Make a broken barrel ring garden orb in minutes!

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial. #gardenart

Make a broken barrel ring garden orb!

I’m rather excited to share this funky garden junk orb project, because it involves the great outdoors!

You’ve asked me for 2 years to post more outdoor projects, so that’s a new goal I’m attempting this year.

Hometalk's DIY My Spring on Funky Junk Interiors
I’m also excited about today, because this is part of a very large blog hop, hosted by Hometalk, where all new spring things are being shared! See them at the end of this post!

You can check out my own work on Hometalk HERE.

If you’re new to my blog, welcome! I’m Donna, and I love to decorate with free junk, as well as share all kinds of other stuff. You can catch a glimpse of all I blog about from THIS recent survey post.

So! Onto today’s junky goodness…

spring buds in bloom on a flowering tree /
So, while I was pacing outside on the weekend admiring the pink spring blooms, I decided to load the back of the truck with junk for a run to the dump.

With a Christmas tree still in the front yard (ouch), along with this reclaimed wood version still in full porch view, things were long overdue for a clean up!

broken barrel turned garden junk orb /
While I was pushing things to the side so I could give the walk a good sweep, this wooden flower barrel crumbled into an instant heap at my feet.

WHOMP. Whoops.

Scratching my head, I gathered up the better wood pieces (of course…) then took special note of those three, rusty barrel rings. Hmmm… 

And then it came to me… garden junk orb…

This project is so simple, I’m nearly embarrassed to add a tutorial. But, here goes…

(this post contains some affiliate links)

How to make a broken barrel ring garden orb

broken barrel turned garden junk orb /

Supplies I used:

Thinner jute twine


Barrel rings (at least 3) (this is a similar barrel I had)

Metal spray sealer (if desired)

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial.



1. Collapse a rotten half planter barrel, until the rings come loose.

2. Hold the 3 rings inside one another, then loosely tie the tops together with twine or wire, so you can still spin them in different directions. Do the same to the bottom of the rings.

3. With a new strip of longer thin twine, cut the old twine out of the way, then weave the thinner twine in and out between the rings so they stay put while twisted. Do the same to the underside.

4. Swing out the rings to the desired shape, and you can say you own a new-old garden orb sculpture!

5. Spray the garden orb with a clear metal sealer if desired. This will help keep it from deteriorating even more.

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial. #gardenart

Garden orb reveal

Pretty cool, right?!

The coolest part about this orb is the fact that it doesn’t block out light. Plants can grow right through it!

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial. #gardenart
I’m not one for modern sculpture, but this is really cool! This kind of garden orb has a modern vibe with a touch of rusty junk.

And so is that luscious rust… promising to only get rustier with time. Unless you choose to spray it with a clear sealer to further protect it of courser.

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial. #gardenart

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial. #gardenart

I love how the rusty patina looks against those growing spring greens!

Learn how to make a broken barrel ring garden orb as garden art! Super easy and looks so cool! Click for full tutorial. #gardenart
Spring is off to a GREAT rusty orb garden junk start in these parts!

Think you’ll try making a broken barrel ring garden orb too?

reclaimed scrap wood window box-3281

So about those broken barrel wooden parts? I used those too!

Check out this cool planter I made HERE

Oh how I love broken stuff… 🙂

Funky Junk Interiors outdoor junk projects
You can also find more of my garden junk posts as well as my other work HERE.

Ready for even MORE spring? Click below to visit, and also be on the lookout for #DIYMySpring on various social medias, to take them all in! (come back Monday when they’ll be all linked up!)

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Categories: All Cool Projects, DIY, Gardening, Junk Drawer, Outdoors, Seasonal, Spring, Summer
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44 thoughts on “Make a broken barrel ring garden orb in minutes!

  1. Wow! It seriously did CRUMBLE, huh!? I don’t usually tend to like garden “accessories,” but this is so authentic and it fits in really well with the space. I love the visual interest the round shape adds among the other plants.

  2. Donna, this is not garden junk! This is abstract art of the highest order!! Just go into any museum and you’ll see how amazing this stuff is! I love the size of it and how it makes a statement in your garden!

  3. Hi Donna –

    How is it that you can make something so gorgeous seem so easy to make?!?!? This is one of those pieces that a building would pay $1,000 to have out front as art.

