World’s Longest Yard Sale 9 – Warriors and southern junk

A mind blowing photo collection of southern junk from the World's Longest Yard Sale via Funky Junk Interiors. warning: photo heavy!

Betcha thought I was done posting about The World’s Longest Yard Sale adventure, huh? Not a chance! 🙂
See, southern junk is so big for me it deserves a post all on it’s own.
… continued …
World's Longest Yard Sale 9 - Warriors find Southern Junk via Funky Junk Interiors
I’ve gotten quite a few messages asking if  the World’s Longest Yard Sale was worth taking in.  In a nutshell… if you had unlimited places to stop for junk, in beautiful surroundings, with the most awesome southern food this side of.. the south, while road trippin’ with others that love what you do…
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

vintage bike

vintage aqua mason jars

World's Longest Yard Sale 9 - Warriors find Southern Junk via Funky Junk Interiors

vintage folding measuring sticks

vintage elaborate lock

old crates and barrels
I purchased these for the habitat house.

vintage yellow bike

old vintage license plates from Ohio

These came home with me! Whoop!

world's longest yard sale

world's longest yard sale

world's longest yard sale

old woven stool

toolbox on wheels

vintage styled white pillowcases embroidered

world's longest yard sale

old sign letters plastic

world's longest yard sale

world's longest yard sale

shell motor oil vintage jars

red cross painted box

*sob* … why did I LEAVE THIS?!

vintage bistro chair

old rusty  kitchen scale from Kentucky

A Kentucky kitchen scale found in Kentucky. What is wrong with me?!?

world's longest yard sale via Funky Junk Interiors

birdhouses world's longest yard sale

Oh oh!! This is where we stopped and I had my first funnel cake! Also had the BBQ and lemonade but that was old school by now. 🙂

Imagine if you will, seeing this for 3 solid days.

world's longest yard sale via Funky Junk Interiors

Just be sure to leave any non shoppers at home and you’ll be all good.

rusty letters wall art

This was at a retail store, but cool all the same. Massive rusty letters at $60 a pop. I would have loved JUNK on the side of my wall at home with these guys.

vintage sleigh via Funky Junk Interiors

Ms. Funky Junk lands some junk!

Landing the bedroom’s two mirrors in one location was a total score! And it was rather a fluke too. We turned off the main road to turn around and lo and behold, did VERY well here.

I’m deeming this ‘Dream Come True Land.’

rusty patina vintage step stool via Funky Junk Interiors

I would have adored this stool just for photo shoots! Oh my gosh the patina was out of this world.

world's longest yard sale via Funky Junk Interiors

Meet my little friend, Hound Dog. (I made that up)

GMC Hidden Treasures road trip via Funky Junk Interiors

GMC Yukon XL during GMC Hidden Treasures road trip

ooooo… so not junk! Our Warrior unit (GMC Yukon XL) held an astounding amount. The seats removed in seconds (easily by one person) leaving us with a ton of storage to fill. Truly was a beautiful ride.

Another perk which really threw me were the comfort of the seats. They were built like recliners, offering full support right up to the top of your head. I actually leaned back while driving which I never do because I can’t in my truck. Not so with this!


Junk Warriors via Funky Junk Interiors

As you know, I teamed up with Brittany aka Handy as a Junk Warrior. We had planned to film a whole mess of stuff, but our schedule of shopping, eating, driving and sleeping took over.

But we managed to get a little silly… 🙂

GMC Hidden Treasures with Funky and Handy

Oh yeah, this was gonna be great! Warrior gear was inside the Yukon and we’d do this no prob! Notice how nice our hair is and how refreshed we look?

Well… it got hot. Real fast. 🙂 Warrior gear is hot so it stayed inside as we dashed through the sales. But we made up stuff as we went along.

Junk Warrior in action via Funky Junk Interiors

We met the rest of the bloggers by fluke at this one place and BINGO… we decided it was now or never… I grabbed a plaid shirt off a table, wrapped it around my head, threw on a zoro (?) hat and…

Junk Warrior in action via Funky Junk Interiors

… Warriored.

Junk Warrior in action via Funky Junk Interiors

The funniest part was an old timer broke us up, thinking this was for REAL!

