SNS #74 highlights ~ wall decor

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #74!

Sorry this went up late, friends! 
It was scheduled to go but I still had it in draft mode. Whoops!

If you’re new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up which stays open indefinitely. Check below for this weekend’s theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I’ll be featuring SNS highlights during the weekend on FJI Facebook, so join in and see what they’re all saying about your stuff. 🙂

this weekend’s theme

~ wall decor ~

 the big 2

Know what I love about wall decor?

 crate stairway

You can pretty much get away with hanging up anything you like.
I consider this style instant 3D art. 🙂

Here are some other creative takes, most found at Pinterest.
Click the pics to get there. Hang on tight! These are wonderful!

You need to see the rest of this bathroom over at Mod Vintage Life. It’s amazing!

oh yes! load it up! isn’t this fun?!?

(Update: many features were deleted due to broken links. My apologies!)

Aren’t some of these takes so brave yet really hit a home run?

Done anything cool to dress up your own walls?
Link up in this weekend’s 3rd themed linkup!

~ next up ~


*subject to reschedule as we go along…

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime. 
They’re always open.
List HERE.


~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 Has your link been removed? Please reread the rules and try again! 🙂

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, then cut and paste that url)

 2. Please put a link in your post (button or text) that leads back to the party so others can see what’s up. (see BUTTONS label under main blog header)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old. Repeat linkups will be removed.

The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can’t decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It’s all good!

 Come on over and see if we’re talking about you this weekend. 🙂

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25 thoughts on “SNS #74 highlights ~ wall decor

  1. Who knew walls could be so amazing! I LOVE yours Donna! And the alpha one! The mirrors are way cool as well! And all those little funky pics looking all in disarray…so wonderful!!!

  2. Your parties are so much fun & inspiring. There is so much talent out here in blogland. Thanks for hosting such great parties.

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