World’s Longest Yard Sale 8 – Master Bedroom and home reveal

Master Bedroom reveal for a habitat house, upscale junk style. via Funky Junk Interiors

Once upon a time, GMC Chris emailed me asking if I’d like to take part in a quest to find the best for a family in need, while cruising in brand new fabulous GMC Yukons, fully equipped with OnStar navigation.


… continued …

GMC Yukon XLs

Short answer? YES!

Budget: $250

Room: master bedroom

Resident: Alexcia, beautiful single mom of two adorable kiddos, loves purple, go for it. Fun!

We toured the south over with wild abandon and started to build on our own visions as we found the goods.  There was no time to decide. You are on the ground running and your choices are yes or no, with NO time for maybe.

We met up for dinner each night approx a state away so there was no time to dilly dally. Snoop, grab and run.

And then you hope it all comes together in the end. And did it? See for yourself, my friends!

Watch the video above for the full story and reveal.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My room: below

 I’d hate for these stories to only remain within, so I’m going to share what went down.

Grab a coffee, it’s long! 🙂

World's Longest Yard Sale 8 - The Habitat House Reveal, via Funky Junk Interiors

The fact that I was able to decorate for Alexcia herself thrilled me to no end! I love doing romantic styled bedrooms so the challenge was on to find ‘upscale junk’. 

World's Longest Yard Sale 8 - The Habitat House Reveal, via Funky Junk Interiors

The first piece was the dresser, donated from ReStore Detroit, and I purchased the adorable lamp. I knew right away I wanted the drawer fronts done in black chalkpaint to chime with the lamp.

I’m glad I had the dresser to start with because it was easy from there to build. I prayed the shutters wouldn’t be too tall to prop on the dresser and they were perfection. I wanted them to frame a pretty mirror and just bring white into the room. White shutters to me mean sunshine with windows open wide. I wanted Alexcia’s room to be sunshine and more.

World's Longest Yard Sale 8 - The Habitat House Reveal, via Funky Junk Interiors

The tackle box was a deep aqua, which chimed in with the colours we were using throughout the home. And it serves as Alexcia’s new jewelry box!

The sweet oar was found for $1.50 under the tall talking trees on the most amazing southern humid day ever. I’ll never ever forget the ambiance and the no nonsense vendor that assisted me.

“I just wanna get rid of my stuff, so it’s priced right.” Boy was it.

The vintage curvy mirror was attached to an older couple’s junk shed out back. It was like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. They unscrewed it from the wall, but did so with the biggest southern warm smiles ever. They were delighted to hear why we were shopping and gave us a deal. 🙂

tackle box decor

The mason jars holding the flowers were discovered in a big box for $12.00. A steal! The team bought them and shared the wealth. This was special because it was the first place all of us found each other on the road. We were actually shopping with our blog idols!

white bedside table

I am still counting my lucky stars for finding this sweet and simple side table for a whoppin’ $5.00 at the very end of our tour. It was the last thing I picked up. The vendors were packing up due to a rain storm heading in and they welcomed not having to move it another inch. Perfect! This was truly a screech and run pickup!

rusty metal junk flower vase

Lucky Alexcia gets to experience a little funky junk in her room so I hope she doesn’t mind a tiny bit of rust on her flower vase. 🙂

chalkboard paint clock

A darling little clock once wood was also hit with chalkboard paint so fun messages and designs can be had at a moment’s notice. What would you write on your alarm clock? 😀

white sheet curtains with washline twine tabs via Funky Junk Interiors

white sheet curtains with washline twine tabs via Funky Junk Interiors

Twin white sheets with white twine sections sewn on became easy window treatments. The new curtain rod was picked up at Walmart for a song. Pretty, elegant, romantic.

woodsy wreath, soda crate and barrel rustic bedroom accessories

A little bare corner received some layered woodsy relics so Alexcia can have some fun filling and placing them wherever she desires. This would make a nice place to stash some magazines and the barrel could be her laundry basket. I hope she’s reading! 🙂

reclaimed lumber hooks behind bedroom door via Funky Junk Interiors

Behind the door, two random planks with black and white hooks became the perfect little place to stash all kinds of things. Open the door and the clutter vanishes from sight!

