World’s Longest Yard Sale 2 – getting lost… in Canada!

World's Longest Yard Sale Road Trip 2 - getting lost... in Canada!

Today was ca-razy. I was still shopping via the AWESOME southern advice you gave in the last post.  Wow!!! I’m still reading and enjoying! The comments are the best place to shop for advice if you’re heading south. Check them out if you haven’t already. Thank-you so much!

a new vignette made for the house sitter

And then I packed. And then I CLEANED.  By golly my house is in shock. I couldn’t fathom leaving things as is for the house sitter so I did what I could. Then glanced out the window, saw dusk approach and burst out the door with my keys. I did NOT want to be stuck in the dark while lost in space.

I decided to stay at a hotel in Vancouver the night before my flight because I didn’t want to be stuck in rush hour traffic in the AM. You can park for free if you stay a night so it kinda evens out rather than pay to park at the airport. 

And as luck would have it, I got lost. Adventure #1 here we go!

Traffic photo via Funky Junk Interiors

Dear highway planning people,

If a road is suppose to be Highway 99, please do me a favour? Put two 9’s on the sign. That’s all. Really! I can even do it for you if you need help. Just don’t call it something different like route or street or a name of a king or something. 99 is all it’ll take to keep small town folk like me from wandering astray where they don’t belong.

And while at a red light, I had to take that above pic. Is it strange to love traffic photos?

Thank goodness for my BFF GPS. I have it set to side roads (whoops) so I took some fantastically strange tours. I didn’t have a CLUE where I was. Truly, when I passed a sign that read Seattle, I felt kinda sick wondering what the hey I punched in for a location.

And then magically, a tall tower with a little red light appeared. AIRPORT! YES!! YES YES!!!

sunset photo via Funky Junk Interiors

But I have to admit something. Even getting lost, I started to smile and felt excitement. This was already a big adventure and I hadn’t even left Canada yet. 🙂 I can see going on this trip is going to bring some big changes in my life. Getting out and discovering new ground is very exciting, even if it’s in your own back yard. 

That picture above? I didn’t mess with the colour or saturation. That was one blazing orange sunset and it was magnificent driving into it.

And when I (my GPS) finally found the hotel, I was over the moon delighted! I’m always so amazed at how smart that thing is. 

And then treated myself to dinner at 10:30 pm in the hotel pub in the most cushy welcoming chairs ever invented. 

Tomorrow? Up early, figure out how in the world I can squeeze 5 suitcases of stuff into 2, and I get shuttled to the air port. AIRPORT! Squeal!!!!

So… this trip? I love it already. 🙂

all road trip updates are HERE

When’s the last time you took off anywhere?
I can see this getting rather addicting…


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13 thoughts on “World’s Longest Yard Sale 2 – getting lost… in Canada!

  1. Hi there!
    Guess what – my partner and I are leaving Ottawa on Sunday to come to Vancouver to visit my sister and her husband! So that is the start of our “adventure” in your neck of the woods. She lives in North Van and we are planning on taking a few side trips during the 2 weeks we are there.
    Any recommendations?
    Have a wonderful trip!

    • How cool JoAnn! Vancouver wise, visit the ocean, Gastown, Vancouver Island, Whistler, and valley wise, Fort Langley (antiques town), Harrison Hot Springs (awesome beachside town and go to The Back Porch and eat at the log cabin pub… amazing burgers), and visit the tram at Hell’s Gate. Take in Granny and Grumpa’s in Abbotsford too. It’s BARNS full of junk! Oh, and expect to not break out into a sweat. 🙂 The temperature is pretty near perfect all the time except maybe a little wet!

    • Thanks Donna! Will make note of those ideas — we added one – Whale watching! I can’t wait….
      Enjoying your adventures on the road,

  2. Have a safe trip Donna! I am so excited to read about your adventure! I’ve always wanted to take a road trip (with a uhaul, of course) to the world’s longest yard sale.

  3. Lost and not even out of Canada….wow…your gps is going to be doing overtime for you huh. Funny Donna, gosh I wish I could go….whine inserted here….I am just too
    excited for you and I can’t wait to go along with you in your post.

  4. We call our GPS Gypsie! She tends to have a sense of humor too.
    We asked for directions to an antique store, and she took us to a nursing home. “You have arrived at your destination.” We get lost pretty good all on our own, I guess we needed to be more specific.
    Btw–we also like to humor ourselves with, “We don’t get lost–we experience!” We happen to experience A LOT!
    I can’t wait to see your trip-posts! Safe Travels!

  5. I love it! So many people get stressed out by traffic and getting lost. But that’s part of the adventure! Good for you for recognizing that and enjoying the journey. Have fun!

  6. So glad you got to the airport and no catastrophes’ along the way.

    I have been on so many unexpected excursions with my GPS at the helm… I get lost walking in a circle. I have seen more of my area in the past year than I have in my whole life…lol. I would literally have a panic attack if I got lost on a highway. Now with ole Bessie at my side I look forward to the trip.

    I am so excited for you Donna… it is good to get out and see what the rest of the world is up to. I will be following your every step… I just love me a good adventure. Have a great time. Stay cool.

    Hugs from Canada…

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