Frothy homemade iced coffee with simple ingredients

Frothy homemade iced coffee with simple ingredients! |
When we were in Hawaii this past summer, iced coffee became a daily habit. Would you believe I had never had one before, other than an iced cappuccino from Tim Horton’s?

I didn’t really get how cold coffee on ice could be good. I liked mine steaming hot, with sugar and real cream, thankyouverymuch!

Well, that all changed. There was a pretty sweet coffee house just down the road, and once I tried theirs, I was hooked. It quickly became a must to stop and pick one up when returning to the condo for any given reason. In most cases, it was gone by the time I got to the car! Luckily, refills were only $1. 🙂

Once home, I was badly missing my new habit! Some leftover coffee over ice was tried… but… it was only ok. Bleah. Figures.

But, I wanted awesome. So not giving up quite yet, the blender was pulled out, and an experiment began. 

Me. Experimenting in a kitchen. Unheard of. Michael, aren’t you proud of me?!

Let’s thank my beloved coffee habit for this one.

Ingredients to make iced coffee, leftover black coffee, cream, sugar and ice cubes |
I started by saving the AM leftover coffee, and pouring it into a glass jar, storing it in the fridge.

Once there was enough to play with, ice cubes, coffee, cream and sugar were all dumped into a blender.

It was then whipped until it turned into a beautiful, light frothy colour.

Frothy homemade iced coffee with simple ingredients! |
JACKPOT. This was better than just okay. This was AMAZING!

I quickly found adding a little more sugar than I’d normally take in a regular coffee made it even better. And the quicker you drank it right after blending, the better it was.

So fancy for at home! Yet the ingredients couldn’t be any less fancy if I tried.

Enjoying frothy homemade iced coffee outside on the patio |

This has officially become my go to when desiring something frothy and fun to drink on the back patio.

So while we are still having sunny, fall days here, you know what I’ll be grabbing every chance I get!

Have you ever tried this before? Are there any ingredients you’d suggest to add to make it even better?

Let me know how you like it if you try!

Frothy homemade iced coffee
A super simple, delicious coffee fix made with ice.
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Prep Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
  1. leftover black coffee
  2. sugar to taste
  3. cream to taste
  4. ice cubes
  1. Add all ingredients into a blender
  2. Puree until extra frothy.
  3. Pour into a tall glass, and drink right away.
  1. Try flavors, such as adding hot chocolate mix to create 'mocha'!
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Categories: Food, Junk Drawer

37 thoughts on “Frothy homemade iced coffee with simple ingredients

    • Ohhhh I remember the sugar cane syrup that was used in Hawaii. It was amazing. I’ll have to look for one, and just maybe add a flavour in the mix too… love the thought of vanilla! Thanks for the idea, Carole.

  1. I didn’t care for iced coffee either, or at least I thought I didn’t, until my daughter encouraged me to try it awhile ago. I don’t make it often but when I do I make the coffee double strength and chill it, so when you add milk & ice it has more flavor. I drink really dark coffee anyway and black so that may not be for everyone. Vermont Coffee Company – dark roast. You can use maple syrup too rather than sugar.

  2. Donna,
    I love to add a splash or two of Sugar Free (Splenda) syrup (Caramel flavor by DaVinci or Torani are my personal favorites) and fat-free Half & Half for a close-to-guilt-free treat. Fewer calories means I can have two glasses!

    My sister swears by a “coffee and ice ONLY” recipe (ZERO calories), though, claiming it brings out all the coffee nuances.

    As long as it has CAFFEINE!

  3. Since I don’t drink cow’s milk, I make mine with lite coconut milk (comes in cans) and Hazelnut flavored Stevia — to die for!!!

  4. My husband and I only drink cold brewed coffee made from concentrate in a Toddy Coffee maker. Like your recipe, it never wastes a drop. And 70% less acid than regular coffee. It’s so simple to make iced coffee with it. A couple of shots of concentrate, fill it with milk, add sugar to taste and ice cubes. Nummmm

    • Rosemary, I had asked the coffee place why their coffee was SO GOOD. They told me it was due to their cold brew method, which is very different from regular ground coffee. That’s something I’d love to look into as well! Your method sounds really cool!

      • I ONLY drink cold brew, iced coffee. 10 oz. coffee to 40 oz water. “Brew” for 12-24 hours and strain. I pour a couple ounces over ice, add sweet cream and your milk of choice. (I use 1% lactose free.) OXO makes a cold brew system for around $40 that will make brewing/straining/cleanup a breeze. Coarse ground coffee is better, but I use ground Community Coffee and Chicory. I am ADDICTED and not even sorry!

