"OUR" cutest couple WON!

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Remember our ‘cutest couple’ we voted on a few days ago HERE?

Well, with your help, they blew out their competition! Thousands of you voted and helped make this family’s dream come true!

(story below)

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Thank-you so much!

Any guesses where Grandaughter and Grandpa went for lunch? If you’re an avid reader of this blog, you may guess…

Mission Springs Brewing Company! Nice choice!!

(see the photoshoot HERE)

And here’s what granddaughter Traci says:

Yeah! We won by about 2,300 votes! Grandma loved the flowers and put them beside her bed table, she was really surprised. We also printed off pictures of everyone’s comments they left on the photo and shares and put it into an album. I read them all to her yesterday, she was very touched by the support and love by people that didn’t even know her. She is also very selfless so she doesn’t think she deserves much recognition but I know it means a lot to her to have so many encouraging and especially positive thoughts for her. 

We took Grandpa out for lunch where he enjoyed a beef dip, and the rest of my family joined us as well: my mom, dad and brother.

When we told them about the contest they were very flattered about the whole thing, mostly shy and confused because they didn’t understand Facebook. But I know it’s been the highlight for the past few months. Grandma looks at the comments from everyone in her room and it brings her a lot of encouragement. 

I think Mission Springs was the perfect place to take him, 2 mins away from the hospital and we all looooved the style! (my mom got the idea from your page of course) Grandpa loved it! He talked about the truck in the roof the whole time, like how he had one just like it himself when my dad was young. My dad thought it would be a smart idea to ride his tricycle off the back of it  and wiped out. It brought back a lot of funny memories for Grandpa!

Other than that we’ve been spending a lot of time at her bedside just talking and telling stories. I laid with Grandma for awhile and massaged her hands and arms (I’m a week away from being a Registered Massage Therapist) so that helped her quite a lot.

As a couple they are doing well, my Grandpa is in and out visiting her about 6 or 7 times a day and takes care of her comfort and needs.

Thanks so much for sharing our story with your followers! This wouldn’t have happened without them!


Tell me your day just got better too… *sniff*

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47 thoughts on “"OUR" cutest couple WON!

  1. Thanks Donna you did a great job of sharing this story for our family. Your posts are very beautiful, and bring such joy to a very difficult time in our families life. And thank you to all those who have supported our family. Please continue to lift us up in prayer. Cindy Cyr

  2. so happy for them…..that kind of love and devotion to each other comes along once in a lifetime if we are lucky. some people never find it…some find it and let it go….i also have the one in a lifetime variety….he is my soul and my heart…congrats to the wonderful couple. what beautiful role models they are……god bless them both…….

  3. SOOO Happy for them. When you hear about all the ways the internet can be used to do hurtful things, isn’t it nice to see how it can be used to INSPIRE! It was nice to take part in something that made a sweet little difference in someone’s day 🙂 -Jenny

  4. Oh how sweet! I am so glad they won…such a wonderful couple. And you are so right…perfect place to go for lunch! This restaurant reminds me of The Cracker Barrel.

  5. What a wonderful love story. So glad they both had a wonderful ‘win’. I loved that her Grandpa enjoyed the truck at the restaurant and Grandma, so humble, loved the comments. Both were so deserving.

  6. I’m so happy to hear a happy ending here! I was very touched by their story and very glad that you shared with us. I’m also happy that I could help by voting for them! The whole family looks adorable!

  7. Awesome! Prayers always for them. I hope they will keep in touch so that we can continue the journey with this deserving couple. Thanks so much Donna. I’m so happy they won & they went to the fabulous restaurant you had visited recently. Simply Awesome!

  8. How wonderful that they won!!! I couldn’t vote on facebook because I’m not a member, but I hoped they would win, they had my vote right here in your blog.

    Have a lovely Valentine’s day.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  9. Yahoo…. I’m so happy they won! A perfect post of love and how love spreads its wings. Thank you for sharing their story and the update. Happy Valentine’s Day! xo

    • I do Nutbird. But I’m also feeling so very honoured to have had everyone’s participation in this to this degree. As the votes went up by the minute, the feeling of gratitude overwhelmed me. You guys just blow me away daily with your continued kind comments and generosity. Thanks. SO. much!

  10. Thanks Donna for sharing that wonderful story. I got my girls to vote for them since I am not on facebook. I am so glad they won and the minute I read where they went to eat I thought about the truck in the ceiling and thought about grandpa would see it and it would bring back memories for him. I am so glad it did and sounds like happy ones too.
    Valentines Day couldn’t get any better than that!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing their story – I voted immediately after reading it! I am so glad they won; I can only hope my hubs and I have that loving bond at their age!

  12. oh, yeah. My mascara’s almost gone. SO glad they won ! I voted for them because they are going through the same as my mom and dad. My folks also had trouble understanding the internet, so I bet the kids had fun trying to explain Facebook to them. A very uplifting Valentine’s story. Thank you for bringing it to us !!

  13. Happy Valentines Day indeed! This is what it’s all about. She is so beautiful and he is very handsome. I’m glad you got pictures of their faces this time. When I voted for them I just knew they would win. I am lighting candles for them.

    Oh, and my mascara has gone where Patty’s went.

  14. SO happy that they won! I cried as I read this. Thank you for sharing the photos. What a wonderful Valentines Day story! Sending much love and many prayers for such a sweet couple, and to you and your family.

  15. What a truly wonderful Valentines Day. I am so happy that I voted and this very special couple won! I hope it is a day they will both remember, and hope also there are more happy days to follow. A story of true love like this, is what today is all about. So happy you posted to let us know the outcome of the vote.

  16. Ok, Donna, this is a God thing. How appropriate for this couple to win. What a role model for couples everywhere and nothing like a contest to get people’s attention.
    God bless them in their marriage. This is the way it should be done.

  17. This is so sweet and what a great Valentines story.
    As someone above mentioned it is nice to hear a follow up story and see what a difference online votes can make, how it touches people’s lives.

  18. Thank you for the follow up story. How sweet. Glad to be a part of something so big and so positive. God bless them and their family.

  19. A wonderful love story and a great deed to get so many of us to vote for them. How could anyone not vote for them with that story and that picture? The Internet can be beneficial or harmful. This whole event, including your RAK to get it going, is a demonstration of the former. It sounds like the entire family had a great time. They all deserved it. I wanna visit that brew pub someday!!!

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