6. A cleaner, whiter reclaimed wood office reveal


(click to enlarge picture) A cleaner, whiter reclaimed wood office reveal is finally a wrap! And I am LOVING IT! Can YOU see what’s different? 🙂 Sooo many things. To recap, my self proposed challenge was to clean up, and lighten up this area. My home resembles a cave when the sun doesn’t shine, so I […]

My secret to arranging hydrangeas


One of my most fondest memories of going to my grandma’s house was admiring her hydranga bushes.  Oh my goodness… they lined the entire one side of her house in heavenly, abundant blooms! Not being a green thumb at all these days, I’m always astounded that my own hydrangea bushes produce anything! It must be […]

4 – a fall hydrangea dressed up dresser


Guys, I nearly cut out this week. I’ve been struggling with a companion paint colour for the white blog office, so that project is still on hold. And then life took some unexpected turns. Result? Nothing done. Nothing. Just a bunch of silly paint redos.  Clearly, my least fav DIY thing is choosing paint colours. […]

A summer hydrangea mantel with a twist


My poor fireplace mantel. It hasn’t been changed out since I did this version with the dried brown hydrangeas. During winter! Can you tell I’m not huge on seasonal decorating? 🙂 I honestly would have just left it, but the metal containers were really dusty and it needed a good clean. Plus I wanted to summerize […]

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel


Fireplace mantels… have you winterized yours yet? Well, this metal filled winter fireplace mantel project was not planned. And it’s entirely possible that’s why this DIY home decor vs just cleaning happened! I think I’m going to quit planning. 🙂 Welcome to Heap of Change #3! The event where you are challenged to get your home back, […]