  5. Love ice coffee! I just use the rest of my coffee that gets cold as I’m too busy on the computer to drink it all.

    I use Vanilla almond milk at only 30 calories for 8 oz! No sugar needed! If I want it to satisfy a sweet tooth (dare I say yes) I add a drop of Chocolate nibs and 1/4 of a banana! ha Take that calories!

    Been following you foreverrrr.

  6. You might not want to go to all this trouble but I make a coffee concentrate and use it to make my iced coffee. Take 1/2 lb of coffee and put it in a quart jar. Add 4 1/2 cups water and mix well. Let sit for at least 8 hours. Strain through a strainer- I line mine with a coffee filter. You can strain it twice if you like. Pour into a jar and keep in fridge. Get out your Bullit or blender= I use about 1/3 cup with milk or half and half, or you can even use sweetened condensed milk. I put sugar in and add ice/ Blend and it is ready. This cold brew method makes it so smooth-not bitter at all. You can also use the concentrate to make hot coffee. If you cold brew you coffee overnight-it’s a great way to make coffee concentrate for the entire week!

  7. Hi Donna!
    I brew my coffee at double strength and keep it in a jar in the fridge. It stays fresh for a couple of days. Blue Agave that I get at Costco is my sweetener of choice. With the double strength it doesn’t taste watered down when I add my cream and lots of ice cubes. Love it!

    Love your blog and all of your inspirational ideas and thoughts on life.


  8. hi donna..remember me from a couple years back, from Ontario, telling you that I was coming to Chilliwack and wanted to meet you? Well, you ignored me, likely thought I was a sicko..don’t blame you..well, once again, we were in b.c. last week..drove by your house in yarrow, and I chickened out, cause I didn’t want you to think I was a stalker..I have been following your posts, and really think we would be friends..until my next trip west…

  9. I cold brew extra strong coffee and then blend 3 equal parts coffee, ice and milk. No sugar though I like my coffee unsweetened. Love coffe, cold, hot and even luke warm.

  10. Donna – We do our iced coffee with just sweetened condensed milk. That way there’s no need for milk or sugar. I believe there are fat-free or close to fat-free versions of condensed milk out there. I love the suggestion of making the ice cubes from coffee. I’m going to have to try that now!

  11. A simple syrup (heat on medium 1 cup water with 1 cup sugar until the sugar melts, then refrigerate in a mason jar) would make it so you didn’t have to drink it so quickly. It mixes in! You could savour it more. ?

  12. I was/still am an iced/hot tea drinker. Until my 20-something daughter created an amazing iced coffee for me at home. It is great on ice or blended like your recipe! Use a certain famous brand with a star Caramel flavored coffee in the refrigerated section at the grocery store,unsweetened vanilla almond milk,pour it over ice. Yummy! If you’re feeling fancy you can blend it up and top with a little lite whip cream and drizzle with caramel syrup! Mmmmm! I think I’ll go make one now! 😉

  13. I love your idea for blending it all together into a frothy coffee smoothie. Cold brew is really easy to make if you have an almond milk bag to strain the grounds through. All you do is put coffee grounds into a mason jar with water, let it sit in the fridge overnight and strain in the morning! A spoonful of sweetened condensed milk instead of cream and sugar gives it a delicious Vietnamese flavor as well!

  14. Glad you discovered iced coffee. In the a.m. I like my hot coffee, but as the day goes on I like to have it iced. It is easy to do, but I hadn’t tried it in the blender. I’m going too. And I’m glad Kristine told you about freezing coffee for ice cubes. It makes a difference. Also when you brew your coffee, if you’re doing it just for it iced, make it extra strong so the ice cubes don’t water it down. Have a great day!

  15. I have used Aldi’s *instant* (mind you 🙂 ) coffee, International Delight creamer – choose your flavor, and just poured over ice.


  16. I use flavored coffee creamer in place of the half and half to achieve different flavors. I will drink my coffee hot or cold. I also sometimes use sweetened condensed milk instead of sugar. You can get it in chocolate or caramel.
    Not a low calorie drink. Don’t care!

  17. I make a healthier version using cold-brewed coffee concentrate (Costco), almond milk & coconut sugar. And of course ice! For mocha I use chocolate almond milk.

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