Cats in a cat tree… an update

Cats in a cat tree - an update on Funky Junk's kittens

Summer is here! We’ve had a mini heat wave lately and we’ve been trying to find ways to stay cool. One day was just SO hot, all I could do was wander to our back creek, hide under the huge weeping willow and stick my feet in the water. There was simply nothing. else. one. could. do.

I’ve been working on a few things here and there, but am having some trouble with the light meter in my camera, so none of the pictures turned out. Reshoot time! Once I figure out the issue.

But I will also admit, my mind is wandering. Still trying to figure out our perfect summer escape. I thought I wanted something incredibly new and exciting… but it hasn’t turned out that way quite yet.

I’ve been at home on my own for the past little while having a wonderful time just unwinding… with two irresistable cats in a cat tree.

Cats in a cat tree - an update on Funky Junk's kittens

These two… oh my. Where do I even start?

I was a little afraid to fall in love too deeply with them. It hurts to lose pets you adore. 

That fear thing sure can get in the way of happiness, can’t it? Well, these guys punched through the surface and I’m in deep. When I’m not with them I want to be with them, and when I’m with them I just want more. 🙂

And they love back. It blows me away. Have they even figured out who we are yet? But they love so intently and unconditionally!

Lake will mew when he can see me but can’t get to me when I’m on the patio. I’m talking about I’m on one side of a window and he’s on the other.  A fluke thing was I had the music playing on the computer one evening and that made him very content. Alright then! My boy likes a little rock and roll!

Cats in a cat tree - an update on Funky Junk's kittens

Don’t they look smart with their matching ear tattoos? 🙂

Skye loves to wander over for lap time. Everything stops when my girl jumps on my lap for a cuddle. 

cat update on Funky Junk's Instagram

Die… I die… they can interrupt my blogging with their snoring any time they like.

We kinda battle over the keyboard now and then and I’ve had to remove my tablet because it kept getting all kinds of crazy paw commands…

You can see more of my instagram updates HERE

Cats in a cat tree - an update on Funky Junk's kittens

But hey… anything for these two. For they got to me hook, line and sinker! They knew what they were doing when they spotted me with those those big longing cat eyes with CAT LOVER written across my forehead.

I still miss my Teddy every day, but these two taught me a little something.

A heart is capable of loving more, other than just holding out for one you no longer can have.

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54 thoughts on “Cats in a cat tree… an update

    • Oh they do. They ADORE and live on it! They are just now starting to snooze on different levels but for the longest time, I’d come home to find them like this. So so sweet!

      That crazy fuzzy statue was a good investment!

  1. They are darling! We adopted a brother and sister when they were 8 weeks old (Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, who became Rosie when we discovered she as a girl–they are keeping the world safe for democracy) and we cannot imagine our house without them. Even my husband, the cat hater, loves them!

  2. I’m so happy that you took these two into your life. 😀
    I work at a vet clinic and many times after a loss, pet owners will proclaim “never again” and while I understand their grief, I always hope they will change their minds eventually. There are so many little creatures out there that desperately need homes. And most times I find that people who rescue them end up being rescued right back by their grateful pets.

  3. So freaking cute! and your photos are fabulous Thanks for sharing your beautiful kittens with us!

    ps you could always make the drive to Kimberley for your vacation – that trip via Highway 3 is AMAZING 😉

  4. Donna, your quote on the bottom is so true. We’ve lost so many of our beloved fur-babies. And my husband swore…No more! But I cannot live without a four-legged being in my life. They love unconditionally and they just add such a great extra layer to our lives! Only one was actually chosen, my cocker Buddy. All our others were pitched over my fence or were found beside the road. I love them all! I’m so glad that you found these two sweet faces to help you heal after Teddy. I can tell they are doing their darnedest to make you smile again. They are darlings !!

  5. I’m with you all the way. Those that complete their Circle of Life leave such a deep and abiding legacy of love behind that we can do nothing else than replicate the experience. I’m sure that Teddy is watching over all of you with a smile and a purr.

    • “Those that complete their Circle of Life leave such a deep and abiding legacy of love behind that we can do nothing else than replicate the experience.”

      Oh my, did you ever hit the nail on the head with that quote!

  6. Oh I love them soooo cute! My Sheba has been gone 7 years and I am still not over her. It took 3 new furbabies to help heal my heart.

