Hello friends!
Happy New Year and Monday to you! I am SO officially ready to get in the saddle and blog full throttle once again!
We’ve had an amazing break. Seriously, I was online very little between Christmas and New Years for the first time and it was honestly pretty amazing. Lots of mindless movie watching, Disney of course with plenty of pool and hottub time, and just enjoying doing nothing in general. What a treat!
Christmas decor is still in full glitter in every corner and I’m not minding it one bit. We also had our first little snowstorm today so I raced out while the freezing rain pounded down shortly after. Our snow goes that fast… in a matter of hours.
Anyway, there’s so much I’m ready to do…
I’m busy editing Disney photos, drafting ideas on how to deliver my best shared Disney tips, gearing up for our Heap of Shame challenge (get those garbage bags ready this week!) and dying to crank out some new old signs and stencil designs, show you what I got in the mail.
And do some crazy amazing new things to this place…
Remove carpet and put down some quirky wood or ? floor in my office downstairs.
Lighten and brighten many walls with features and new paint.
Finish the ensuite.
Finish the laundryroom.
Do something cool to the outside of our home.
Create more storage for junk.
Continue with the workshop.
Brighten up my kitchen… wishing for lighter counter tops and whiter cabinets.
Tweak the living room. I need two chairs or new covers, do something with the sofa, and require a new area rug, preferably a soft sisal type.
And more. So much more.
Is your list just as long? Awesome. We’re in good company. Let’s discuss it all at a good coffee shop… while taking our time of course. 🙂
Survey Below
But first off, I’d love your input. I don’t think I’ve ever hosted a survey before, and I’d love your opinions on anything and everything.
The survey is below, and your answers and feedback are totally private. So say it all and the way you wish! I’ll share some of the results in a couple weeks!
Please note, the survey scrolls longer than what it shows.
Got questions? Ask in comments!
And if you have any questions, I’d love for you to ask away in comments. I do have a FAQ section HERE but I’d love to update it so your questions may even land there. Or maybe just in comments. Or I’ll fire up a part 2 or create individual new posts. We’ll see if you even want to know anything. 🙂
So… thanks for your input! And what would you like to know?
To see entire survey, scroll it for more.
Subscribe to the stencil newsletter HERE. (due to popular request!)
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
Happy New Year!!! So glad you enjoyed your break! Like you, I am ready to get back to blogging full force. I’m taking a whole new approach this year. So excited to see where God is going to lead me. I know you are too! Praying for you and your blog.:)
Donna, I’m so happy you enjoyed your vacation and I’m certain, much needed break. I will be taking the survey, but to keep that short, I would like to see all that you’ve mentioned. First I thought kitchen, yeah then storage for junk, workshop..and on from there. Can’t wait!
Happy Now year, now is a word/goal I need to work on as well. Looking forward to reading your inspiring words. Looking forward to the workshop blog and the kitchen and..all of it!
Welcome back! Time away is rejuvenating and I’m looking forward to seeing what your new year brings to the blogger world. I’m a new follower but have already recommended you to friends. Happy 2015!
Thanks for sharing your creativity! I love how positive you are and also how dedicated you are to sharing on a regular basis.
I am so happy you had a great vacation and you got some time to just goof off and relax.
Thank you for your consistent sharing and inspiration!! Happy New Year!
Wishing you a blessed New Year! Thank you for the inspiration!
Happy New Year, Donna! I’m just getting back to reconnecting with your blog…we had a fire back in spring and lost everything, so needless to say, I’ve had to take a long hiatus from the online world. But I wanted to let you know that I’ve really enjoyed reading through your posts of this past year and seeing how much you’ve grown! It brought tears to my eyes to read that you are now on your way to living life on your own terms (something we should all be striving for)…I am sooooooo over-the-moon happy for you! Thank you so very much for continuing to share your life with us…the trials…the errors…the joys…the successes…I’ve learned sooooooooo much from you, you just can’t even know! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2015!
Oh my goodness… I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through, Susan! Just wow.
And welcome back! Thanks for your support and interest to fire up your reading, junk style once again! Hopefully I can help inspire you to get your home back in order with some easy projects! 🙂
Thank you so much, Donna! It’s been tough…I still mourn over our old home and all of the possessions we amassed over the 25 years of living there. I know we aren’t supposed to be tied to our possessions, but things like photos, home movies, personal mementos, personal art-work and writing etc. are simply irreplaceable…knowing they are lost forever still makes me feel a bit displaced. But the important part is that we survived, as did our pets and that is what we need to hold onto. And we’re slowly finding our niche in our new hometown and home.
It’s soooooooo good to be reading you again, you don’t even know! And yes, you can bet I plan on doing my best to replicate many of your amazing projects for use in our new home cuz we could kinda do with some furniture…hehe! Thanks again for all that you share, day in and day out, Donna, you are truly a treasure and I am soooooo happy to be following you again! Wishing you and yours much joy and prosperity in the New Year…you are sooooooo gonna rock 2015, I can just feel it! 🙂
Thanks for all you share.. your the best..
Glad you and your son enjoyed the vacation. Keep up your clever ideas. I especially like the things you do with pallet wood.
I’ve already started on the Heap of Shame project. We are starting with the art studio space. There are so many things in there that we haven’t used in a long time. Gosh, the money we have spent on these supplies! But, I need to feel lighter, so they are going. We will be having a yard sale in the spring, and some things might even qualify for a craigslist listing very soon. We haven’t found much to throw out yet. We should have started earlier, because school will be starting in a few days and she will be busy with that. Oh well… I hope I can keep the momentum going.
I’m so happy for you to be able to get away with your son and Disney is always a good idea! Loved your survey! Happy New Year!
I just realized what I like about your blog.
So many other decorating web sites boil down to buying stuff to fill a space. Got a shelf? Buy some trendy nicknacks to put on it. Got a living room? Buy some dust-collecting “so now” furniture to fill it. Like everyone has to have an H blanket and a chevron whatever and loads of crisp white baseboard trim.
But your site isn’t like that. You site is more creative and less standard. It’s not about “achieving a look.” It’s about being brave enough to dig down deep and take a risk with things other “trend followers” throw out, pass by, or leave on the curb for the garbage man. It’s about finding beauty and visual interest where the bright shiny sales-world tells you not to look. It’s about starting where you are, using what you have, and doing what you can.
And the result is a lot better, I think! :o)
Stephanie, you nailed me. 🙂 My fav place to shop is outdoors or from the curb. The challenge to create what I desire to have is the main pull. And lucky for us, it’s all nearly free or very affordable. Thanks for ‘noticing’. 🙂