Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 416
Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific
Hello dear friends!
The secret to leading a real simple life
I have started a new ritual with my AM coffee downstairs… and it has everything to do with simple. My health hiatus gave me a lot of time to separate myself from the same ‘ol, offering a new set of eyes so to speak. I use to overly complicate things and am officially over it!
And based on all your thoughtful comments, sounds like many of you could use a simple start of your own each day…
In other news, I have been actually creating! However because it involves a new stencil design, I can’t show anything for my efforts quite yet. But it’s coming very soon… and here’s a hint… it’s an all season design on something that everyone has in their homes…
Well, I sure had fun going through the linkups from last week’s party! Here are some pretty outstanding features if I do say so myself…
U Pick Flower hand painted sign on Thistlewood Farms
DIY signmakers all over, swoon over this 3-piece beauty found at a yard sale! Oh my goodness… such wonderful vintage appeal!
Cheese dome and spindle pedestal by Scavenger Chic
If this doesn’t make homemade cookies even MORE special, I don’t know what would. How pretty!
Buffalo checked farmhouse kitchen chair by Organized Clutter
This darling chair redo makes me want to go collect random vintage chairs just to play with this treatment. I think Carlene ought to copyright this design before the big stores catch on!
Buffalo checked no sew flour sack kitchen valance by Organized Clutter
Ohh, just yet another brilliant buffalo check idea, especially for those that do not love to sew. (hand raised here!) This valance has such vintage appeal.
Shopping basket turned wall cat lounger by Vintage with Laces
Dear walls, I want to litter baskets all over you after seeing this idea… sure beats a shredded cat condo! How clever!
DIY shutter shelf by Salvage Sister and Mister
Doesn’t this shutter offer this shelf such great texture? The patina is just fabulous.
Men’s shirt turned apron by Hunt and Host
Don’t get rid of those old shirts or fabric scraps! Make a fabulous DIY apron instead! There’s even a pocket for a phone.
Oh goodness… I’m already visioning one made out of plaid flannel shirts… I may need to look into that sewing thing after all.
What have you made this past week? Link up below!
~ Blah blah linkup rules ~
1. Upcycled, DIY home decor projects only please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog. NO FOOD NOR NEW CRAFTS please.
2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.
3. Only projects new to this link party please. Repeats are welcome in secondary themed linkups only.
4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog, Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook with a link back to you, or its own new LINK WIDGET with no additional permission required.
5. No need to link back! Pinning the first image instead would be very appreciated. Thank you! : )
Thanks Donna for your 416th DIY Salvaged Junk Projects. Lots of snow today – 6+ inches and I cleaned the steps and sidewalks 5 times and when DGS got home from school he cleaned them off again. Not what we were expecting in the lower Fraser Valley.
Thanks for hosting, Donna!
Thank you so much for hosting Donna! Have a great weekend 🙂
hard to pic a favorite this week…one of everything pls! The kitty definitely got my attention when the email hit my inbox
have a great weekend!
Thanks for continuing to host this great link party! And thanks for featuring my buffalo check projects! I am having a blast adding buffalo checks to my house.
Hey Donna,
Thanks for the apron feature!!!! I really appreciate that. Love wearing it and as for the sewing thing, my Mom does that part, lucky me! Have a great week!
Thank you for hosting and sorry I’m late to the party! I couldn’t remember if I had linked up earlier…so I came back to double-check and I *HAD* but the thumbnail pic was teeny tiny. So I deleted and re-linked. 🙂
Such amazing projects all the time. I love it! A huge thanks for sharing our shelf project. We are so honored!!!