  7. Those two are priceless–love ’em up–the joy of loving them now far outweighs the potential pain of losing them down the road–don’t miss out on it.
    Hope this posts ok, the comment section is all wonky!! Luv ya Karen

  8. very nicely posted Donna. they are cutie pies.
    Ear tats? were they born that way? or did i miss something? i mean did you have it done for ID purposes? either way, very cute.
    we adopted a kitten last year, with very similar markings (only gray/white) we named him Luci (short for Lucifer). at first i was very resistant to getting a new cat, since our Emma died the year before. but your are correct. . . .Luci had us hook, line and sinker, in no time. he is entertaining and very loving.

    PS: also, been meaning to ask you, do you know why it takes so long for your page to load every time i come visit? at first i thought it was my connection, but it doesn’t happen with any other site.
    also is there any way to keep those ‘pop-up’ ads from showing up?

    • Hey Rebeca, pets that are adopted from shelters are automatically tattooed. I would have gotten this done anyway, but they were done when they were spayed and neutered. It’s the best and safest way to have them registered and relocated to their owners again in case they skip town. LOL

      I’m not experiencing any popup ads. Others have mentioned some reloading issues. I don’t know what that problem is as most have said there is a vast improvement. Head scratching!

      I’ve just updated a plug in so who knows… maybe that will help?

    • I just may one day. I looked up Colorado on the map after Miss Mustard Seed said she was going there… you have the Grand Canyon! I’d love to see that… and you! 🙂

      • Donna I am 1 hr from the Grand Canyon I think you and your boy would enjoy it. I would be honored to take you. ;). Oh and it’s in Arizona 😉

  9. They are adorable! The one reminds me of my little Cricket. When I had our cat, my beloved Izzy-best friend and confidant put down she was 21 years old. I wasn’t sure I could go through it all again until my little angels entered my life. Somehow “two” replaced “one”. I still have my memorial shelf to Izzy with her urn and all the paintings I ever painted of her but these two…I swear Izzy is telling them little things to do. They enjoy watching their DVD (since they are indoor cats) and do love music. Our male cat Shadow loves to join me in my studio. You can see a pic of Cricket on the top of my blog, the link to my flickr site on the sidebar (click on the slideshow-it takes you to my page) shows pics of both of them. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the furry heartbeats at your feet.

  10. Being a cat person, I never tire of your pics of your new sweeties!

    Reading some of your comment section, I noted that someone had the same problem I had: slow loading of your blog. In fact, with your old host, my computer would often lock up and I would not be able to load your blog. HOWEVER, since you have switched hosts I no longer have the problem and am able to enjoy your blogposts without any loading problems. Not a computer savvy person and so I have no idea what changed, but thank you.

    I have always loved primitive antiques, but my budget does not. Your rustic “take” on more readily available decor items/junky stuff satisfies my “need” for the primitive stuff. Love what you create and use!

    And love the new blog host that allows me to load your site without a prob!

    Blessings to you and your dear family ~ Brenda

    • Oh I’m so glad Brenda! I’m not sure what the issue was when I was on blogger. If you are meaning since I changed my blog design, I’ve been on WordPress ever since. So glad it’s working better!

  11. Oh, what a beautiful quote! I just adore your little ones; they are precious and so lucky to have you to keep them safe, content and happy.

  12. So sorry to read about the loss of your dear Teddy. It’s heartbreaking to lose our furry family members. And, so amazing how new furry family members can warm and heal our hearts so fully and quickly. Your new babies are adorable and look like they are super sweet.

    We went through the loss of our dear Duchess the week before Christmas. It hurt us all so deeply because we loved her so much. We waited a bit before we brought a new little fur ball into our family. And, like in the past, once we got our new Penelope, we wondered why we waited because she helped ease the pain in our hearts and put smiles on our faces. And, now, like when we had Duchess, we can’t imagine life without her. And, I feel the same as you…it’s amazing how much love they have to give. They’re precious little gifts. 🙂

  13. Donna,

    You are definitly a cat lover like Me…cannot imagine my life without my girls…I have three! I am SO glad you let these two into your heart…they are adorable!! they are lucky to have you and I look forward to many more updates and pictures of those cutie pies!!

    thank you…


  14. I love kitties and it’s so difficult when they leave us. Yours are just adorable. They’ll love the tree house, it seems like cats are part human because they always want to be eye level with us. I have a tree house for our Little Kitty and it’s so fun to watch her peering at the birds. Have fun with them , they give unconditional love.

  15. Love this post!!! We lost our sweet tuxedo cat, Eiffel in April and I still miss him everyday. It doesn’t help that our 17 month old daughter still looks for him on occasion. Once she and her soon to arrive little sister are a bit older we will be looking for one or 2 kittens to complete our family. <3

  16. Love this post. Especially the quote at the end. We have two special babies in heaven and three here on earth with us now. They each are special gifts for us to cherish and they can really melt your heart through and through. Right now my little Pixie is laying on my lap purring and taking a bath. Wouldn’t change this moment for anying!

