now a little more soft and round), lots of energy and feeling like Yeah, I can do this! Where do I go from here? Well, I look back and am grateful. Ever so grateful for all my life has been so far. God has been good to me. And I can take a deep breath and am ever so grateful for where I am now. I can’t go back and that’s okay. I wouldn’t want to. I got to be grateful for my life as it was and what it’s made me today. I learned from the hard and bad times what not to do and from the good I learned what to do. I have raised, with my husband, five grown sons. Each with their own way of doing things. Some things we could have done without, but it’s okay. I am appreciative of the respect and love my husband and sons show me. What more could I ask? I think the more I age the more appreciative I am. And I am drawn to others who are open and honest and keep on keepin’ on. Your openness and honesty and not-giving-up spirit I can relate to Donna. Thank you for being who you are and inspiring me to be who I can be. And yes, you are an inspiration and so are the women who leave you comments and those that you feature. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    • Joanne, I actually felt a peace come over me from your words. YOU inspire ME!

      I miss my parents too. It’s very different when the family dynamics change. I feel a change coming on too, with a more independent son. It’s natural, but the unknown change brings can also feel unsettling at times.

      The age thing is real, is it not? Yikes… high fivin’ ya! I’ve told myself I no longer have to be in perfect shape to go somewhere tropical. Thank goodness for the loose fit of today… 🙂

  2. Thanks Donna for the opportunity and Joanne for such an inspirational post! This year (or few) has been a roller coaster. My son was diagnosed with Tourettes. He doesn’t have a terminal illness, so at least he’s healthy!! Praise God. School is still good for him as he is in elementary school. But next year my husband retires and we will pack up and move (to where is the question of the year). We all know how kids can be, so I worry. I worry about far too much about things out of my control. Transitions are sometimes scary, so thanks for listening!

    • The unknown can be terrifying! But stay hopeful… it can also bring better change too!

      And you are so right… some things we simply have no control over. It’s not so much what we do, but how we do it, it appears.

      I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

  3. My husband and I are working on our retirement dream home…. Finally. And love creating unique projects. Just finished taking old lanterns and making an island light fixture. Love drooling over all the ideas on your blog. Any suggestions on how to start my own? Don’t know where to begin.

    • Working on your dream home sounds wonderful!

      Starting a blog… that’s a big topic. Maybe I should write a blog post on the subject, instead of writing a book here! Would that interest you, Lynn?

      • Yes – Please do a post on how to start a blog. I’ve been turning that thought over and over in my mind since before I retired last year! I was able to retire at 55 and I have 5 years before my husband retires. I’ve got my creative side inspired (lots of thanks to you and your blog, Donna! :)) I love to create things from items that people throw out. Thank you so much for all your wonderful inspiration!

  4. I love your positivity..your creativity encourages me so hubby and I started ReBorn Designs on facebook, and rented a booth at Franni’s attic…come see us next trip to Ontario..I would love to show you around.. Thanks for your inspiration to “go for it”
    Shirley p.s. you have been in my prayers

    • Thank you Shirley! I’m sure those prayers have gone to good use! 🙂

      I’d love to try and find your FB page, tried searching your name but several came up. Would you mind sharing your FB url so we can all visit you? Sounds so exciting!

      Your booth sounds amazing! How brave are you?!

  5. You asked so here goes. Still looking for land and decided the whole thing is in God’s hands, have some amazing ideas as this will be an investment property because the property we want has to many family issues involved. Then come to find out that dealing with realtors that really don’t want to help has been the most frustrating part. So the land hunt continues. I’m still in the process of finishing up projects and cleaning out stuff around the house and finding that life as an empty nester is really quiet. So music has been a wonderful blessing because talking to the dogs just doesn’t cut it when hubby is off at work. Focusing a lot of effort on my blog to making it better, sometimes I wonder if this ever ends. Had to put my shop idea on the back burner because my heart just wasn’t into it at the moment and thinking do people really need more stuff? Just finished up the spring season of live workshops this I love, it’s so neat to be inspired by those who want to learn. I LOVE THIS! The next big thing coming up is our Sons Marine Graduation – this is probably perfect timing because by the time May hits I probably need a little vacation. Thanks for listening Donna – Hope you are doing great – I really love your blog and you and very inspiring gal.

