SNS 98 – license plates

Better Homes & Gardens

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #98, the multi themed link party! 

 Home Decor

 Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes

Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.

This weekend’s theme:

~ license plates ~

I LOVE me some license plates! They’re so graphically cool and add instant art to the smallest of areas.

Funky Junk’s crate stairs

And just when you thought one was cool enough….


… you come across a staircase like this!

Birds and Blooms

Rural Originals

And if these funky roofs didn’t make you swoon….

Stress The Seams Etsy

… perhaps a house made completely out of plates is more for you.

Expressions of Time

I so want this clock.

Vintage in Retrospect

Way cool!

Funky Junk

Or, cover a crate.

Funky Junk

Or decorate a tree. Whoville junk style no less.

Secret Garden

Love them but can’t find them? Make one!

Want more? Click above to view my pinterest licence plate collection.

Have a neat license plate project to share? 
Link it up to this weekend’s 3rd themed linkup!

~ next weekend’s theme: ~
ultimate repurposes

and click here for the last voting poll results

Click HERE for the master themed linkups list. Add yours anytime!


~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you with no additional permission required. Cuz I wanna make you a star. 🙂

Party highlights will be shared on FJI Facebook this weekend so come on over and see if we’re talkin’ about you. 🙂

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25 thoughts on “SNS 98 – license plates

  1. Donna that is one cool clock and I love the stairs and the Christmas tree. I made a birdhouse and put my daddy’s old license as the roof. The birds snubbed it, but the wasp loved it, just my luck. Hope you and Cody have a good weekend.

  2. I love the liscense plates on the steps..Thank you for posting..I love looking through all of the photos and visiting the blogs..Have a great weekend..

  3. I’m IN LOVE with license plates! We’ve tried to collect one from places we travel . . . but on an everyday basis, I’ve found they’ve become hard to come by . . . without paying an arm and a leg, that is. You must have some fabulous shopping spots!!


  4. Thanks Donna for hosting another great SNS party…I don’t have any license plates, except whats on the carriage over at Mel’s Designs from the Cabin sitting under the carport…lol…you do a great job in creating new stuff out of the old…I just got a wooden cheese wheel box…don’t know what to do with it just yet…Mel

  5. I love all of the license plate ideas and I have lots! We still have to come up with a something fun for finishing off our cabin stairway—now I might have an idea 🙂
    Renee @ Rustic Crafts

  6. Hi Donna! I’m finally getting a moment or two to sit down and join your linky (I added my colorful kitchen reveal #191 to home decor and my indoor awning–also in my kitchen–to sewing, #129).
    Thank you so much for hosting!

    ~Abbie (Five days…5 ways)

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