How to build a pallet wood closet wall

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

This pallet wood closet wall project in the form of a rustic feature wall has saved my bedroom! 🙂

I’m not crazy about hanging up clothes. Truly, I’ve had this “issue” since … forever.

So when a blank wall kept staring at me while my clothes were slung all over my bed, I came up with a plan.

I dreamt the wall was loaded with hooks so I could merrily throw my clothes against it like some carnival game, hoping they’d catch! Fun! 🙂

Truth be told, I just prefer to hang clothes from hooks instead of hangers. So I decided to turn the blank wall into a functional, productive pallet wood closet wall that became a beautiful rustic feature wall as well!

Here’s what I did!

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How to build a pallet wood closet wall


Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

Choosing the pallet wood


1. Gather up random pieces of reclaimed wood. Clean and lightly sand to prepare.

First up I needed some wood! This pallet wood mix would do the trick nicely!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

It’s a mix of pallet wood, fence planks, and other random wood scraps collected over time.

But the best part about it is that each board looks a little different!

Once the boards of choice were chosen, they were given a light sand with a palm sander, but not too much as I desired to leave the old wood patina intact as much as possible.

Learn how to prep reclaimed wood HERE

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

Painting the wall


1. Paint the wall in the desired colour.

First up, I painted the wall with an eggshell pure white.

I was going after a strapping look, that’s why I wanted the wall white. You know strapping right? Old fashioned houses had drywall over plaster and slats of wood.

For an added twist, I chose the strapping design to run vertical to give the wall the illusion of more height. This design reduced the amount of wood cutting to size as well as you’ll soon see why!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.


How to install each wood plank for a feature wall:


  1. paint wall first
  2. position long planks first
  3. insert one screw in the middle
  4. use a level to straighten
  5. add more screws to secure
  6. cut smaller planks to fit around longer planks

2. Position each plank where desired, starting with the longest planks first, leaving most or all at their full length to start.

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

3. Then trim smaller boards to fit around the longer boards, much like building a puzzle.

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.


How to level the planks


4. Level each plank as you install.

Leveling the planks is easy! I like to start by inserting a screw into one plank first so it’s easy to rotate.

Then using a level as your guide, gently tap the board until straight, and secure with more screws.

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

Adding planks above a doorway


Above the doorway, the wood was simply cut to size just missing the door moulding. It worked great!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

Isn’t that different wood patina fabulous?!

So, let’s add some fun clothing hooks next… with a twist!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

Adding salvaged hooks


5. Install random hooks all over the pallet wall where desired.

Hooks of all types were desired, so I did a thrift store shop as well as a snoop through my own hook stash and came up with some interesting old relics to try!

You’ll soon note that not all these pieces were actual hooks! My goal was to use anything that had the potential to hang clothing.

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

The above combo is a large hook of some sort teamed up with a rusty gear.

With a bed frame hook on the upper right!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

A door knob plate became a unique base for a simple screw! Yup, screws are hooks too!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

An old spool that held cable wire became a handy wider hook, that would be also perfect for hanging belts or jewelry.

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

Each salvaged closet hook was randomly spaced to accommodate enough space under each one to at the very least hang a shirt, with some hooks with nothing underneath to hang long things like pants or coats.

Salvage hook ideas:


  • old rake heads
  • rusty gears
  • handled tools
  • large spools
  • upside down vintage hangers

And here’s how the pallet wood closet wall turned out!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

The finished pallet wood closet wall


Annnnd, let’s load it up! How fun is this? The pallet wood closet wall is productive and has such a cozy look thanks to all that reclaimed wood patina!

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

And the white wood showing through between the wood helps to highlight the beautiful shape of each plank.

For a different look, you could also paint the wall black. But for this room, I love the white spaces in between the boards!

And here’s a peek at the other side of the room…

Build a ladder clothing hanger changing area in a master bedroom!

This little empty wall corner was about to get a whole lot more productive…

Build a ladder clothing hanger changing area in a master bedroom!

Ladder changing area


Thanks to a ladder and a bench!

Build a ladder clothing hanger changing area in a master bedroom!

The vintage hangers fit perfectly on the ladder rungs!

Build a ladder clothing hanger changing area in a master bedroom!

And of course, add to the woodsy rustic charm as well.

So am I more encouraged to hang up the clothes now?

Learn how to build an easy rustic and productive pallet wood closet wall to hang up more clothes! Makes a beautiful feature wall too! With plenty of unique salvaged clothing hook ideas! Read full tutorial.

You bet!

I officially no longer envy those with walk-in closets because my entire room is now one! Everywhere you look.

