Metal filled winter fireplace mantel

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /
Fireplace mantels… have you winterized yours yet?

Well, this metal filled winter fireplace mantel project was not planned.

And it’s entirely possible that’s why this DIY home decor vs just cleaning happened! I think I’m going to quit planning. 🙂

Heap of Change Challenge on

Welcome to Heap of Change #3! The event where you are challenged to get your home back, through decluttering and organizing! I’ll be showing you what I do first, then our team coaches , then YOU! 🙂


See the Heap of Change events to date HERE.

Here’s mine…

Christmas mantel and livingroom-7857
Do you remember my Christmas fireplace mantel? This reclaimed deer head was created first, then used as centre stage for the mantel decor this Christmas.

When we returned from Disneyland after Christmas, they were still looking good!

But then my paint studio purging bug hit. And I forgotaboutit.

mantel before-8124
This is what happens to a cute mantel if you don’t pay attention to it. The greens were dried to a crisp, so the lights hadn’t been on in some time.

No wonder… it’s Jan 28th. This JUST came down this week! 🙂

And with the fireplace filled to the brim with tax receipts that needed burning anyway, I’d had my fill. This needed to get revamped. NOW.

Side note? I had NO idea the trunk ottoman was that beat up on the other side. It looks like the cats had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! 😀

Pictures never do lie, do they? Yikes… And socks?!

Oh dear. Let’s fix this mess.

Everything was removed and cleaned, except for the deer head. I wasn’t tired of it yet, so I worked around it.

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /
The pine needled shredded trunk dirty sock tornado has left the building! Can you feel the winter love?

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /
With nothing in bloom outdoors yet, I decided the spent hydrangeas would be perfect. They were freshly clipped off the bush the same day they went up!

No need to dry them. I think they might be done… 😀

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /

A mix of metal loaded with great old patina were stacked first, then the hydrangeas were randomly placed, as if spilling out of some things.

Here’s how I treat metal to keep that sheen.

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /
I’m crazy about these tones! The lustre is tarnished, yet still rich.

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /

Metal filled winter fireplace mantel /
Thank-you tax receipts, you started a very nice, cozy fire.

Oh… and the trunk got spun around again. 😉

signed up toolbox sidetable /
The metal mantel chimes in well with the junk funnel lamp.

But… I’m busted. The above shot isn’t new.

faux succulent in a metal creamer /

This is on the vintage signed up side table instead. The greens are faux.

I hope this little photoshoot has shown you that my home is far from neat and tidy and perfect all the time. If you let something go, it goes down hill fast!

I did more to this room though, but it isn’t ready for an official after yet. So I’ll save that for another day.

But know? This deep clean ended up taking all day. ALL DAY. But now, the room has a different look. It’s as if the fuzzy edges have all been sharpened up.

Now, when I look at the room, I have pride. And with that pride, comes more diligence to keep it that way moreso.

Imagine if we did this to a given room once a month throughout the year, we’d probably enjoy our homes a WHOLE lot more. So I’m going to keep that thought in mind as we move into February.

With that said, it’s your turn to shine. But before I take you further, I’d just like to add, this is our last Heap of Change event as is. Jan has now come and gone, and with Feb brings new (taxes?) focuses.

So… I’d like to ask you this…

I love that you felt challenged enough to participate and change your homes along with me! Do you still desire to be challenged in some way? Maybe once a month? If so, any thought on topics? I’d love to hear how I can involve you if you wish to be involved! Please let me know in comments what you’d like to see moving forward, if anything. Then watch the blog, for how we will proceed.

So… ready for more?

Heap of Change - See Ours!.42 PM
Coach time! I wonder what they’ve been up to…

knick of time closet

Knick of Time – Angie comes clean about her dirty secret

beyond the picket fence

Beyond the Picket Fence – A closet that now works!

songbird drawer dividers
Songbird – how to make these gorgeous drawer dividers

Non bloggers!

Share your photos on my Facebook page HERE. You may even get featured on the blog, so make sure you check back. 🙂


Link up your blog posts below! I can’t wait too cheer you on and feature / pin some highlights!

