Today was the perfect morning.
My boy was sitting by the front door with watch in hand, waiting for the magical moment he was allowed to walk to the bus stop for the first time. Too early would not be so cool you see. He’s in middle school now after all.
A neighbour’s cat joined in the wait as our front door is generally swung wide open. The company made the delay more bearable.
My son’s watch was found and the time was tweaked, setting the alarm to go off when he was ‘allowed’ out the front door. Now that was a good idea.
During our wait, I sat on the steps still in pj’s, sipping my first brew of the day while reading what would transpire that morning, hoping to subside any fears. After the read, he recited everything back exactly the way I read it.
He was ready. No wait… make that we were ready.
New kickin’ shoes never having seen a speck of dust yet head out the front door. Without the request of mom coming along for the first time in 7 years because that would not have been so cool.
I feared this morning for a long time, imagining we’d run late for the bus for the most part. Dual alarms going off, we ensured we had it down.
But most of my fear came from not knowing if he was ready. You see he’s been dreading this AM because of the new school transition. With new comes risk. However today was different. He couldn’t wait to head out which was just really exciting to see. And such a relief!
All our mornings won’t likely click this well, however today offered a promise. The new start came with the promise of change for the better. Growth and fullfilling some new dreams. Schedules back in action putting productivity back on the list.
For both of us.
What I desire for my son is the opportunity to try new things in an effort to discover his passion. He needs a focus and with a school full of workshop equipment, cooking, tools, clubs and new friends, my dream for him is to get out there and just do it. And have a blast.
As for myself, I’ve slammed on the brakes all summer. It’s been enjoyable, but this was the first summer I really didn’t desire to run off too far. I fought the need to DIY and write constantly. Something’s different now.
And it’s time to work on my own aspirations. Alongside the good ‘ol day job, writing is officially on the schedule as one to-do. At least one day a week the plan is to sit down and get those words entered where they need to go. I’m going to label it work, but I have a feeling it’s going to turn into a whole lotta fun and new opportunity. Just do it, right?
Let the games begin! We are ready!
But no time to delay… we only have 2 short hours today to change our worlds after all. 🙂
What new aspirations do you have for yourself and your family this fall?
Come out and play. 🙂
What a neat post, Donna 🙂
My only child graduated high school this year (2011) and then promptly moved to the East Coast (NY) to possibly go to collage there. Time will tell.
Good luck to your son on his new adventure in his new school and challenges to be “just in time” to be cool (but not “too cool”, if you know what I mean)
Greetings and well wishes from me in NW Illinois, USA
He’s new to the school? Remind him that he is not the only new kid… maybe finding another new kid to pal around with will make it easier?
Or maybe it’ll be easy without even trying? Hope he had a great first day!
Independence. Tough to let go. Opportunities.
– Joy
OK, I have tears and want to cry but I can’t cuz I’m at work, lol!!! I rmember those days so well, like they were just last year. But my youngest also graduated, but fortunately for me (I know I’m being selfish!) did NOT go away to school, just to junior college down the road. It goes waaaaay to fast, I am here to tell ya!!!
aka paintNpatch
Donna I do remember those days, they go so quickly. He looks so handsome in that fresh
haircut, new shoes and wow doesn’t have to wear a uniform either. My grand kids would love his school with the no uniforms. Middle school is when they don’t so much need mom anymore except when it comes time for test,maybe help him study. He will have so many friends that he will forget it is a new school. When he gets home he will talk your ears off about his day….ENJOY!!! They grow up way too fast.
Remembering those sweet & precious days Donna 🙂
Love the photos of your son…and love the “recalling days gone by”.
Love to you!
Deborah xo
Two hours will turn into months & years and before you know it he will be a grown man!…This is an amazing time and I know you are treasuring it! Each world changing moment is a blessing to share.