    • Wow Carole… I truly believe the right property will fall on your lap when the time is right! That’s a pretty exciting new chapter!

      And I commend you on listening to your heart on the shop. If something stops you, it pays to listen. I just went through a few trials with things not feeling right, and when you find out the reasons why later, you will fall on your knees, and be so very grateful things did NOT work out as intended!

      I love how God works….

      And way to go on the workshops! Isn’t teaching the coolest?

      • Completely agree about the land. I homeschooled the kids so teaching I guess comes naturally but these workshops really are the coolest. Even better is when you start to see familiar faces from previous shows. I absolutely love it. Preparing all those kits though can be some serious work.

        God is definitely at work here, that I can feel.. Hope you’re having a great week.

  6. I wish I was braver and more focused. I always seem to play it safe and get bogged down in the “I don’t know how to do that” . Your story inspires me. Maybe I don’t have anything new to offer but so what? I am determined this year to get out of my comfort zone, try things, and if I fail, then ask what did I learn. I am on a journey to discover my true self (what do I really like, dislike? Is that really my style or not?) Thank you for letting me put it out there. And thank you for sharing your journey!

    • Cecilia, I think we hold ourselves back because we fear the change that is imminent with success. The unknown is a scary, but also fascinating ride.

      I think you should let go and run with it… as a good friend once told me, “If you aren’t filling up a dumpster while you learn, you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough!”

  7. You continue to be an inspiration for me. I remember a few years back when I messaged you about leaving my full time “paying” job to open my own business and how God was closing doors for me at the time and I wasn’t sure what to do. You helped me “through reading your story” to gain the confidence I needed. Here I sit 3 yrs in and I am making it! It has its time of diversity and scary moments where I can’t pay the bills, but I am learning more and more to have Faith, that if God took me this far it was for a reason. I have also found friends through the blog world. Where I live it is very hard to gain friends you trust and girls are just mean sometimes. But the internet in general has allowed me to gain lasting friendships and find like minded people that understand . Thank you for doing what you do and sharing so much.

    • Stephanie, I couldn’t be happier for you! If you’re on the right path, it WILL work out. I think the trick is to keep trying new things. Because each new thing changes your tomorrow.

      It’s amazing how everything is all interconnected. So proud of you!

  8. tough one for me…but here it goes. Trying to figure out my place this year with my blog and selling online. I love having my antique booth and monthly barn show but I feel pulled to the online world. I pretty much have no idea what I’m doing, but believe I will find my tribe along the way and hope to inspire others to jump in when it feels scary.

    A simple joy this morning is sitting at my desk seeing the cows grazing. They always make me smile.

    I’ll be back today, loved reading everyone’s posts so far.

    • Hey Jane, I can relate! I built my stencil store to incorporate online only, because that’s who read my blog… those online!

      Can’t hurt to try and see if it’s the right thing for you! You can always pull back again.

      Sounds really exciting!

  9. Hey Donna, Thank you for asking! I’m older…and I don’t feel it…except physically sometimes. In my mind I”m still 32 but my body is all of 61.

    This isn’t a subject most of your readers will understand but I know you will.

    I’ve turned into something besides a blogger and I don’t like it. I’m tired of social media and trying to keep up. I can’t do it anymore so I’ve basically stopped. I do the Pinterest thing and occasionally Facebook. I admit to hiring two VA’s, one to link to parties and another to Stumble and Google+. I figure the cost is worth my sanity.

    I’m ready to get back to what I started doing in 2011…..blogging. I want to write for my readers and encourage them in their diy projects.

    Your writing amazes me. It is so personal and real. Sometimes I come off as too fake or plastic. Still working on my voice after all this time.

    Thank you for asking.

    • Kathy, I commend you! Blogging has changed very much over the past few years. And I’m glad you’re changing things up to fall in love with it again. We can be our own worst enemies where SM comes into play. It’s so time consuming, and honestly? It never ends. So we just have to assign a limit ourselves.

      I love posts like these, because they bring out true personalities. There will be no pinning today… but for me, if I just blogged for repins and traffic, I’d have stopped blogging long ago.

      But that’s the beauty of blogging… one can do it any way they wish.

