Alexandria Bridge and surprise junkin’!

Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |

Alexandria Bridge and surprise junkin’!

One of my VERY fav things to do in the whole wide world when traveling is to come upon new discoveries myself without having read about them first.

And such was the case when I went on an adventure in search of my bucket list must-see, the old Alexandria Bridge.

It’s a well known icon in our area, built in 1863 as part of the gold rush wagon road, that has morphed into a walking path. Many photographers head down there for one of the most gorgeous backdrops EVER.

So during my little cabin getaway, I was only under an hour away. This was one of the reasons I so very badly wanted to return after my first initial two-night stay. I needed to check out that bridge!

The highway near the Alexandria Bridge, located one hour east of Hope, BC Canada
As I navigated the new-to-me roadway, I was delighted to find that it was an easy drive from Hope, BC. As in, it wasn’t race track-like at all. You know how some highways are… This one had super easy curves and was mostly flat, running through various tunnels through the stunning Fraser Canyon. I wish I could have stopped to take some pictures, however there were no turn-offs.

As I was cruising along, I could finally spot the bridge well below the grade of the highway and wondered how on EARTH I’d walk down there! 

Carefully watching for signs, I came upon a neat old building that was most certainly a head turner.

Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |

The Alexandria Lodge

The Alexandria Lodge appeared to have turned into an antiques / junk store! Well I’ll be…

Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |
With no desire to think twice and all the time in the world to check out the goods, I swerved onto the side of the road giddy as ever, set out to snoop around.

This. THIS! This is the kinda thing I live for when travelling. It really reminded me of old Americana type towns I ran into while down South.

Old wooden framed windows, found at the Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |
My first must have was this old glass-less window frame. The wood tone was delicious, and for only $10?! Mine.

You can see the window being put to use on my Buffalo Checked patio setup HERE.

Antique oak frame, found at the Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |
Another fab find was this oak frame. I don’t know what it was, but wouldn’t that make one decadent chalkboard or bulletin board?! The thing is TALL. Nearly as tall as I am.

A basket of rusty junk, found at the Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |
A basket of rusty junk, found at the Alexandria Lodge, filled to the brim with wonderful junk! Located near Hope, BC Canada |
I brought a few other things home you’ll eventually see in some blog posts. But what I loved most about this place is the fact that they stocked antiques AND pure ‘ol rusty what-the-heck-is-that junk.

After I handed over the cash for the goods, I was informed that I had passed the bridge. What?! There weren’t any signs, just a rest area!

Rest assured, the new directions I got were sound. I head back the way I came, parked at ‘the rest area’ and saw an Alexandria Bridge sign. Only viewable from one side of the highway. That’s just weird.

So if you are looking for the bridge and come to the junk lodge first, go shopping then turn around! Best whoops ever I say.

The infamous Alexandria Bridge trail, just outside of Hope, BC Canada |

The Alexandria Bridge

So the deal with this bridge is, it is located lower than the highway, however with beautifully cut paths curving towards it, it was an easy and delightful wander.

The walking trail to the infamous Alexandria Bridge trail, just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
Curve after curve wove through the forest. It was gorgeous! And fairly populated. Something I always note while travelling on my own due to wild life, etc.

And then, there it was…

Scenic trees line the Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
The Alexandria bridge. Oh my goodness.

This is how I felt the moment my eyes laid on the Bow Bridge in New York. You see it forever in pictures, but once YOU see it up close and personal, you feel a wave of high-five gratification wash over you.

Scenic trees line the Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
All mine. Literally.

There were lots of people milling around, however I took my time enjoying the view, and patiently waited for an empty bridge to capture.

Never rush a good thing!

Rusty metal details on the gorgeous Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
The Alexandria Bridge turned walking path has history written all over it. Big rusty chunky metal details begged me to click my way through this walk.

Rusty metal details on the gorgeous Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
Rusty metal details on the gorgeous Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |

Rusty metal details on the gorgeous Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
Rusty metal details on the gorgeous Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
The grated floor was see-through and clanged as you walked across it. Neat and a little unnerving at the same time.

Concrete details of the Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |

Concrete details of the Alexandria Bridge, located just outside of Hope, BC Canada |
Scenic Fraser Canyon view peering through the rails of the Alexandria Bridge, located one hour east of Hope, BC Canada |
The view from the sides was pretty spectacular. I wish the photos could truly capture what I saw.

Scenic Fraser Canyon view peering through the rails of the Alexandria Bridge, located one hour east of Hope, BC Canada |

River view from the Alexandria Bridge

I call this area Boulder Island. (just made it up) It looked like someone plunked down a big ‘ol boulder from the middle of the ocean onto the shore, complete with sprouting trees. Cool feature!