    Visiting as a fellow contributor to #DIYMySpring. Hope your week is full of sunshine! Hugs, Holly

  4. Good Morning Donna,
    I want an orb! (said in a whiny voice) I’m going to head out to see if I can find a barrel that is on its way to collapsing so that I can make one. What a happy happenstance that something useful gave way to another something decorative…and it probably is in the same place it was in its previous life!
    Well done and thanks for sharing.

    Hugs, Lynn

  5. I know ivy can be a slippery slope in a yard, but wouldn’t it be fun to see ivy take over your orb?? I agree- love that it can be immersed in your flowers without blocking out light!! Total orby awesomeness, D! Happy #DIYMySpring!

  6. Donna you are such a resourceful lady! It amazes me how you can turn anything into a beautiful display or a useful item. I love your new garden orb by the way 🙂

  7. Love the tutorial!! I’ve been saving barrel rings for a while now to make one. But I always wondered how to bring them together – the twine idea is the answer!!!

    And man, it’s times like this that I wish I was on the west coast – your spring is miles ahead of ours!!

  8. Really like this one. I am starting my garden now and am going to change up some things this year.. Gonna be 80 here in Ga. this week.. I think we are skipping spring.

  9. Donna, I love your orb made from the whiskey barrel rings. I’m about to make a similar thing, but from the rings from a grain bin. Most of the round grain bins on farm yards are metal now, but many used to be made from wood, and they would put metal strapping around the wood to stabilize it (and keep it curved of course). Best of all . . . they would be painted, so there’s this awesome chippy paint on the metal! Rusted AND chippy! I’m always on the lookout now for old bins that aren’t being used, so I can approach the owner about removing the straps for my projects.

  10. Just love it! I’m all in favor of seeing more of your outdoor ideas. It’s sad when you lose those expensive half-barrels, it’s great to still be able to put them to use in this unique way!

    When I saw the stack of decrepit wood, I was thinking,…’Oh, no, don’t discard that,’…and your window box is an awesome idea! ~~ Sue

  11. One of my favorite things to do is what you did–take something that most
    would discard and make something out of it! Then people ask where I got it! 😉 Love the post!!

  12. What a smart idea, Donna!

    I’m really liking the contrast between the modern orb and the rustic chair! It makes me wish I had a larger condo balcony.

  13. YES!! YES!! YES!!! Love it. I think I have access to some old rusty barrel rings. The price could not be better.

  14. Donna! Donna!
    I love your orb! You are SO in sync with things!! Yay!!
    BUT!! More than anything I am so jealous your GREENERY!! Wow! Buds! Flowering shrubs! We are still in a dismal state here in western New York!
    Your pictures (beautiful as always) renewed my spirit!
    Thank you!!!!

  15. So amazing, Donna–I love it. I think people would line up to buy these from you; I know I would 🙂 Thanks for all your work to organize this event. It’s SO appreciated.

  16. Cool idea! The only thing I’d have done differently is to use baling wire instead of the jute twine. It will last more than one season, and rust up nicely to match the rings!

  17. OMG, I love your orb. I saw one a couple weeks ago and it was so expensive, no way would I pay that kind of money. I live in bourbon country so it shouldn’t be to difficult to find an old barrel. I am so going to make one of these maybe two or three haha.

  18. Donna, I’m not surprised you found a way to make those rusty rings into something beautiful! Your orb is awesome, and I love all the signs of Spring coming to life in your yard. ..yay BC!!

  19. Oh I knew you’d do something fabulous! Love this! It looks so modern and vintage at the same time! Having such fun at this blog hop! Thanks for putting it together! 🙂

  20. Ohhhh Donna, Oh Donna, Yikes, you have me singing!!! I’m so going to do this. Love the simplicity. Now to finish the whiskey in my barrel. 🙂

  21. Ummm, what can you say? You’re AMAZING!! I love the Orb and right next to your awesome bench. What a great garden attraction. Thank you for such a fun idea!!

  22. that orb is awesome!!!! it looks so cool, and really easy to make…now i just have to find a barrel…hmmmm..i do love that the plants can grow right through it…pretty stellar idea girl.

  23. Oh Donna, it looks fabulous! I wish I had kept my rings when my barrel fell apart several years ago! Can you tell what those cute red shoes with white soles are? I’ve been admiring them for over a year now. Keep up with your great ideas!

  24. I finally made two of these. I loved the idea ever since I first saw them here in your post. I used rusty baling wire to tie them together. I love the new yard art. Thank you for the inspiration.

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