      Thank you for the kind words! And now I can’t wait to read more of yours. 🙂

  10. 48 years old and empty nest came to quickly. Married for 30 years in June. Three children all married (4 grandchildren) , one lives two miles away one in AZ and one in Holland. I miss the far away ones.
    I am filling my time with my art work and will be remodeling our house this summer. I am a DIY er as much as possible. my daughter in Holland started a blog called ‘jemstory’
    Funny how I thought I would one day and she being the most unlikly, did ?
    I and my other daughter sell on Etsy but the shipping costs kill me so I have really let it slide. I would like to sell my arr but never know what people want, prints, originals, sizes so for now they just sit and pile up. You can find me on Instagram @bmpsk if any wants wants to request a follow.
    All the best to the above commentors and thank you for asking about us. I enjoy your blog and honesty.

    • Wow, empty nest already! I don’t know what I’d do with myself… haha

      I think selling art is very personal… but hard to customize it, because everyone wants something different. I vote to put up the things you love. If you love them, they WILL talk to someone else!

      Do what you do best, then let your customers choose from there.

      I found you on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/bmpsk/ And your store is gorgeous!

  11. Into my last year in my 50’s. I feel such a strong need to do so many things which in turn has bit me in the butt! I have so many projects in different areas going on that I’m feeling so overwhelmed. Does anyone else have this going on I wonder? I know I’ve done this to myself and part of me says just focus on one to two things. But I want to do it all, while I still can. My house looks like a storage shed. Oh and the storage shed I rented and haven’t told hubby about. I needed more room! I think to myself, Is this a disease, obsession or am I just plan crazy. But come Saturday, I’ll go to more garage sales and look for more treasures. ? I have all this stuff that I think one day maybe I’ll make something, paint this, sew that. The list just keeps on and on. So here you have it….

    • Oh Mary… you are a true collector. It sounds as if your passion is landing the perfect thing, vs working on it. Maybe you should entertain the thought of opening a booth and selling treasures as is…

      I tend to collect too much too. But I’ve now stopped, because I once again have to purge first! 🙂

      I vote to not shop this weekend, pull out something you love, and start working on it. Get caught in the zone… and see what transpires…

      • Thank you Donna, I’m not going to go to garage sales this weekend. Instead I plan on taking my camera Nikon D750 and try to capture some of the beautiful spring flowers that are popping up all over. Maybe going to desert too. Take a breath of fresh air.. I don’t know about a booth but I was thinking of loading up my van and selling at the local swap meet. How do you know when you have “landed the perfect thing”?

  12. Wow, this is the coolest blog ever! I enjoy reading about your adventures, as I am one as well. I guess what comes to mind is a bit of a new chapter in my life. I am 64 1/2 and just that realization makes me feel a bit more of an adventurer. I have done so many things in my life, lived my life turning over every stone I found, and now, giving up a career I have had for 40 years, I want a new one. And I am not sure where my passion lies, in reality, I do know, but its too late to become a sound engineer! I have a passion to do wild things now, unrealistic dreams, and am thinking of just seeing where my life stream takes itself.
    I’ve been a person who always had three jobs going at a time, glamour jobs, ones I excelled at, and now I find myself looking a bit tired, overstressed, in need of a make over. I have been not only caring for a disabled husband, and my own family since my mom passed when I was 22, and still caring for my 97 year old father, I would love to just go somewhere to relax, and get some of my groove back. I am a capable person, multi-dimensional, and with that came a lot of multi-tasking, and now Im just pooped, but am looking forward to exploring my own passionate rebound from a life of too much responsibility. I just am now sure how to make myself relevant in a world of younger people, while I still feel like I have the ambition of a 40 year old, but aging has started to kick in. I am always inspired when I read your blog, as it transports me to a wholesome place where I feel like one of the girls! Ive been surrounded by men for so long, that I need some female energy, and I feel like thats what I get from this wholesome blog!

    • Wow Kit, there’s a lot in your paragraph above.

      It’s tough when you’re put in a place of high responsibility. I so admire your strength.

      And I so know what you mean by relaxing. I use to be this traveller that needed to see it all. Now I just want to find some beach, and listen to the waves. I think busy life seasons just do that.

      May the opportunity of the rest you need come your way soon!

