DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 424

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 424 - Industrial pet station, newspaper bird wreath, utensil EAT sign, plus! Features and NEW junk projects!

Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 424

Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific

Hello, all!

How’s spring treating you lately? I hear so many still have SNOW. I on the other hand have been buried away inside my house with daysssss of liquid sunshine, which gave me an opportunity to work on my new store (yay!) that is gearing up for wholesale opportunities! So overdue!

I sure wish there had been two of me though because I hauled out all my latest finds needing revamping and haven’t been able to even touch one. Drat! Next week will be better…

However I did share my shopping trip where I found this cute vintage berry crate and a few great things, which includes a video tour too!

Just for fun, here’s the chat and music filled video… you can see the rest of the shopping trip HERE

And now that you’re REALLY in the mood for junk, here’s what you brought over from last week’s party…

Newspaper bird and flower wreath by Wisconsin Magpie, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Newspaper bird and flower wreath by Wisconsin Magpie

How did she do that?!

Oh gosh. Have newspapers ever looked so darling?! Love the black and white graphics! Click through this blog post to learn how to make those decadent flowers and what the birds USE to be…

Industrial farmhouse pipe and wood pet feeding station by Turtles and Tails, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Industrial farmhouse pipe and wood pet feeding station by Turtles and Tails

Wow! This pet feeding station (here for dogs) is amazing, and the feed bowls attached to the wall makes for a pretty easy clean underneath! Taking notes… my cats wanna be cool too me thinks…

Silverware EAT kitchen sign by Lora B, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Silverware EAT kitchen sign by Lora B

Talk about one perfectly themed EAT sign! With a touch of glam… learn how to attach the utensils to wood in this post.

Kitchenware repurposed planters with a succulent wreath by Fresh Vintage Bliss, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Kitchenware repurposed planters with a succulent wreath by Fresh Vintage By Lisas

I’ve always much preferred quirky planters over the standards out there, and this succulent wreath styled planter certainly does it for me! Click through for an idea on what to place in the middle, plus other samples!

Stenciled plaid lazy susan by Homeroad, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Stenciled plaid lazy susan by Homeroad

What inspired this?! You may be surprised!

Susan took a vacay and something inspired her to paint this lazy susan this way in these colours! to paint this lazy susan as plaid in these very colours! Any guesses before you click over?!

Easy to use stencils info inside this post.

Spring flowers porch decor with a basket sign by Sadie Seasongoods, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Spring flowers porch decor with a basket sign by Sadie Seasongoods

What was it before?!

A basket is just a basket until it is stenciled to become so much more! Beautiful front porch greeting all dressed up for spring and summer! Click to see the before and the clever idea on changing that band of fabric for different looks!

What have you made this past week? Link up below!

Party Highlights on Pinterest from Party Junk.53 PM

~ Blah blah linkup rules ~

1. UpcycledDIY home decor projects only please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog. NO FOOD NOR NEW CRAFTS please.

2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.

3. Only projects new to this link party please. Repeats are welcome in secondary themed linkups only.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook with a link back to you, or its own new LINK WIDGET with no additional permission required.

5. No need to link back! Pinning the first image instead would be very appreciated. Thank you! : )

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Categories: Junk Drawer, Link parties

8 thoughts on “DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 424

  1. Thank you for another AWESOME party ! I am so excited to see my
    Living Wreath featured. It has the wrong name listed but the correct link so that’s fine.

  2. have MERCY :O that newspaper wreath and the kitchenware planters are brilliant ideas!!! i just love how creative everyone is who posts in this fabulous link party every week – thank you for the chance to join in, Miss Donna!

  3. Thank you, sweet friend, for the feature!! Can you believe it- I actually took this past week off from posting a new project…I’ve never done that before, outside of the holidays. So, nothing new to link up…but many, many thanks for the feature!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I loved those little newspaper birdies, too! And I just bought a bunch of succulents; gotta feel some dirt, even if it’s inside!Thanks for hosting, and featuring my EAT sign!

  5. Dear Donna

    The newspaper birds have my heart of these assorted projects.

    Must be spring is bringing out “new” creative juices. Loved the variety of the projects entered this week.

    Thanks for hosting. Brenda

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