See the Heap of Change events to date HERE.

And all 2015 organizing posts HERE.

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Categories: All Cool Projects, DIY, Fireplace mantels, Seasonal, Winter
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18 thoughts on “Metal filled winter fireplace mantel

  1. I am still “drying greens” on the front porch. That is a thing, right? People purposely dry greens I am sure of it so that is what we are/were doing. The new/revised decor on the mantel looks lovely!

  2. Hey Donna, your living room sings. Heap of Change no. 3 was fruitful, came up with another way to use the same storage space for homeless office stuff. Took all week to get the work done.

    I would be thrilled if you continued hosting a challenge or something similar once a month. I know I will be continuing to purge/clean/repurpose/donate as I slowly work my way through the house.

    Great motivation for January. Purposeful cleaning.


  3. I’m going to need more time on the challenge. I took a huge room and got a good start. I’ll keep going while you move on to bigger things. Thank you for the challenge. My update will be added tomorrow.

  4. Love all that beautiful metal! And the hydrangeas work great balancing the warm browns of the reclaimed wood.
    I’m definitely interested in future challenges. I can’t say I’ll always be able to participate but I’ll jump in whenever possible without a doubt.

  5. It is great to see that you have cleanup challenges, too. My Christmas decor (pine included) is still up….but I intended that. The grey days have been just too dreary and I need the cheery red and little colorful lights….they burn all day and it really perks me up during the winter doldrums. I vote that you put some little white or red lights on your mantel…..after all, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.
    Today I will begin to remove some of the pine as it has dried. The tiny tree is in no danger as it is artificial. Little by little the Christmasy things will be put away, but anything that can be held over will be safe until after Feb 14. 🙂

    Have loved being challenged. My focus was on the bedroom which functions as my office as well and while I did not have energy or finances to redecorate the deep cleaning has been awesome! Who knew so much dust could collect everywhere. Every inch counts in this room so I reorganized, restacked, threw out, gave away, and even though there are still several boxes of papers to go through, they are all in one spot now. All in all this is becoming a much more useable room. And more peaceful. Essentially my goal has been met….or at least will be by Jan 31. The papers can be faced bit by bit during the cold days yet to come.
    Halleluah!!!!!!!! Facing your life (all the stuff and junk) can be a real
    scary challenge, but so rewarding. Right?
    Soooooo, yessssssss, Donna…………..bring on more challenges… often as you want. By Spring we will be ready to really enjoy the outdoor work knowing that indoors we ‘slew the monsters’.

  6. I’ll call your sock and raise you a couple of pairs of boots! haha! The mantel looks great! Love the metal look. I did do my closet, for the challenge, like I said last week, I just haven’t written the post yet. I’ll get right on that…after I pick up the boots.

  7. LOVE that metal filled mantel…you have some really lovely pieces there, I am dying with envy over here! I also appreciate that you linked to an earlier post outlining how you treat your metal pieces…that is some very valuable information that I intend to use very soon!

    I’ve really enjoyed following along the Heap of Change challenge…I’ve learned a lot and all of the information I’ve gleaned will help me to keep my spaces tidy and organised in the future. I’d love to see you continue with the challenges…I think they are inspiring, educational, and fun! And a special holla out to you, the other coaches and all of those participants who allowed us into their most disorganised spaces, no matter how embarrassing for them…that was truly courageous of all of you…and I just want you all to know how inspiring that was for me personally…you put in a lot of work and you all should be very proud! Enjoy those beautiful spaces!

  8. What’s the matter with socks? Can you start a movement where the perfect photo has to include at least one pair of worn socks? Then I could take a photo of every room at any time.

  9. Donna, I found your site entirely by accident, but I will be visiting often~! Thanks for the inspiration to decorate my mantel~!

    Cheers from Alberta 🙂

  10. Love how you are able to move things around and they still look like they’ve been there for years…nice job!
    I love the before picture…so natural, and so true to life…even to the goblet on the floor..maybe waiting for wine for a kick start? lol!

    Great inspirations! Can’t wait to see more of what is to come!

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