Why I thought hang loose was warrior like is beyond me. You know, in case y’all are wondering.

Junk Warrior washer bracelets tutorial via Funky Junk Interiors

 Handy also came prepared. She created these amazing washer styled Warrior bracelets that got us all geared up! Adore!

Like it? You can make one too!

Check out Handy’s washer bracelets tutorial HERE.

Lessons on being a Junk Warrior by Pretty Handy Girl via Funky Junk Interiors

(the above is just a screen shot. click HERE to watch video)

And that’s not all!  Handy’s hilarious rendition of Junk Warrior Lessons is now live! Yes, you too can be a proud Junk Warrior in just a few easy steps HERE.

So was the trip worth it? I don’t think I could have afforded to miss it!

all road trip updates are HERE

Intro – Junk Warriors take on World’s Longest Yard Sale

1 – getting ready to leave

2 – getting lost… on the way to the airport

3 – the view from my (plane) window

4 – bloggers, GM and shopping

5 – southern confessions

6 – junk shopping with video
7- revamping the junk
8 – the Habitat house reveal

Disclosure: The World’s Longest Yard Sale is an event that’s held in the south once a year. The official website is HERE. I was assigned this trip by GMC, that outfitted us with travel expenses and transportation. I was not compensated for this trip nor writeup. GMC and OnStar sponsored our travel expenses only. My opinions are my own.

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Categories: Junk Drawer

21 thoughts on “World’s Longest Yard Sale 9 – Warriors and southern junk

  1. WHEN is this massive yard sale?? I want to go. Can’t believe all the things you showed us. I want that red cross box…. Did you rent the YUKON? I might have to do that because I drive a VWB. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures. I want to start making plans to go….

  2. Hey, did you know that those wooden poles/stakes in the barrel are tobacco stakes? When they cut the tobacco in the field they hang it across those spikes and transport on special trailers to the tobacco barns. There the spikes are hung across beams to either dry (cigarettes) or smoke (pipe, cigar, or chew). When they are smoking the tobacco it looks like the barn is on fire with all the smoke coming out of it (indeed, some DO catch fire!). And it smells incredible! (and I can’t stand cig smoke!). It a very interesting process and one that I am going to do a photo series on this fall.

    Sometimes as you are driving along in the fall, you’ll find where one of those spikes with it’s tobacco plants has rattled off its trailer. I pull over whenever I can and pick up the spikes. The patina is incredible… years of smoke really makes the wood beautiful.

  3. I don’t think I could have taken enough $$ to buy everything that I would have wanted along that trip. So many cool things you pictured!

    I could not get the video to play for me either…just dying to see it!

  4. Oh yeah! More Ohio plates to add to the ones I sent you. What a bunch of great finds!!! I really need to do this trip. Thanks for sharing Donna!!

  5. OMG Donna I would have thought I had died and gone to JUNK HEAVEN if I could’ve gone for 3 days. I remember when my daughter caught it
    on their way home from vacation. She called
    me and said I told you to come with us. Now look what your missing. She did buy me some
    things, sweet girl. I would have bought that
    yellow bike, and oh so much more. You are so
    durn lucky girl to go to such a large sale.
    One day…maybe…I hope….last wish…..
    I can dream.

  6. So glad you enjoyed the south!! We moved to Kentucky about 4 years ago from Ontario and we love it. Although we still aren’t used to the heat yet! My husband would much prefer the -40 degree temps so he could go snowmobiling……his body is not equipped for 110 degree summers!! Our subdivision is actually about 2 miles north of the Mikes produce place you guys stopped at! So cool. We were actually in Ontario on vacation when the sale was on, so I missed out on all the junk. Dang! Next year I’m planning my vacation around it, I swear!

  7. Oh what a fun trip that must have been Donna!!! Yard saling heaven for sure!! Thanks for taking us along for the ride and enjoying your fun time. I just got another booth space so am on the hunt for more junk- need a long mile yard sale here in Colorado!!

    bee blessed

  8. Just home from the World’s Longest Yardsale and wondered if you were there this year. I found you on instagram last year and your adventures at the WLYS. Your blog post make me want to head up to Kentucky next year. Katey

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