World’s Longest Yard Sale 3 – the view from my (plane) window

World's Longest Yard Sale Road Trip 2 - getting lost... in Canada!

Today was all about being in the air. Have I ever told you how much I love being airborne?  It’s like this amazing adventure where you enter into a room, sit and have a  coffee, then walk out again into a different world.  And that’s exactly what happened today.

The world I really took full advantage of today though was of the sky variety.

I flew from Vancouver, BC to Chicago, Illinois, then finally Detroit, Michigan. My iPhone and me were the best of buds as I snapped away. Window seats all around! (yep, I called the airline later and asked if that was possible and they moved me without issue)

And I’m thrilled because America, you are beautiful! 

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

And suddenly the mountains disappeared and signs of heat were everywhere you turned… Which freaked me out for about 2 seconds, because…

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

… the grass came back. Can you tell I may be a little gun-shy about this heat y’all speak of?! 

(how’s my southern coming along?)

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Tell me this isn’t gorgeous…

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

Chicago airport roofline via Funky Junk Interiors

I saw the Chicago airport for all of under 1 hour. I quickly grabbed a cool sweatshirt with a Chicago logo and ran for my next flight. Stunning building though!

Airborne photography - World's Longest Yard Sale road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

The flights were fantastic. Not a hiccup in sight. I met the nicest people too and naturally told everyone that asked that I was heading to The World’s Longest Yard Sale, thanks to GMC. I just may have a couple new Funky Junkers on board soon! 🙂

Thanks to all those amazing travelling men that pointed me in the right airport directions, made suggestions on what to take in, and basically just enjoyed my excitement with me. So cool. You know who you are.

I settled into the gorgeous Weston Hotel at the Detroit Airport and after noting the gal next to me devouring salmon, my Oh Canada roots came back full swing and I ordered up a hot salmon spinach salad. Oh my… I groaned with every single bite. It had cranberries and feta cheese sprinkled on top with a light poppyseed dressing. Delish!!

Tomorrow is another action packed day and I want plenty of rest. So until then, nighty night friends, and see you tomorrow.

all road trip updates are HERE


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21 thoughts on “World’s Longest Yard Sale 3 – the view from my (plane) window

  1. love your pics and excitement….I used to have a little sign in my office(previous life) enthusiasm is contagious..and you are and so thus we are for you….Loved the mountains….and you paint a great picture…with your story line…so When are you going to do a travel show….I am giggling..when I said that…..Find some old luggage to use for shelving…or for a guest bedroom…can’t wait to see what you 2 in crime will find….If you get really hot at some point run cool water over your wrists…it help to cool you down faster(I am a redhead and we don’t like sun go figure I live in Hot Texas)

  2. Boy your iphone takes some awesome pics. Oh you are having so much fun Donna. Chicago airport is pretty amazing. That whole city is, too bad you could not stay longer. Talk about good food. Have fun..keep us posted!

  3. Amazing photos! I too feel your excitement in your post!!! Wishing I could be there~ sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Thanks so much for sharing your flying journey. Can’t wait to see the next set of photos as your journey continues!
    Have bunches of fun!
    Prim Blessings

  4. Welcome to America (I had to go back and see what you called us – America, United States,…). It is refreshing to see your enthusiasm and awe for the scenery (and food). We who live here sometimes become immune to the beauty. I’ve only stepped foot across the border into Oh Canada! and thought she was stunning (and much cooler). Looking forward to the balance of your adventure in these great United States.

  5. Donna, we just got back from our vacation in Canada! We love our Canadian friends and have been up several times to different parts. Traveling is exciting and Banff was GORGEOUS and COOL. The climate was so wonderful after sweltering through 100 degree days in the States. Plus, I’m always thrilled to hear the various Canadian accents, see the french language, and of course…. wait for it: that cute little “Eh?” that often ends a sentence up there. 😉
    Have a fantastic time and stay hydrated in our heat!
    <3 Christina

  6. Your pics are quite a treat! Some things are definitely more beautiful from the sky. Was that a golf course? That sweatshirt, the first of many treasures to be purchased on American soil. Hope you are rested. Enjoy the day!!!

  7. Dear Donna,I’m so excited that you are in my homeland,you are such an inspiration to me. I don’t often comment but follow your blog always. Wow,your now in the city that I was born in (Detroit)and your journey will take you to Gadsden Alabama,which is only minutes from where I live now. I only hope that I am lucky enough to run up on you at the yardsale(I would be the crazy old lady hollering “Hey Funky Junk”,lol. I hope your journey is safe and you make many wonderful memories and of course find all the “Junk” your heart desires. Until next time~Dinah~

  8. OOOOOOOweeeeeeeee Donna I love that view! Thanks for such beautiful pictures. Rest, rest, rest and buy, buy, buy and then show us, show us, show us….pleeease. I am
    from way down South so your Southern speech is sounding good.

  9. As you’re heading down Rt. 127 through Ohio, take note of the beautiful old Victorian houses in Van Wert….love they have lots of cutie pie black squirrels too 🙂 and as you head into Celina you’ll also see a bunch of Victorian and Edwardian homes right before intering down town. Once you get through down town, you’ll notice a big lake on the left side of the road. It is Grand Lake, the largest manmade lake in the world. It was built as a feeder lake for the Miami and Erie canals. There’s a lovely little place called “West Bank Inn” where we always stay when we visit (although their coffee stinks…we always bring our own…it’s very clean) Have a great safe trip.
    Janet (from Ohio…can you tell 🙂

  10. Fabulous photos Donna! and you could totally be a food critic or food journalist, your descriptions are mouth watering.

    Love that you are updating daily, how fun for your readers 🙂 I love a good adventure and if I can’t be there, I’ll just run along side you via your blog!

    Have fun!

  11. Oh, Donna – when you saw the grass ‘disappear’, you were flying over eastern Montana and western North Dakota. That’s just high plains semi-arid, and perfectly normal for the end of July. A lot of that yellow was probably wheat, oats, and barley ripening into golden, rather than a lack of green grass. That’s perfectly normal. I’m originally an eastern Montana farmgirl – I can imagine what that looked like to a Chilliwackian! (Is that the right terminology? BTW: I remember a rock group from the 70s called ‘Chilliwack’. I digress.) What always strikes me when I fly is that when you are over the plains, you can distinguish towns by the trees that are planted, and in wetter climes, you can distinguish towns by the trees that have been cleared! Have SOOOO much fun. I’m more than a little jealous.

  12. Lordy…by the time you get way down south to Choo Choo town…AKA Chattanooga…the vendors will be marking down what’s left to crazy rediculous prices. When you get down this far…be warned…it’s been hotter than the surface of the sun this summer. I have already ventured up Signal Mountain…there is junk as far as the eye can see!! I live here, so it’s expected that I would go every year – and come home with a truck full!! Have fun on your journey to the South!!

  13. Your Southern is doing pretty well.
    You spelled “Y’ALL” right!
    Love the pictures you took during your flight! So cool to get a birds eye view of the land. The closest I’ve ever come to flying was… my brother flies often. LOL… I don’t fly…did you get that little nuance? Pat

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