Alexcia’s favorite colour was brought into the room through some fun accessories. She be stylin’!

Old door and mirror bedroom headboard via Funky Junk Interiors

An old door became the headboard. I knew it was ours the moment my eyes spotted it. 

Old door and vintage mirror bedroom headboard via Funky Junk Interiors

I didn’t care how dirty it was at the time. The layers of patina were amazing and it came out beautifully! The curvy little mirror was part of a dresser and the owners were happy to separate the pieces so I could team it up with the door. Perfection! The little mirror removes just the right amount of square from the door.

Vintage hand sewn quilt and bedspread via Funky Junk Interiors

Alexcia already has a bed which wasn’t moved in yet, so two antique quilts were positioned waiting for completion. The colourful quilt was all hand made and was positively exquisite! It offered some soft colours to the otherwise tone on tone room so Alexcia can have some fun with some pastel pillowcases if she so desires.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I so enjoyed building this room with Alexcia in mind. I truly hopes she loves each and every piece as much as I do. It was strange to leave something I did behind. It felt like ‘mine’. Which means, I gave the best I had to our girl. This room is proudly funky junk all the way. 🙂

Visit these other reveal posts to catch the entire stories!

Reveal posts:

Pretty Handy Girl

Better After #1

Better After #2

Better After #3

Beneath My Heart

All Things Thrifty

Thank-you GMC for your never ending hospitality while on the road. You treated us so well, allowed us to indulge in amazing southern fare and you left me with the experience of a lifetime!

And bloggers, it was a privilege hangin’ and junk’in with y’all. 🙂 Love you!

Brittany aka Handy, thanks for taking such good care of me. xo

And thank YOU dear readers, for sharing my exciting adventure with me!

all road trip updates are HERE

Intro – Junk Warriors take on World’s Longest Yard Sale

1 – getting ready to leave

2 – getting lost… on the way to the airport

3 – the view from my (plane) window

4 – bloggers, GM and shopping

5 – southern confessions

6 – junk shopping with video
7- revamping the junk

8 – this post

9 – Warriors and junk

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this trip nor this writeup. GMC and OnStar sponsored our travel expenses only. My opinions are my own.


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48 thoughts on “World’s Longest Yard Sale 8 – Master Bedroom and home reveal

  1. This ” soul food ” will last you a lifetime! I want to say how lucky Alexcia is ( and of course she is ) but I can’t help but feel that you were just as lucky to share in such an incredible story and help shape it’s amazing outcome!
    Beautiful beautiful post Donna
    Suzan ( from Montreal )
    Would love to have you drop in some time to visit

  2. What a wonderful experience! To both provide a blessing, and receive one. Our Lord certainly does work in mysterious (and Junky) ways! He gave you a wonderful talent and is providing a way for you to serve, with that talent. Alexcia is on lucky girl to have her room designed by the blog famous Donna from Funky Junk, I’m sure she’s in love with it!

  3. Wow, what an amazing trip and how wonderful to be able to accomplish what you guys did for that family, the video was just perfect, loved the music, was it Adele’s? What fun you must have had, next time take me with you……

  4. What fun you must have had! was the ‘worlds longest yard sale’ really all it’s made up to be? i have always wanted to do that, but living in california, i would probably have to fly there, and those over-head storage compartments would make it really hard to bring all those goodies home!

    and i have to say, you (and the others) did a terrific job shopping and decorating for the homeowner, and that makes it even more special.

    • Rebeca, the sale itself was fabulous! The only warning I’ll heed is there’s just so much stuff you can’t possibly shop it all unless you had months! My favorite areas to hit were at the farms where the sales were clustered with more than one neighbour. Barn junk is interesting, you find lots of rusty relics and antiques.

      You could always ship your stuff back. I chose not to as I knew it would be costly going across the Canada/US border. What I couldn’t fit in my suitcase, I didn’t bring home.