      • Hi Donna:

        thanks for sharing the love in your reply! Just a little support such as yours goes a long way to brighten someone’s day. Today, me as a recipient, meant the world to me.
        Yes, a beach, waves, salt air is indeed the prescription I am seeking, soon! That, too, is my doctor feel good! Love, kit

  13. My thoughts are similar to many others’ here…I am at a crossroads in my life and I’m not sure which way to go. I thought that when my kids were grown and flown, that there would still be opportunities for me, but I have been disappointed. Don’t get me wrong–I have loved being a mom and a wife and an English teacher (16 years of that), but I always felt I had more than that inside. I turned down law school for love, I gave up a “fast track” career for kids, and I’ve been blogging (just for fun–have never gotten traffic, as it’s a humor blog) for over ten years. But there’s so much more to me, and I need to figure out how to let folks know. I’ve tried applying for new jobs, begging/bribing folks to read the blog, looking for a place to go to college again (I’m 56. so that’s not happening), and trolling on-line for guys (KIDDING!!). I just feel like I’m “Life of Pi” without (thank goodness) the tiger. Drifting aimlessly, and I hate it.

    • Ohhhh Kirby, you sound like I felt about 2 years ago. I was still working my day job and lost complete interest in it. I just didn’t morph with the changes I needed to make happen.

      Once I let go, that all changed.

      My suggestion to finding the new you? Start the build. Do something you love… then do it again. Repeat as necessary. THAT is where you need to gravitate towards! And there’s absolutely no reason not to start right now. I did double duty for 8 long years before I finally said goodbye to the day job.

      Start now….

  14. Hey Donna and thank you for having such a wonderful blog! I’m 61 and suffer from severe panic disorder, so trying new things is very scary to me. I’m trying to venture out and do more, but it’s a struggle. If it weren’t for my faith in God, I’d be nowhere. He sees me through day after day. I’m also on oxygen for COPD so there’s that to deal with as well. I would like to add that I am EXTREMELY blessed and I thank God every day. My son moved back in with me to save money and it’s a blessing to have him here. I love all your projects and am amazed at all you manage to come up with. You are a very talented individual and I admire your strength and courage that got you to where you are today. You are one heck of a woman! God bless you always…

    • Debbie, I’m so glad you know God is in your corner and will help you see things through.

      It’s hard to put myself in the place of another when I haven’t gone through what you have, but when I fear something? I take safe baby steps… as long as you’re moving forward and not back, you’re on the right track!

    • Dear Debbie, I understand your suffering. I too have had severe panic attacks. Oh my gosh, it is debilitating and frightening. I do hope you are getting help. And I want to tell you how wonderful it is for your son to move back in for financial reasons. My oldest son does that from time to time. And Debbie, smile, because you’re a good mom or your son wouldn’t be comfortable moving in back with you. You must have done something right. Right! And do your panic attacks have anything to do with suffering with COPD? I mean, you must feel very vulnerable. Please take care of yourself. And thank you for taking the time to be open to telling your story and thank you Donna for the open forum to do so. Have a good day Debbie!

  15. OMG!!!!!!!! I am not alone!! I really needed everyone’s comments today.

    Would like to add….I was diagnosed with an illness in June and let me tell you I had lots of fabric laying around, boards to paint, projects to do and that diagnosis made me sit down and think. What do I really want to do for the rest of my life (I don’t have a terminal illness….now it is under control but needs to be checked weekly). I want to create and create I have been doing. Have truly been having the best time. My motto is “if it isn’t fun I’m not doing it”.

    I am so very grateful for all I can do, for my loving and supportive family and a few fabulous friends.

    Thank you, Donna!!

    • Ellen, it sounds as if your illness gave you the perfect epiphany. I LOVE your new mantra. You should love this time of your life… good for you on not settling! Create to your heart’s content, your way! Because for you, there should be no other way…

      I pray your health stays in check!

  16. I am grateful to be reasonably healthy physically but totally healthy mentally. I went through a rough patch a few years ago when things started going downhill for Greece, where I live. Things are still heading south, but I have made up my mind to not be affected by all the misery and negativity and so I started blogging a year ago. It was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. So my advice for anyone out there is that it’s never too late (I’m in my 50’s) to move forward and do what you love.