Scenic Fraser Canyon view peering through the rails of the Alexandria Bridge, located one hour east of Hope, BC Canada |

Scenic Fraser Canyon view peering through the rails of the Alexandria Bridge, located one hour east of Hope, BC Canada |
Scenic Fraser Canyon view peering through the rails of the Alexandria Bridge, located one hour east of Hope, BC Canada |

If you ever have the chance to drive through the Fraser Canyon East of Hope, do it! It’s truly where Beautiful BC gets its infamous tag line on all our license plates I’m sure!

After a bazillion pictures, there was one more stop on the map that was a new-to-me must peek.

Stunning sunny capture of Lake of the Woods, located in Hope, BC Canada |

Lake of the Woods

Lake of the Woods with ‘that water’ was a jaw dropper! Not much of a beach though, but the mere sight of that water was STUNNING.

Alexandria Bridge, located 1 hour east of Hope, BC Canada

Anyway, this may just be a big ‘ol bridge to most, but to me a trip to the Alexandria Bridge was a brave unknown drive, gifted with a hefty side of junk!

And I label that a very good bucket list adventure day indeed…

Read more on my latest travels HERE

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36 thoughts on “Alexandria Bridge and surprise junkin’!

  1. The bridge is beautiful and the air in that gorgeous area must have been fantastic. Good thing you missed the bridge at first and discovered the antique store. So many wonderful treasures. I love that large pair of scissors. Did you buy it?

  2. You truly inspire me with your adventures! What a wonderful old bridge in beautiful surroundings.

    The old oak frame you found might have been for a mirror.

    Happy Summer living and travels ~ FlowerLady

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the way you take pictures.
    Perhaps you could have blurred the vulgar writing on the left side of the bridge.

  4. Loved the junk along the side of the road, and that gorgeous lodge. The bridge is a treasure, for sure.

    Sometimes the simple adventures turn out to be the best. Always the unexpected ahead. GOOD surprises. It takes an open heart to enjoy and appreciate them.

    • You are right Brenda, I always ALWAYS get more out of sights I happen upon organically.

      My dream trip would be to hit the road with no planned return date and nothing booked… just completely winging it! Perhaps one day I will do that… after I upgrade my vehicle!

  5. Donna,

    You find the most awesome places. Awwwwww, the bridge, how beautiful the area right in your own back yard and love the junk!

  6. BEEEEUUUUTIFUL…. I think the best picture was the side angle with all the other metal angles running thru it. Love all the rivets. How cool is that.

  7. If you hadn’t missed the bridge, you may not have driven on and found the antiques. Love it!
    I have pictures of the Lake of the Woods-that colour! I love looking at the pictures. Thanks for sharing…always makes me homesick but in a good way.

  8. Donna!
    You are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful corner of the world! Thanks for sharing all your jaunts around BC (& other spots-Hawaii!!)
    From a follower in New York State!! ❤️

    • Thanks Janice! Please tell me you miss the Hawaiian shots this summer? I may have to go back and make up for it! : )

      I have some pretty astounding captures from NYC too… boy was that trip amazing!

  9. You are so right it was awesome and so was the lake. Did it say when the bridge was built or why? What pretty picture these will make. Thank you for sharing.

    • Hey Marlene! I linked a story to the bridge post which also mentioned the date. In a nutshell it’s part of the original gold rush wagon trail, however was later upgraded to a modern bridge. So glad they left it for us to walk on and appreciate!

  10. Donna I really felt as if I was there with you on the bridge. The thing that always takes my breath away is the play of the light and shadows on the trees. If you look above the bridge some of the trees are darker than the others, photo no. 16. Give me a photo like that any day and I am happy. No full on sunshine for me. It is truly a spectacular place to visit. And nature is always unfolding her secrets to us. Thanks for the trip!!

  11. Wow,so gorgeous and worth waiting for to experience. Wonderful old bridge, so glad you found it and could take lots of photos of it empty and otherwise, cool structure. So pretty there.
    I remember how pretty was when Mr. and I used to go up to Kelowna, BC from Missoula, MT. Mr. worked for trucking co.out of Missoula we picked up truck parts in Kelowna to take to Tennessee.
    I miss traveling so much. The ride up to Kelowna was so gorgeous, going across floating bridge. We got to see some gorgeous country. Mr. retired from trucking in Feb.2004. We had moved from Montana to Kentucky when he retired then we moved to Colorado in August 2004. Just not Montana, would move back there if we could.
    Loved all your awesome finds, especially old windows. I had to leave several behind when we left Kentucky.
    Have wonderful weekend