  5. love what you did…and it does have your signature on the look…..the door…wish more peope would buy some of the ones we have in the store…and their are two that stand 18 feet tall…and sold oak. with worm hole damage distress….love doors ….they all tell a story of the people who walk into your home with love…

    ps I know late….but it was 107 today and I could not paint in the heat this afternoon so early moring and late tonight….too late I need to go

  6. Beautiful! You (and your fellow bloggers) are amazing. I love how each room shows the though put into creating a space. I have thoroughly enjoyed following along on the adventure. Thank you for sharing! P.S. I love, love, LOVE the headboard you created. Awesome! ~Rachel

  7. I’m sure she’ll adore it. as great as it looks, I’m certain it has a fabulous vibe that will be a wonderful edition to this young lady’s life.
    Its my personal belief that you all left love , creativity and inspiration in the air and she will thrive it in.

    well done indeed.

  8. You can tell that every piece was well thought out and remade with love by each of you. It’s a memory that the givers and the receivers will never forget!

  9. An awesome trip for a wonderful cause! The best part was seeing Jenna’s reaction to the reveal of your room. How could she not love the room?! The headboard is my favorite part of the room. The little mirror mounted on top is the perfect feminine touch!

  10. This is a great inspiring article.You put really very helpful informaI am pretty much pleased with your good work.tion. Keep it up. Keep blogging. Looking to reading your next post.

  11. What a rewarding experience for all of you, the look on Alexcia’s face is priceless. The old door and mirror look like they were always meant to be together and I love the simple white sheets you used for curtains. Fabulous!

  12. My son and I built our home in 2008 with Habitat for Humanity, a love filled experience which STILL fills my heart to this day – your sweet kindness, your talent and your care are really incredible, and shine through this lovely tour and project…thank you for doing it! And thank you for sharing it!

  13. This was a wonderful journey for us, your followers too! What an inspirational story.
    Thank you for doing it and allowing us to share the experience.

  14. I have enjoyed following you on this journey so much! What an experience for you and the other bloggers…to do what you love for someone in this way has got to be the trip of a lifetime! How generous of GMC to sponsor this project and Habitat for Humanity is a fabulous organization! Alexcia is so fortunate to have had you all complete her home for her and her children, it turned out so beautiful. A wonderful way to ‘Pay it Forward’!! Almost like living the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition show when I saw her reaction!!
    Thank you for sharing this with us!
    Debbie 🙂

  15. Hi Donna – I have been a fan {me and lots of others!} for quite awhile now and I’ve got to tell you that the worlds longest yard-sale is the only thing in my “Bucket List.” I’m hoping to go next year. Following along with you while you hunted for treasure to make Alexcia’s house into a home was just amazing. I’m totally in love with the Master Bed Room and what you did with it. I so admire Habitat for Humanity. And, I’m a big fan of GM for providing you with transportation and expenses. This is a great story and we may never know how much lives were changed in the process. Congrats to you and the others – YOU ALL ROCK!

  16. AMAZING! I am speechless. What an awesome job by all of you wonderful bloggin’, junkin’ warriors. When I watched the video and saw Alexcia’s tears, what a joy that was and I wasn’t even there. I’m sure for ya’ll, it was a touching moment. My hats off to you and the other bloggers and GM for providing this opportunity. Thank you from all of us “junkers” in the world. Ya’ll make us proud (and yep, I’m from Alabama, just recently moved to the panhandle of FL, but we still say ya’ll here too, ahhahaaaa)

  17. Oh my gosh, awesome job by all! Love it all and looks like a good time was had by all.
    From the look on the lady’s face she appreciated everything everyone did for her.
    That makes you feel good and all worth it.

  18. This experience will stay with you forever…and a mother and her two beautiful boys. The video made my cry, of course! So happy you got to be a part of it. And OOPS! I think I referred to that awesome vehicle as something else in my email the other day. I knew it was a Yukon but for some reason my mind when to the other, which I won’t mention here. I will be sure to tell others about GMC’s generosity. That counts for something in my book! Love, Jami

  19. Oh, Donna, this video made me get all teary! You guys did an amazing job. What a blessing for that family to be move-in ready. Amazing. The part about the talking trees made me smile! I take that for granted as a native Alabamian, but just the other day I was explaining to my 4 year old son why they sound like that. He said it wakes him up at night and it sounds scary, but I told him that it’s an honor to hear that noise every night because it means he’s a Southerner! 🙂 LOL I don’t think he cared what it meant- he just knows it scares him to hear that buzzing sound all night long! We live in the woods and it gets LOUD here. 🙂

    Great job, again!

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