  17. I have started my garden and cucumbers are already coming up. Lettuce is starting to peek thru. It is such a wonderful feeling seeing things grow. I try to grow enough to give to our mission here in town. They feed 9,000 a month. Every little bit helps.. I cant wait to see the tomatoes, peppers, onions, corn, and cabbage. The sun is shining here in Georgia and growing has begun.

    • What a phenomenal reason to garden, Gail!

      I can’t wait to get out there more myself. There’s something very special about watching something come from nothing, isn’t there?

  18. Hey Donna love your blog! I have a question. Is it always ok to copy a craft that you come across while shopping? I love going to “junk shows” but I love creating for less. I feel guilty when I use someone else’s idea. I heard that no one really ever makes up anything new, so that junker knocked off something they saw. What are your thoughts? I know about the trademark stuff – I’m talking repurpose and junk art. Not a deep dilemma but one that bugs me when I’m patty myself on the back over my great works of art!

    • Hi Janet!

      Thoughtful question! I’m personally a big endorser of being unique. I know I would prefer not to be copied verbatim, so I assume most other creators feel the same way.

      My suggestion is to talk to the artist to get their permission. Let them know what you intend to do with the creation, and go from there.

      I’ve allowed someone to copy one of my projects to sell, because I didn’t sell them myself. But she also has in her store where her inspiration derived from, with a direct link to my blog post on my own tutorial. Seemed like a pretty cool trade!

      That said, I do some inspired by projects with my own twists, but I always mention my inspiration and link back to them for the main part of the tutorial, if I copied them.

      Now if you’re talking about a mass produced product, if this is a store such as Pottery Barn, you could create our project with an ‘inspired by’ theme and link back to them. But I wouldn’t completely copy their creation myself.

      If you’re talking about a product on a store shelf, you could take a picture of it, and share it with your project, and name the store, so others had the chance to go buy it.

      But I’d always try and change something to make it more your own. Always. 🙂

    • As someone who has never had an original thought, I think it’s a form of flattery in many ways. Also keep in mind that, no matter what you create, it will always have your stamp on it. The inspiration of the original idea can lead to your own ideas.

  19. I am 67 but don’t feel like it and i am widowed. I am working at trying to make my house the home i want it to be. Sometimes what i want really isn’t what it should be,i just have to stop and really look to see what i need and don’t need. My sons have their own lives and bring my grand children when they can,we do spend time together but,its usually meeting at a restaurant in between. It’s hard to plan your home around two family visits a year,oh they do run in and out but never long. So maybe i should just plan things around me. Frustrated!!!

    • Hi Marlene (and Donna) – oh boy, this question from you, Donna, is sure opening up the floodgates today!! There is so much I’d like to say but it would take too much typing & bore everyone to tears, I’m sure. I’m 10 years older than you, Marlene, & also a widow (almost 2 years now). I feel about 35 inside but have so many physical hurdles, I just get so fed up battling those every day. I don’t drive anymore (I sure miss it) as it’s congested where I now live & I don’t know the area as well as I’d like. I miss getting out for a simple Sunday drive or visit a flea market, etc. I don’t know about you but I find I do okay and (outwardly) handle things fine but if someone (as kind as Donna) asks how am I REALLY doing – or what would I like to say – my eyes well up.

      I guess the only thing I can say to readers is that you are tougher than you think & CAN get through the bad stuff! I was a typical 50’s wife; looking after the house & (two) kids while my husband looked after everything else, finances, etc. I’ve learned a lot over these past two years.

      The Spring day my husband died, I came home to find a raccoon sitting on my roof. Evidently, a family had invaded the attic over the winter while I was looking after my husband. Normally, if he were well, he’d be outside checking the house, roof, soffits … all the “man stuff”. In a way, perhaps, it was a “godsend” as dealing with repairs & insurance company kept my mind busy. I then knew I needed to move & put the house up for sale. I was terrified doing it alone – but did it. I bought a condo closer to my kids (terrified again!!) but love it & its location. A few months after moving in, a dishwasher line broke during the night & flooded over half of the condo plus the one below me! Again, I had to deal with the insurance company & extensive renovations (complete new flooring, repairs to kitchen cupboards, living room fireplace, condo below, etc.). I lived in one room for 8 weeks as all the furniture was piled up at the dry end of the condo.

