
Weekend riverside getaway in the mountains in Hope, BC Canada | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Thank-you friends, for your heartfelt messages you left in the last post.

So, as you know, I dashed off to the mountains for a short little getaway.

I needed this like you have no idea. And staying in a place you don’t even really desire to leave just to keep yourself busy is such a gift!

However, I had high hopes of seeing some nearby places I have never visited before. But I woke up the next AM feeling really poorly.

I was so grateful that it didn’t matter when I decided on breakfast. It was left out for me to enjoy when I was ready. I brought it to the river and sat for the longest time, watching the water, enjoying the coffee with bite, then being treated to a healthy delicious breakfast.

I felt pampered. A cozy blanket wrapped around me, and I was sitting in front of a propane flickering fire pit.

With not a care in the world.

I then slugged myself into town to pick up some prepared food just so I could come back to the glampsite.

I even mulled over coming home instead, but stopped myself short. I would feel no better at home. THIS was a place of rest, so rest I would.

And I think it was a sign that I needed to do very little. 

But I also felt ripped off. I didn’t want to come home without a little more adventure other than sitting and reading a book.

And that’s when Sue the owner mentioned in passing someone pulled out at the last minute. There were 3 nights over the weekend that reopened in another cabin.

It took me about 30 seconds to grab my visa card and have her bill me for them.

“All 3?”

“Yes please. All 3.”


So… I Ieft, came home for one night and am going back again.

Because… I need longer. 

Do you have any idea how tough it is to be so quiet after chaos? I know I’m in a transitional place, so I want to punch my way through it and land on my feet.

So… longer it is.

I’m doing it because it’s hard. AND fun at the same time.

Weekend riverside getaway in the mountains in Hope, BC Canada | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I also didn’t realize it was a Canadian long weekend, so it’s best if I leave early Friday.

So let’s bypass the weekend junk party this weekend. You can double up your linkups next weekend, deal?

Now YOU have longer too!

What will you do with your time?

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27 thoughts on “Longer.

  1. So very happy Donna that you have found a place to rest and rest and see beauty and breathe in fresh air and listen to the water tumbling past. Wrapped in a warm blanket with a propane fire pit by the water with a breakfast each morning has to make a time of peace for your soul. Hugs and take care Donna.


    • Haha! Weeeellllll….. I ran into a little issue with their decadent coffee. A couple of irresistible cups in the evening kept me up all night. Oh my goodness… 9 hours straight of listening to wildlife in pitch black proved quite interesting! I’ll have to try their tea next! LOL

      p.s. Sue provides an entire carafe in the AM just for me. And it has muscle! Swoon….

    • Yes, it’s pretty perfect. A bike trail, nature, water, rustic cabin, antique shopping or eating out if desired, lots to photograph… not sure I can top it! But you can bet I’ll eventually try… : )

  2. Speaking as a woman, I feel we are expected to do do do go go go. When we are not we feel a little guilty. When we finally try to leave all that for a couple or few days of doing nothing but to nurture ourselves, we feel a NEED to get back to the old grind ,I’m not talking coffee here lol

    You listened to your body, your heart and your head and took a few more deserved days to just be.

    Good girl!!
    My retreat is the mountains of North Carolina annual getaway with the hubby and family, and a annual beach trip with my 43 year old daughter for a couple days. No men!!! Now that’s relaxation!!!
    Xo Christine

    • As a long time traveller of extended vacations, I know all too well the signs of not staying long enough. If you don’t feel yourself letting go of ‘the grind’, you aren’t done yet! It’s hard to transition to the next step, but it’s like a meadow full of wildflowers if you allow it!

      Your retreat sounds wonderful! Especially the bonding trip with your daughter… now that is something neither of you will ever forget. I use to take my mom camping with us. Those precious memories will have me smiling forever. Thank-you for giving that gift to your daughter. You have no idea…

  3. Donna,

    Hello from California! Love your blog. Keep it up. Take care of yourself. It’s ok to do nothing if that’s what you need.

    Hugs, Marjie

  4. Hi Donna,

    You go girl!

    Have a wonderful time and enjoy that awesome scenery God has provided.

    We are getting into some great weather here in Washington state as well.

    I may head to the beach myself and visit a friend and take in the peace of the ocean I so need right now.

    I just lost both my parents over a 7 week period. So it’s been an emotional roller coaster during May and June. Also was in a car wreck so healing physically from that has taken some time. Glad it wasn’t worse.

    You take it easy and let God take care of you.


    • I can’t think of a thing to do better than take in the ocean with the weather we are having! Good for you!

      So sorry for your precious losses… I cannot even imagine! Losing one at a time many years apart was so very hard enough.

      And yes, a car accident will slow you right down. A suggestion from a long time sufferer of a few, keep a diary of how you are feeling when. It may come in very handy for any ‘future negotiations.’

      Sounds like the ocean is the perfect antidote for all…

  5. Good for you – another 3 days – that’s awesome. Those pics look so relaxing that I wish I was there with you! Enjoy, recharge, you certainly deserve it (and don’t worry about the guilty feeling, it will pass LOL)

  6. Enjoy the rest. Life can certainly be unpredictable and throws you a curve sometimes when you least expect it. I think those are the hardest as you are totally unprepared.
    A getaway to just rest sounds perfect as emotional toil is exhausting!
    Happy Canada Day! ?? And know that you are not alone!❤️

  7. I’m so sorry you’re going through this but glad God is doing a work of healing in you. It looks like a wonderful place to relax.

  8. Oh Donna I am so happy to see that you have found a wonderful place to rest your head for a few days. As long as you are content and at peace that is what really matters. Those things are so hard to come by. I am trying to get through this awful heat wave weekend as best as I can. Mainly by not doing too much, not moving too much. Let’s hope I make it till Monday! 😉

  9. How good is it for you to stay longer!!! You are putting yourself out there for longer! Stretching yourself longer! Good girl! I hope everything in your life finds it’s peace. xo

  10. Happy Canada Day, Donna! So this is a Triple R weekend for you, that being “Rest, Relax, Repeat.”

    Enjoy every single minute of it taking care of you!

  11. Don’t know what happened for the crash you’re now in but that does not matter. What matters is you get the rest you need, our minds and bodys heal with rest.
    Take care of you because you’re a wonderful woman!!!

    From one Vancouver Canadian who has fought those challenges and still is. We will win.

    Rest doesn’t do ANYTHING you don’t want it to. If what’s not being done is not life threatening then it just does not matter. You matter.

    Take care

  12. Yea! Get all rested up. It takes a good long while to wind ourselves down from crisis-mode life events. Especially for us creative types that just feel the world’s pains a little deeper, it seems. Fill your eyes and your senses up with God’s beautiful creation & feel His blanket wrapped around you;)

  13. Ahh, the quiet after chaos is deafening. For the last 14 years, I’ve lived from crisis to crisis with the threat of crisis in between. Looking back now, I can see how the Father cared for me the whole time, even when I messed up. I am on the tail end of it now. Healing but still dealing with hard, painful things. What I have already survived with my Father is a testimony of my future…no matter how I feel sometimes. I will not only survive, I will have victory.

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