DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 431

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 431 - Tile & concrete planters, outdoor sofa and bench, straw hat headboard, plus! Features and NEW junk projects on Funky Junk Interiors

Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 431

Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific


Happy Friday, friends!

Last weekend I taught at a Fusion Mineral Paint conference out of town (so fun!), which encouraged me to buy a long overdue saw. I am so estatic with my new toy that I’ve yet to blog about! 

Then naturally, once the saw was in the garage, I had to clean that, ending up with a big, satisfying dump run. Then I picked up paint so I could re-coat the work tables. And then a shelf came down. And and and…

See where this is going? I guess I’m doing a workshop makeover. So I hope to get this one to the point of a new post soon to show you around!

I also did a little clothes shopping to prepare for the workshop and upcoming trip. Not my fav thing to do, however it is nice to be able to grab something nice out of your closet for a change other than one of my son’s ratty old oversized t-shirts… Egads. No wonder I never wanted to go out! Who else is not a fan of the clothes shopping thing?! Or do you like it? Please tell me why you like it… I want to like it too.

I DID get my DIY on as well…

Grain sack striped faux cement pot and topiary hack by Funky Junk Interiors

Grain sack striped faux cement pot and topiary hack

Inspired by a beautiful new book filled with DIY projects, (book info inside this post) I Ikea hacked a faux plant into a topiary and concreted up a clay pot! And now I want everything concrete looking! Which is possible with this fabulously easy technique!

Speaking of concrete, this next project is part of the fabulous highlights from last week’s link party

DIY concrete planter from a box with wood feet by Anika's DIY Life, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

DIY concrete planter from a box with wood feet by Anika’s DIY Life

If you aren’t into the faux deal, here’s how to get the REAL concrete deal using a simple little box as a mold! LOVE the wooden legs on this cutie-pie!

Straw hat boho bedroom by Songbird, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Straw hat boho bedroom by Songbird

This bed lined with straw hats is positively DREAMY. I started collecting straw hats but left them outside so they had to be thrown out. Now I want to start again for the indoors.

If you love to mentally get away from it all, start following Songbird. Marianne’s aesthetic is so calming.

Chunky stock wood outdoor bench by Cherished Bliss, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Chunky stock wood outdoor bench by Cherished Bliss

I’m all for easy builds, and this one definitely does it for me! This chunky bench with stock lumber really packs a scrumptious visual punch! If you love the look of super solid wood, this one’s for you.

DIY light shade candle lantern by Homeroad, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

DIY light shade candle lantern by Homeroad

Genius. Just genius. I love the flicker of candles but would never have bothered to bring them outdoors due to the wind. This solution is wonderful! I want to try this! Can you visualize a calming flicker during a hot summer evening too?

Square tile moroccan planters by Pillar Box Blue, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Square tile moroccan planters by Pillar Box Blue

Oh my goodness… my mind is going a little frantic right now. There is NO END to the looks you can create with tiles for planters… and I’m especially fond of the moroccan look since those patterns tend to be intricate to create.

Check out the three different ones side by side in this post… adorable!

Outdoor stock lumber bench at Grillo Designs, featured on Funky Junk Interiors

Outdoor stock lumber bench at Grillo Designs

Stock lumber to the rescue once again, for a super cool DIY cozy wood bench for the outdoors! These plans make this one a super easy build. The three separate seat cushions have this style resembling a real sofa!

What have you made this past week? Link up below!

Party Highlights on Pinterest from Party Junk.53 PM

~ Blah blah linkup rules ~

1. UpcycledDIY home decor projects only please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog. NO FOOD NOR NEW CRAFTS please.

2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.

3. Only projects new to this link party please. Repeats are welcome in secondary themed linkups only.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook with a link back to you, or its own new LINK WIDGET with no additional permission required.

5. No need to link back! Pinning the first image instead would be very appreciated. Thank you! : )

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Categories: Junk Drawer, Link parties

14 thoughts on “DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 431

  1. I’m not a fan of clothe shopping either. Luckily, I don’t need a work wardrobe so can’t keep the clothe shopping to a minimum. Thank you for the feature.

    • Agree on the work wardrobe thing! Unfortunately I tend to take that a little too far and just end up with DIY clothes after so long… at least when I say “I have nothing to wear” it’s generally true! 😀

    • Welcome back to the party Virginia! I ended up gifting myself a weekend on my bike and sitting in the sun instead! The new toy makes my weeks feel a little more exciting though so there’s that… haha

  2. Hi Donna,

    Thank you for another week of awesome ideas. I love the Moroccan planters. Checking out Pillarboxblues site she had a mosaic wall planter I adore also. Now looking for colorful plates, cups and saucers and anything else ceramic that can be broken and attached. Think it would look cool on my junk garden fence,

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I do like clothes shopping but I found a few stores that fit me well and have consistent sizing. So, now that I know what size I am in those stores and I can order with confidence, I order online. So.much.easier. I use Lands End, Lane Bryant, Christopher & Banks, and Old Navy. They all have a lot of sales and I can usually find a coupon or free shipping. It takes a little research at first but makes it so much easier in the long run! Good luck!

    • Oh how I wish I could just order online! At this point I couldn’t even imagine. “Oh, that looks nice on a hanger…” then on me, not so much! haha

      Glad you found an easy button!

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