      Now I need a knee replacement & so wish my husband was here to look after me. I intend to move into a home for two weeks to recover enough to look after myself as I don’t intend on being a burden to my kids. I’m not looking forward to it & staying at a home without my husband will seem strange but I just say to myself “I can get through this.” I guess this overly long response is to emphasize to Donna’s readers that you CAN get through tough times & you ARE stronger than you think! (Note: I have never responded before in this lengthy fashion & wouldn’t have – if it weren’t for Donna’s sincerity that comes through so well in her blog!)

        • Thanks so much, Eileen!! I’m not always determined – believe me!! I have to do a lot of “faking it” too – but as I said, if there’s one thing I’d like to impress on Donna’s readers is that you are much tougher than you think!

          I’ve also found – over the years – that things always DO work out. They may not work out in the way you originally thought (or hoped) but they do work out.

          I have never responded to a blog the way I did this morning and apologize for being so wordy!! Her blog is much more than decor or building things for the home (I swear she’s a “shrink” in disguise!) …. it’s about building ourselves too. I find by revealing or airing our fears, worries, thoughts, we help each other out and it’s Donna’s generosity that allows us to do that. Thank you, Donna!

          • Oh Elaine, you have been through a lot. I am so sorry for your loss of your husband. But I do sense your bravery in going forward. I could so relate when I read of your making changes and doing what needs to be done but feeling terrified every time. It helps me to realize that I’m not the only that is TERRIFIED each time I have to confront change and do something. Thank you for your honesty and your story. I know you don’t feel brave but you are courageous. Not feeling it on the inside, I know, but maybe it helps you to accept and realize it when others tell you. And yes, I do agree that Donna is secretly a shrink. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. You are doing great in life!

  20. I am reading! And enjoying every blessed second of it!

    Your words are filling up my own soul. Thank you for taking the time to share what’s on your heart today!

    And if something triggers you into responding to another below, feel free! There’s a reply button after each comment.

    Thank you… I have a funny feeling I’ll be visiting the comments section many times over today!

  21. WOW! All women have some of the same frustrations in life; good to know but, not good to know! I am turning 73 and think I am 40 (or wish I could move like I was 40). Don’t get me wrong, I would never go back and change anything except one thing….try to be more physical through the years, maybe I could move better today if I had paid more attention. I was too focused on raising a family and a career. I miss those stressful days…making decisions and getting things done; now-a-days it feels like my brain is melting away and I get frustrated that I am not using my talents. I have thrown myself into gardening when the weather permits and my body permits and mixed media art play. They both are rewarding but I too feel like I should be doing more..
    work, work, work keeps me happy. Since I retired 3 years ago, it has been hard to relax and think about “what do I want to do” and then get the courage and strength to do it. Love that you asked Donna and love that everyone has a challenge and dream to fulfill..it’s just getting it done!

    • Eloise, I could write a book on what you said. I feel exactly the same way. One minute I think I know where things are going, then the next, it all changes.

      I guess that’s the exciting part… we aren’t suppose to know. We’re just suppose to do…

      I’m trying to get into the habit of moving more too…. but I sure don’t feel like it! 🙂

  22. Hi Everyone! I am always amazed at God’s timing. I am 58 years young and surprised at how many of the responses are from ladies just like me. I’ve loved reading the comments. I just finished doing my lesson for my Ladies Bible Study and thought I would quickly check emails. This post is a gift and gracious opportunity to share. We are studying “Twelve Extraordinary Women, How God Shaped Women of the Bible and What He Wants to Do With You” by John MacArthur and are on the last lesson. We’ve learned how God used ordinary women to do amazing things. Their lives were often filled with hardships and struggles. The books ends “what God is doing in their lives is really no different from what He does in the life of every true believer.” I have been greatly encouraged to remember that He has a wonderful plan for me too. Women are very precious to Jesus Christ. Please be encouraged Ladies! Thank you so much Donna ?

    • Talk about timing, Judy!

