4 – a fall hydrangea dressed up dresser

A fall hydrangea dressed up dresser in a milk bucket / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Guys, I nearly cut out this week.

I’ve been struggling with a companion paint colour for the white blog office, so that project is still on hold.

And then life took some unexpected turns.

Result? Nothing done. Nothing. Just a bunch of silly paint redos. 

Clearly, my least fav DIY thing is choosing paint colours. We’ll discuss that later this week.

But… I have been more diligent keeping things up, and it’s making an impact on my mood and sense of well being, so there’s that!

dresser before
So, as I was feeling deflated, rehearsing a grand speech on the merits of life not cooperating, therefore it being perfectly OK to (ahem) not clean,

I faced this.

Then I reasoned, “Come ON! Cleaning up at least the dresser won’t take long!”

And know what? It didn’t.

hydrangea dresser vignette-1413
hydrangea dresser vignette-1410
These flowers had been here since late June. Oops. Think they’re dry enough now?

And when we got home from our Maui trip, it became a dumping ground for my cards and souvenirs I’ve yet to show you. 

bedroom before
First things first… every dusty thing came down and was washed.

Then I moved the dresser away from the wall, and… oh man… clearly I need to do this more often.

a clean hardwood floor
I refuse to show you a before, so here’s proof it’s all clean now. 

Let’s just say, hardwood collects everything.

Including 3 crunchy ball cat toys. Now THAT part was cool!

fall hydrangeas in a milk bucket for a dresser vignette / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Hydrangeas are at their peak for fall harvesting with their slightly crispy blooms. So once the water dries, they will still look wonderful!

You know they dry well? Here’s a post I wrote on how to DRY THEM for wilt free blooms.

This flower was so made for the likes of me…

fall hydrangeas in a milk bucket for a dresser vignette / funkyjunkinteriors.net
All done! Simple and pretty.


jewelry mirror / funkyjunkinteriors.net
jewelry mirror / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I also did one extra thing. Adding a few screws to the top of the barn wood mirror created a cool way to hang some necklaces.

Or another post on them HERE.

fall hydrangeas in a milk bucket / funkyjunkinteriors.net
silver antique creamer with a fall vignette / funkyjunkinteriors.net
A hydrangea dressed up dresser with jewelry mirror / funkyjunkinteriors.net
House number dresser tutorial is HERE
. It’s an oldie!

dresser before
Fall hydrangeas in a milk bucket, with a house numbered white dresser and black coca cola sign / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Much better!

Now… don’t you wish you had cleaned something with your also no time kinda life? 🙂

Or did you? Let’s hear about it!

CHANGE / I’ll also be moving the cleaning posts to Wednesdays instead of Mondays. It’ll allow a little more family time for all of us each weekend. 🙂


From Crap to Clean before Christmas! Funky Junk Interiors.57 PM

Facebook From Crap to Clean.52 PM
Link up your own efforts below, or join the Facebook group for encouragement!

All Crap to Clean instalments to date are HERE.

See ya next Wednesday with another!


Please only link up projects that pertain to THIS event. All others will be removed. Please provide a before, progress and after with a mention of the event in your post. 

This is NOT a regular DIY link. Please join me Friday on Party Junk for those types. Thanks!

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Categories: All Cool Projects, DIY, Fall, From Crap to Clean, Organizing, Seasonal
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16 thoughts on “4 – a fall hydrangea dressed up dresser

  1. I have some hydrangeas drying right now. After they are dried I spray them with hairspray and it seems to hold them better. I have some from our son’s wedding – 3 years ago – and they are still holding together. I put them on top of a hutch and try very hard not to move them. With 2 dogs and 2 cats I am always amazed at the hair we collect behind furniture, in front of furniture, on top of furniture, etc. etc. etc. but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!

  2. Well done Donna. At least one drawer is a great start. Well I sort of fixed myself this weekend by not only deciding to thoroughly clean my office/studio, but also cutting holes in the gyprock and insulating the whole attic space. So it’s going to be a bit of a mess before it gets better, but the insulation is bought ($600 at Home Depot…gulp) and the Atticat blow insulation machine is about to be rented, and I so hope the process will be an easy one. Off now to get going. 😀

    • Haha… kinda sounds like my blog office project!

      So I have a challenge for you this week! See if you can clean a very small area from start to finish, like the dresser.

      Because if you are anything like me, you are officially overwhelmed with the chaos and nothing else is getting done!

      How close did I get?

  3. I’m in love with this little numbered dresser! And the barn wood mirror. You are so right about just keep moving forward and doesn’t it feel so good? We are working on the never ending boxes. Nothing as fun as hydrangeas and jewelry hangers. But one more unpacked makes me smile.

    • Boxes are over and beyond the most deflating thing to try and knock down!

      What I might suggest, before you lose steam… when you unpack for a small given area, make it pretty if you can, like the dresser. It’ll give you some hope when you’re in the midst of what seems like non productivity.

      Your box attitude rocks by the way… I commend you!

    • Hi Jen! Do you prune them back hard each year? If so, try not pruning them for two seasons. The blooms come from old wood.

      I never officially prune mine, just trim to shape. They are loaded every year!

      • No, I’ve only had it a few years & it hasn’t grown big enough to need pruning yet. I’m hoping it just needs to get bigger to bloom but it had blooms on it when it was planted.

  4. I’m taking notes and making plans! My Big Tidy Up begins after this weekend. My husband and I are finishing up projects to take to a local Garden and antique show (last one until spring). Last week we had a health scare with my father so we are WAY behind….and that’s okay. My dad is home and healthy once again and needless to say the house (and our gardens) are a disaster. I can’t wait to go room by room and clean, organize and revamp my space. Good for you for plugging on! I love everything you’ve done so far and you give me HOPE that I too can accomplish this goal!

  5. What, there are things I don’t want under and behind my furniture? Oh man, I should start collecting dust instead of the junk I do! Wednesday’s it is.

  6. I absolutely adore everything you’ve done with your home! There’s the clean and classic, rustic, vintage, and even a little bit of a feminine touch that always has me coming back for more. The numbers on your dresser are definitely amazing, and I just might have run with that idea 😉

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