What do you think of the pallet wood closet wall idea? Think you’d enjoy having all that extra clothing hanging as a benefit to a room in your home too?

(all bedroom redo 2012 projects are HERE)

Other closet related projects you may enjoy:

Learn how to build a reclaimed wood bathroom closet for extra storage!

Create a reclaimed wood bathroom storage closet

Learn how to double a space in a small closet with this simple closet kit!

Double the space of any small closet with this simple closet kit

Visit all closet projects HERE

And many other unique storage ideas HERE

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82 thoughts on “How to build a pallet wood closet wall

  1. Looks great, Donna – adds so much warmth to the room. I’ve never heard the term strapping before – we always refer to it just as lath & plaster.

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  2. Hello Donna,
    Honestly, when I started to read this post. I was not to sure about the wood on your bedroom wall? Wow, to my surprise! The finished wall looks amazing. You are so creative and insightful.
    Smiles, Paula

  3. Eclectic and not wonky at all! My question is, will you need to vacuum your wall? The roughness of the wood and the spacing between boards seems to me to be a dust (or around here pet hair) catcher.
    I do appreciate your sense of adventure.

    • Believe it or not, I NEVER worry about dust. Nothing a vacuum brush can’t handle from time to time. The wood was well sanded before going up so it’s pretty smooth! The sawhorse bench keeps the dog from rubbing against it I suppose and the cat can’t be bothered. 🙂

  4. Great. Now I’m looking around for a wall to attach pallet pieces to and I think my husband wants to leave me for you. I suppose I’ll have to designate a wall for him to palletize and maybe he’ll keep me for a bit longer…… till your next project that he loves anyhow. Thanks for not hanging lingerie on the pallets, I don’t know if he could take it!


  5. Gah! Love it! Love that I’m not the only one who would rather toss her clothing on a hook (I currently have old shoe forms as my hooks) and LOVE what you did with your wall. Great job on the challenge and the execution.

  6. Love every inch of it!!! I especially like the wooden hanger used as a hook! I have so many of them in my antique booth, but they just don’t sell down here…maybe if I showed this idea they’d fly outta there. Too cute, Donna, too cute!! Best, Vicki

  7. Love it, what great treasures you have added. I am working on a pallet wall above my fireplace–but am painting and distressing the wood. Girlfriend, you need to get a miter saw stand–I got one for Christmas and it is so wonderful, and easier on the back and safer!

  8. I really like how your wall turned out. What makes it over the top great are all of the interesting “hooks” you have used. I love the upside-down hangers!! I’ve been thinking about getting a miter saw….it’s a done deal now!

  9. Another unique solution to a problem. This would be great in a boys’ room. Or a mud room. I’m going to pin it, hope it goes more viral than the toilet paper holder. Ann

  10. Love it!! My hubby wonders why we have a walk in closet when the 4 outfits I have are almost always on the floor, hanging off the chair or draping over the laundry basket….I got a bunch of wood from an old shed- it would perfect for that- thanks for sharing and getting our creative juices going!! You are AMAZING!!

  11. You truly are a creative genius! I am in AWE! What an amazing transformation. It gives the room interest, texture, and a place for your “stuff” to land. I am just sitting here shaking my head in disbelief at your unstoppable creativity! You rock!

  12. Hi there,
    How did you put up all the wood if there are not studs everywhere in the wall?
    I wanted to do something like this in my actual 10 foot narrow hallways, but my house is older and I don’t have studs where I would want to put the wood.
    Can you help?
    Thank you,
    I love everything about your site.

    • Real builders, cover your eyes! 🙂 Fiarykin, I didn’t worry about studs. At all. I just screwed them in and called it done. The trick is to not over do it so you don’t strip anything. What you see is as sturdy as ever.


  13. WawaWOW! You did an amazing job on that wall. I’ve always admired when people can take the most mundane, “ugly” objects and make them work–and let’s be honest what you did here was waaaaay more than just making it work! You nailed it!

  14. Donna,
    Only you could come up with this charming idea and make it work…I LOVE IT!!! I also love the new header too. I am now following with the new linky…also been following with Facebook and hope you will follow me too:)


  15. Oh, thank you for sharing! One of our daughters’ wishes is such a pallet wall. We have two addresses where we can pick up as many old pallets as we like (thanks, hubbie!!) so we’re definately gonna make this. I’ll show C. your post tonight, she will get crazy, hehe 😉

  16. Wow – I love that wall and the ladder, You have, once again, given me some great inspiration for my room. I hate to hang up my clothes too! And how beautiful it turned out!

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