      I took a course through my church on how to use our God given gifts. It was very enlightening to realize I fell more in the teaching zone than creativity zone! I didn’t see that coming…

      It helps to examine tasks you love and dislike. It really helps one lead to the right zones…

  23. The mention of a trip struck me. Two years (2014) ago my best friend gave me a gift of us going on a 4 day trip to Seattle. We started planning right away but different things got i the way, so we said we would do it in 2015! We planned and even had reservations…then I had a bad bout of sciatica for 2 months, so plans were canceled. After I was better, we started planning again and then–POW! I was hit with a kidney stone passing and it killed our plans. Then my friend got sick and, of course, we had to change our plans.
    Well, so far we are into 2016 and AGAIN trying to get this trip settled. We are shooting for the end of May! I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  24. Yesterday I went out on a first date with someone I met a few times previously at social functions- Haven’t been on a date that I was as excited about in a long, long time (years infact!). What I experienced was an absolutely beautiful, empathetic person, who i have a lot in common with and similar values. And now I find I am so wanting to get to know this person more! Ive never married nor had children, I am in my late 40s, and would very much like this relationship to progress, and I hope the universe brings me that opportunity.

  25. Hi and thanks for your inviting blog post. Life is hard. I was married for 31 years and my husband had a mid life crisis and divorced me and at the time our adult sons (twins) were going through an addiction problem and it has been very difficult for me. I was so caught up with my children that I didn’t have time to grieve a divorce while it was happening. Maybe it was a good thing at the time to not have to deal with it but now (our divorce has been final for 2 years) I can’t seem to get past it. I think about him every single day. I still want to be with him in my heart, but I would never go back with him due to the fact that I felt like he left me when I needed him the most. We see each other from time to time and he even calls me just to talk sometimes. He acts as though we are BFFs. How do I move on? I am stuck in the anger stage. You would think I was finished with the grief stages by now by I am ashamed to saw that I am not and honestly don’t really know if I ever will be. Prayer is powerful and I know that is how I make it. If you ever feel the need to pray for someone, pray for me, I can ALWAYS use prayer. Thanks again for this opportunity.

  26. Hello! Age is a real thing! Nothing is quite as you would imagine it to be as you get older. Things are just different. Not bad, just different. I love following you and reading your blog and seeing what you are up to. It gives me a lot of confidence. I have great ideas but often fail to know the how part. Usually with the cutting, drilling, etc. but seeing how you never let that stop you, you just go for it and tackle whatever your doing gives me the confidence to do it myself. I get so much joy in creating and doing my own thing. Keep doing what your doing and I hope I can continue to be inspired and maybe follow in your footsteps a bit.

  27. I’m a very private person so I struggle to say much of anything at any time, I suffer from post traumatic stress and I feel most comfortable when I am pulling weeds in my garden or painting or reading. I find much comfort in my bible and feel closer to God than any one person. Married for 28 years to a wonderful man and raised 3 sons and have 2 grandchildren. I am kind yet strong, quiet yet can roar, fearless yet still vulnerable. Nothing special, maybe a bit quirky, it’s all good even when it’s bad I can find that silver lining. Hope is always on my side. Toni asked for prayer, I prayed for her, expect peace Toni, I prayed for all those who are struggling, give your struggles to God, he will carry them for you, all things take time and miracles do happen, it’s all in knowing where to look, search and you will find. Chin up, and hugs to those who need one.

  28. This is extremely hard for me to even begin. The other day I had to stop reading because so many comments that were left hit very close to home. We became empty nesters a year ago and I am finding it a challenge. Again my
    wonderful husband’s life has not changed much as he still goes into work and
    sees his co-workers and his day remains pretty much the same. I, however, need to change again for the umpteenth time while wearing the mom hat. I miss my daughter terribly—-the stories, the college homework, the everyday humdrum chatter, the dinner making fun, the baking, and just the essence of her. I guess mothers need to be needed on all levels as we have sacrificed for our children. To make matters worse she is with someone that is such a “controller” and he has little regard for us. I hate this stage of my life!!!! I love doing crafts and DIY projects and cooking and baking but the joy is just gone. I tutor in a grade school to children that are behind in reading which I love. But I am finding that it is not enough. All parents are passed and we are left with uncaring brothers on both sides of the family. I wish I had an answer as to what I will be when I grow up….but alas there is no crystal ball with the answer. Thanks Donna for giving me the spark to even write such personal stuff. Love your blog very much and much continued success to you.

  29. Your post blessed me and then I read the comments and got even more blessed. I guess I never realized how many of your readers are near my age and at the same stage of life with the same questions that I have.