    • Ohhh it’s so hard to leave treasures behind, isn’t it?! That is the beauty of driving with a truck I suppose! One of the most exciting and heart wrenching trips I’ve ever taken was to the World’s Longest Yard Sale down 127. Word…

  12. Donna… the views are jaw-droppingly beautiful. The bridge is a true delight. And your unexpected junking expedition… too fun!! What a wonderful day! I have to say I’m like you… I don’t want people in my pics (this kind anyway LOL) and I’ll wait forever for there to be space to take my photos. It’s so worth it. I love your exploring heart. Since I doubt I’ll ever get to BC… this was a wonderful visual getaway. xo

    • Aww, glad you enjoyed the little tour of my neck of the woods, Diane! I really do need to venture out more in my own region. Playing with the idea of upgrading my somewhat unreliable vehicle so I’m braver to do just that!

  13. Donna, we drove through the Fraser Canyon last August and I had no idea this bridge existed. I’ve been through the Fraser Canyon too many times to count and had no idea this bridge existed! Last year we drove from Quesnel to Hope (and then to the Sunshine Coast enroute to the island, and so we probably drove right past the Alexandria Lodge and bridge unnoticed. Can you tell me where (nearby towns, highway, landmarks) in the Fraser Canyon it is? I must add it to my bucket list!

    • Hey Marie!

      The area is officially called The Alexandria Bridge Provincial Park. It’s about 20 minutes on the East side of Spuzzum (according to what online says) or a short 10 minutes West of Hell’s Gate if that helps!

      I’d suggest to google search the location before you head out. It’s VERY easy to miss.

      • Oh my goodness, I can’t believe how many times we have been pretty much at its doorstep. Thanks for the info – next trip a stop at Alexandra Bridge Provincial Park IS happening!!!

  14. what a trip…we often forget to seek out the beauty that is so close to home. you make my hubby & I miss home, but in all honesty, I love to see the beauty and possible places to visit when we have the chance!

    • Aw Jane… the grass is always greener…

      I desperately want another visit down South when I see your Insta stories and hear those amazing cicadas (I googled the spelling this time!) in your trees… talk about a Fried Green Tomatoes movie moment! haha

  15. WOW! What fresh and exciting travels!!!

    I even wowed out loud so audibly my hubs came in room to see – so I showed him those outdoor pics. We both agree that is one beautiful area!

    As for the junkin = golly was that made just for you or what??

    That large wooden frame thing – I see cutting it down to height and making the perfect shallow make-shift faux fireplace surround. I have been looking for a shallow small one for years for my bedroom – no luck yet. So that is what I’d do that that piece, haha.

    So….did you buy anything there? : – )

    • Yes, I sure did! I bought that tall oak frame, (love your idea!) the old wooden window, a little chalkboard station thing, a unique wire basket, and boat oars from a more local antiques shop. (I ran out of cash and that’s all he accepted haha)

  16. I love your blog for so many reasons. love your soul searching, your decorating sense and wanderlust. I live about 3 hours south of you in Washington. I was born in BC but have lived in states most of my 49 years. My mother’s extended family lives in interior BC mostly in Kamloops. I have traveled thru Chiliwack my entire life but never have the time to stop. You make me want to move there. Thank you for writing your blog and allowing strangers inside your world. It feels like home to me.

    • Thank-you Kelli! A couple of worthwhile stops if you have time next round is stopping at Granny and Grumpa’s Antiques (between Chwk and Abby), visiting the coffee shop in Yarrow, (it’s decorated with junk stuff and coffee is delish!) and walking along Chwk’s Peach Trail (drive there through the end of Lickman Road.)

      Of course there’s also visiting Harrison Hot Springs for the day and staying at Eco Retreat in Hope too!

      There’s lots to see if you dig. 🙂

      Thank-you for appreciating my ramblings!

  17. Good morning, Donna

    You have wow’d us all again with your fantastic pictures. Stumbling over the antique place…oh my what a find! I am so jealous. Also, you mentioned Granny and Grumpa’s Antiques which you have mentioned before. What is the closest major airport? I really need to get up that way. Been to Victoria many years ago and also Kingston, Ontario Canada. Look forward to pics of the flea market and of Maui. Enjoy!

    • Hi Nancy!

      Unfortunately, Granny and Grumpa’s is no more. They went under auction this past summer and everything is apparently gone. I haven’t been since.

      The closest larger airport to my region is Vancouver. There’s a smaller one called Abbotsford however flys less places.

      Off to go discover that swap meet… count on pics! 🙂

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