My oldest son went off to junior high for his first year and my middle son headed off to a new middle school too this year Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was holding their chubby little hands and now they’re “too cool” to hug their momma goodbye. Change can be bittersweet. Sometimes I dislike the inevitability of it all, but oh the pride I feel for the young men I see emerging with each passing day. 🙂
Donna- I remember those days so well…all the anticipation AND anxiety that new challenges bring. Good for you for a commit to write every day. I think we all need to “do for” ourselves sometimes. Happy 1st day of school for you! xo Diana
I don’t think 11 is old enough to start Middle School. Maybe 21 is a better age. He will be fine though. It always seems to hit us harder than it hits them. They always seem to take it in stride.
Just sent my son off to the first day of school myself. Even as you push them out the door, you want to pull them back in and hold them close.
Wishing your son a wonderful first day at a new school!
Lovely! We can’t wait to grow up and then we get to a point where all want is to be a kid again!
He’s got a fantastic, caring and passionate mom who will no doubt steer him into the most amazing palate of life imaginable!
I have one more year to get ready for middle school. Wait…i don’t think “I” will ever be ready but maybe my son will be ready by then. Thanks for sharing your story.
I seriously enjoyed reading every word of your post today. I have made some shifts that are somewhat similiar to yours this summer. It’s been re-newing. Here’s hoping his first day was wonderful!!
This is YOUR first step to being a parent of future grown up! Scary, isn’t it? Mine went off to college this fall in a large city that he’s never driven to or in before. He’s a small town boy and a good kid.
All we can do is pray we did a great job raising them with the good values we’ve taught them, that those values stay with them and they actually use them regularly. I think you’ve done great so far! He’ll make you even more proud when he’s grown. ;^)
I love this post! I taught middle school for many years, and it’s just the most transitional time for any child. Give him a good 12 weeks to figure things out. Teachers don’t cut much slack in the beginning, and he’s still trying to get his locker open! Enjoy this time when your boy becomes a teen. My son grew 12″ in middle school, and left looking more like a man than a child. Bless you both!
first day of a new journey! how exciting for both of you. he will have a blast and come home bursting with information. need this, need that, fill out this form, sign this mom and the big question…will he have homework the first day? hummm…I would love to be a guest at your dinner table tonight.
I actually read this twice, you see I have been there were you were three times already…middle school or junior high is a big deal, and moms, they need to fade into the background, but not too far! My baby is in college now, and his dad and his step dad joined forces with me when we set up his first apartment, which I blogged about. This baby of mine was thrilled to be where he was, ready to be on his own. But reading this reminds me most of my first born son, who is going to be 31 this year! He was very concerned about the cool thanks for the trip down memory lane. That first pic was the best! The new kicks were second best. I spent WAY too much money on the new kicks for many years!!
Oh, I remember this day well for my son. We want our kids to be independent but when they actually are, it’s kind of hard for us to handle. Your son is going to do great! Now, this year, my son headed off to high school as a freshman. He seemed so grown up; no longer a little boy. I posted about it and how it was all going by so fast and how I missed the little boy but am so proud of the young man he’s becoming. Your son will begin to act like he needs you less and less as he goes through the next few years (say 7 years) but they really need us maybe more as they transition to adulthood and try to figure out this world.
Enjoy your “work”!
My oldest daughter, now 35, wouldn’t let me carry anything. It was hot that day and she went to afternoon session, pigtails, bright red
cheeks, frail little shape…I wasn’t sure I could leave her there. She turned around looked at me and said “You can go now , mom.”
Holy Moley!
Hi Donna-
Such a big milestone for both of you. Love those new shoes. I hope his first day went well.
My best- Diane
With my baby and 4th child now in high school I can tell you from experience that the jump from elementary to middle school was the absolute hardest! Maybe not for them, but for me. Middle school to high school was a breeze. It just seems like such a leap when they’re ready for middle school. So glad it was a great first day of school…for you both!
Hi Donna, I have nominated you for the “Versatile Blogger” Award – please pop over to my blog for the info! Love your blog!
Donna, now you’ve gone and done it again. Make me face reality…
Valerene, Malaysia
Beautifully written… I shed a tear reading!