    As you know, Donna, I fall in that empty nester category and still trying to figure out what to do when I grow up. I have more time than in earlier years, but some health issues.

    I think I overthink and overanalyze to the point of inaction. I want to know the full path, or at least see further down the road rather than simply taking the step in front of me. I think I fear taking the wrong path and not realizing it until I’m far down it and then realizing that I wasted my time going the wrong way.

    Recently, I shared a part of my testimony at a women’s Bible Study, the hard part that I never thought I’d share, and it was so nice to hear how it ministered to women. I love helping women and I love writing. So, I’m just going to keep going in both of those directions and see what happens. In addition, I’m taking positive healthy steps and simplifying everything I can simplify so I have more time to focus on what I love to do.

  30. I have sooooo enjoyed reading all of these comments!!!! I am not alone!! Lol. I am 48 yrs old and have been married for 23 yrs to my best friend:). Between my husband and I we have four kids and I was a grandma at 30!! (It’s a long story!! But a good one:)). Oh and we are cattle ranchers!! I have a small space in a antique mall where I sell my treasures. I started my own business in 2010 and it has slowly grown but is still a work in progress? I enjoy photography and creating things but I also enjoy my horses, dogs and cats. I also have learned how to embrace this whole aging thing…. I am a young soul and so it feels a little surreal to be approaching 50! Jesus is the passion of my life and encouraging others to go after all the dreams that have been placed in their hearts, gives me great joy:) Life is really exciting to me! I have had heart ache in my life but God has carried me thru it all:). My mom, who was a huge part of my life, moved to heaven when I was 43 and that felt like a part of me left this earth with her…..BUT GOD who loves me more than I can imagine just walked me thru to the other side and healed all that was broken inside:). Sooooooo…..now I am on a grand adventure!! I am seriously thinking of starting a blog, like a lot of ladies that have commented here. I think that as we get older we have our life lessons and insights to share. Isn’t that what we want to do?? Help someone else come through moments in their lives easier than we did or at least let them know they are not alone:). Plus I love to take pics of my lifestyle….like baby calves, and big bulls or beautiful scenery and pretty horses!! Life is so awesome if we will just hook up with the One who longs to make it beautiful:). Well, I think that is it in a nutshell and I hope I can pick your brain and be a student to your experience as a blogger and talented artist!! Thank you for letting me share❤️

  31. Hello Donna, I’ve never posted on anybody’s blog before but since you asked I’ll give this a shot. Big life changes are currently in the mix for me. I’ve read many posts by you that have talked about your journey of giving up the “dreaded day job” and pursuing a much more fulfilling way of life. Honestly your posts made me a little.. okay maybe a lot envious. But they did trigger a little flame inside of me that I’ve continued to stoke. For the past 11 years I have maintained a very successful corporate IT related career. It has paid the bills pretty well, supported both of my children as they have grown into adults, and afforded me the opportunity to pursue my crazy dream of renovating a 100+ year old house by myself. All while sucking the life out of me bit by bit along my 2-3 hour commute to and from work each day. I have dreamed of a much simpler, laid back, and rewarding way of life that is spent with loved ones rather then endless hours in meetings and conference calls. A year ago a special someone dropped into my life and opened my eyes to what is truly important. My Sweetpea just retired this past November after 21yrs in the Army and we have made the decision to pack up our entire life here in the Pacific Northwest and move back to the small town where he grew up in Upstate New York. This decision to move clear across the country and totally change our lives hasn’t been made lightly. We have spent countless nights talking about what is truly important and for us, family is important. So we’re closing escrow on a small little cottage 3 doors down from his brother and 2 doors from his mother on the 31st of this month. So many big things have to happen before we can make the move though and I have to figure out how to make a living outside of the corporate world. I used to design collectible teddy bears and am interested in creating bears again. But before I can devote the time required to being creative I have to finish the renovation on my current 100+ year old home, put it on the market to sell, buy an income property in NY with the proceeds, travel back and forth to NY to fully gut and renovate the new cottage, and coordinate a cross country move with the US Army. When thinking about all that needs to be done to get to where we want to be in life, it can be kind of overwhelming. So I’m working on just taking things one small chunk at a time.

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