  17. Very sweet post Donna. Life is all about change and moving forward. I think you just took a couple giant steps forward. 🙂

  18. I absolutely love your little ones. They are soooo adorable.
    We did adopt a brother and sister when they were just kitties and had them for a very long time. I miss them so much.
    Now we have a black and white tuxedo cat and his name is Melvin . He
    rules our roost. We adoped him from a shelter and he is a wonderful cat.
    I am not a blogger but follow your blog faithfully.
    Carole R.

  19. Awww, Donna!!!
    I love this post!!!
    I totally agree, that the heart can always love more!!!
    It is unexpected and beautiful!!!

  20. Your quote at the bottom hit me harder than I thought…*sniff*

    I lost my ‘son’/cat 4yrs ago after being together for 12yrs. He was my everything. I still miss him a lot, but I thought that I still couldn’t consider adopting another furry-kid yet..that I might be disloyal somehow. However, reading about your own struggle missing Teddy (what a dear wee soul), and then adopting your 2 newest family members, your story has helped me immeasurably. Thanks so much Donna. Bless you.

  21. I am behind on checking e-mail so I’m not sure which cat is which, but the one without the black under chin looks just like our rescued Miss Kitty. The funny thing is that my husband has never been a cat person, but after our 2 dogs, our daughter brought home a cat just before her senior year in high school. Who did the cat, Bunny, live with after she left for college & for the next 17 years? Mom & Dad of course. But in the middle of a really cold spell [for the south] & when my place of employment was going to be closed for several days, I told my husband about a cat that was hanging around the back door & co-workers had put it in a box with paper & water. His famous last words [that we never let him forget] were “maybe we should go check on that kitty.” She came home with us to our garage in another box with a blanket. When we would leave & come back, she would jump out of the box & run to the food bowl – like I’m eating it, please don’t take it away. When poor Bunny passed away, Miss Kitty realized her ‘place’ in the house had changed. She began to talk more, venture to places that had been the older cat’s places, realize she didn’t have to share her treats, or wait in line to eat… It has been fun & interesting to see & having her with us helped me to get through the loss of the older cat. Now I am waging a subtle campaign to get a younger cat to keep her more active. I heartily recommend getting another pet after losing another if your situation allows you too. Our house would be so empty without her – it is always easy to love another pet once you allow one, or more, to sneak into your heart. I ask my husband ‘who would I talk to when home alone without Miss Kitty.’ Sorry to be so talkative tonight.

  22. In the pic, where you are referring to their tattoos, is Skye on the left? They are both so stinkin’ adorable and I like so many readers, are very glad you kept both of them. I know you are too. They are purr-fect together!

  23. They make my heart melt, too. We have a tuxedo, and he’s a love. Only has 3 legs, but he doesn’t know it! I am so glad you kept them together.

  24. Donna,
    I’ll be honest, I’m not supper fond of cats ( mostly because their hair irritates me, something awful. However, I can appreciate their sweetness from a distance. And YOU make me like everything! I lost a dog I had for 14 years, and know the hole it leaves. Now 4 years later, I have another one. Glad I changed my mind because your Quote is proving to be true…
    Kind regards,

  25. You are so wonderful to open up your heart to these two beauties! My dad just took in a cat that was sort of left behind just for him and he is having so much fun with it.

    Oh and loved your pallet walkway. Trying to talk my husband into something similar for our backyard.

  26. Oh Donna I like the names you have chosen. Somehow I missed that post and was wondering if you had names for them yet. They are just adorable and it is so wonderful that you have them and they are helping you cope with the loss of your dear Teddy. I know he will always be with you in your heart and in spirit and is so glad his mom is happy again.

    The quote is awesome!

  27. Donna,
    You are amazing! What a blessing your website and YOU are to all of us faithful readers!
    Creativity should be your middle name!

    🙂 Lisa in California

  28. I was never a cat person, or so I thought, until my sons each got cats at their home. I now have Little Miss Sunshine (Little Miss). She has stolen our hearts and pretty much runs this house.

  29. They love that carpet tower don’t they? I lost my black kitty a year ago in May to kidney disease – I swore I didn’t need to get another cat but her orange tabby brother was so depressed I worried about him – & last July we adopted a 2-footed(!) cat from the shelter. Last night I spotted the 2 of them hanging out in front of the screen door, soaking in the summer night smells, and I went up and squeezed both of them! They were like geez, don’t squeeze so hard. LOL!

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