One of my most fondest memories of going to my grandma’s house was admiring her hydranga bushes.
Oh my goodness… they lined the entire one side of her house in heavenly, abundant blooms!
Not being a green thumb at all these days, I’m always astounded that my own hydrangea bushes produce anything! It must be our wet coast weather, because they do love a little shade.
Anyway, it’s official hydrangea harvesting season and it was time to bring a few inside. So today I’m going to share with you my secret for how I arrange hydrangeas… my way. 🙂 Because there is one little trick I do each and every time.
My secret to arranging hydrangeas… is to ‘bounce them’.
Allow me to explain.
1. Cut when blooms are slightly crispy if you wish for them to dry, with the longest stems possible.
2. Shake them outside WELL before you bring them indoors.
Don’t even ask me why. Just do this. You’re welcome. {{{shiver}}}
3. Insert a large container of water inside.
4. Start with a super long stem in the middle to anchor things.
5. Now keep adding stems, but vary their heights. Long, short, long, short, here and there.
And that really is the key. I call them bouncing their height.
Hydrangeas are so abundant, they appear like snowballs if left in one big clump.
If you exaggerate their placement by bouncing some super high and some very low, you end up with this wonderful tumbling effect!
There’s a video down below if you wish to see it live.
These hydrangeas are a tiny bit sunburned because we had a super hot summer. So if you find yours dried out too much before you cut them, part the branches and find some inside the bush. You’ll find they made out much better from being shaded.
Or simply turn around the sunburnt part so the fresh flowers face you.
This little crate will be part of my refreshed, painted blog office reveal… soon!
And because I’m so incredibly professional around these parts…
… here is my fancy repurposed tripod for my iPhone camera, so I could tape this session on Periscope.
Be amazed… I’ll be signing autographed copies at my next meet and greet! In which there is none scheduled. But soon I’m pretty sure!
Did you catch the Periscope broadcast on Tuesday night? It should be running for 24 hours from your phone, under Funky Junk Interiors.
Or you can watch it here… although part of it cut off. Professional, remember? 🙂
Here are a few other hydrangea posts you may like…
A summer hydrangea mantel with dried and fresh
A winter hydrangea mantel – browns in metal
2014 fall hydranga mantel – orange in metal
An out of control fall hydrangea dresser
Or click —> HYDRANGEAS <— to see them all in one big scroll.
Yup. Kinda dig hydrangeas. Does it show?!
You do such great work with your hydrangeas, Donna. I especially love the one with them in the pewter pitcher!
Good Morning
Your hydrandeas are gorgeous!!! love every single way you styled them. I never thought to do the long/short. I will try that today. Mine always end up on a huge overloaded clump and falling over. Your so smart!
yes, tap the hydrandea before bringing them in 🙂
Hi Donna, Your Hydrangeas are wonderful. Did you know that if you put a little glycerine in the water when you arrange your blooms, they will dry sort of soft and not so likely to shed little hydrangea dust all over the place?
Here is just one of my Hydrangea posts….aren’t they just the best flowers ever?
Wow! You have inspired me! Love the ideas for arranging hydrangeas using boxes, vintage items etc. Your hydrangeas are glorious! Love the colors. I need to get outside and cut some before it’s too late. In the summer, I cut them, dip them in alum and then put them in ironstone pitchers and enjoy fresh blooms for weeks until they dry to a beautiful hue. The alum keeps them fresh for a very long time without wilting. Hydrangeas are my favorite blooms.
LOVE these ideas – like you, huge hydrangea fan, although I don’t own a plant (rental home), I have no problem getting cuttings from family & neighbors – helps when I can share my pear tree in exchange. 🙂
Love the idea of bouncing! Thanks
You’re too funny. Love your iphone set up 🙂 And Love the color of your hydrangea’s. I bought a bush this year that is supposed to have several colors on it. It’s called L.A. Dreamin. It has pink, blue, green and purple flowers. Mine so far has only produced the pink and green. May I ask the color of yours? Have to share a story… When I was a little girl one of my neighbors had a HUGE beautiful Hydrangea bush. I cut a bunch of the flowers and went door to door selling them. Made a little $$ LOL. I am a big Hydrangea fan too. Thanks for the video!!
Hey Mary! I wish I knew what colour it was suppose to be! First it went purple, then blue inside, now pink. It also has some green. So I have NO idea! haha
Your door to door sales story is hilarious… my best friend and I use to sell rocks door to door. For some reason, we didn’t do all that well… haha
Must have been that time before we all knew we had to have a “pet rock”… lol
Good morning, Donna. It’s funny when reading various posts & comments, how one’s mind travels back in time. 🙂 While having my morning tea, I decided to browse through your older posts done before I found your blog. I just had to comment on your pet rocks. My son (about 13 at the time) was invited to a friend’s cottage. While there, they learned of a local craft show being held, so they got busy & painted pet rocks which were all the rage then. He was so excited to make $7.00! Re the flower post (#7 Mary) I was raised in a tiny village in England where my two-room school house was next door to the church & cemetery. Many times, I visited the cemetery as I was delighted to find lots of fresh flowers. I decided to bring them home for my Mother. The first few times it happened, my Mother seriously accepted my gift (while hiding her laughter) but after the third time, she finally had to explain to me the source of the free flowers & forbid me from going there to play. I didn’t know I was stealing them from people’s graves & so ended my life of crime!
Is there anything special needed for the drying process? Or perhaps a protectorant used on them once dried?
Hi Susan!
I didn’t use anything other than what was mentioned in the post. I just let the water dry out. 🙂 I do find keeping the dried petals in the shade is what keeps them from fading the most though!