This weekend, a pretty pool sitting area with towel hooks was created. And I couldn’t be happier!
It’s time for the fluffiest of towels to head outdoors, for the pool is finally up!
Putting up the above ground pool
First up, we needed to drag the pool out of the garage somehow. It was in its original box and I wasn’t into throwing my back out, so when I spotted the scooter, I reasoned this could work…
Well, it worked awesome! Dear scooters across the land, you have other duties now, so rest up! Who needs a $300 dollie when you have a $10 scooter?
A tarp was placed on the ground first, then the pool on top.
Next, the top ring of the pool was inflated using the air compressor on the lowest setting possible.
The pool took two days to fill with water and it was ready to go!
Isn’t it beautiful?! The water was pretty cold, but nothing a little warm weather won’t cure.
Poolside towel hooks
Next up, a place to hang pool towels was desired. So an old barn gate was brought outside, with random hooks screwed in place along the top.
And I wasn’t kidding about random hooks. This metal bracket came from an old metal bed frame. But it worked!
Add a few pool towels and it looks as cute as can be!
What I love about the outdoor gate to hang pool towels is that it doesn’t have to remain a permanent fixture. Bring it in when done with it!
The gate is sitting underneath a small house overhang so it is partially protected from the weather.
If not protected, it would be wise to treat the wood with something waterproof.
Poolside sitting area
Oh, but we aren’t done quite yet!
I had two chairs that simply sat all by their lonesome behind the pool on the sidewalk. Not very enticing but it didn’t take much to change that.
Two chairs, a crate and a cute farm sign later, there’s a pretty nice little sitting area that faces the pool and the rest of the backyard!
I already had the chairs, but the pillows were just found at a local thrift store. They are perfect!
The crate in between the chairs is the perfect height for a side table, but it does more too!
Inside the crate has just enough storage for the pool necessities such as the pool chemicals, test strips, etc.
The plants in front of the crate somewhat camouflage the contents yet everything is still within easy reach.
How about a little tea to go with that cold pool water until things warm up?! Works for me!
Well, the cold pool wasn’t cold enough to stop my son from jumping right in!
Looks like it’s a good thing a pretty pool sitting area with towel hooks got put up when it did.
I’ll take that tea and a towel to keep me warm for now, thanks…
Other pool posts you may enjoy:
Pretty and practical poolside pallet organizers
How we put up the above ground pool
Visit all my other pool posts HERE
Yeah, that definitely looks too cold. A few days of the heat we’re having here would warm it up right nicely. A pool is a pool, and kids could care less about the water temperature.
Me on the other hand, much like yourself, is a skeerdy cat of the cold water. It took me forever to get fully submerged in mom’s pool over the 4th -and it was 98 degrees outside! And like Cody who is in the cold water, my nephew kept trying to tell me that it wasn’t cold as he flapped around in it. (Liar, liar, pants on fire :))
I would love to be able to sit in yard and take in all the beauty back there. This little sitting area you’ve created is an extension of that too. The gate towel holder is a great idea.
Happy swimming!
It all looks great. I love the towel hook gate. And the cow metal sign is to die for. I hope the weather warms up for you soon 🙂
What a cute idea for the towel rack!! Love that and hmmmm, yes that would look cute in the bathroom too 🙂 You did a great job and the pool definitely does look very inviting but personally, I’d wait until it warmed up some. Much more relaxing that way 🙂 Great thinking on using the scooter!!
Good for you on gitting ‘er done! Love all your homey touches, esp the gate towel holder. I’m with you regarding temporary, who cares about the blue ring if it does it’s job for the moment?
Dear Brainy Smurf,
I love the blue smurf pool! Your son looks like he does too! That’s awesome! It sure beats the green slime pool that we got from Target. My son said, “Mom, it’s so slippery on the bottom, WOAH!” I said, “Yuck!” Now, we have turned to a slip and slide. I need a blue smurf pool. Gotta see what Papa Smurf has in his yard plans. ;)bb
I so love that gate idea and the the farm sign is wonderful. Enjoy blue water my friend.
I love that gate as a towel hanger!
you are the master of refining everyday life.. =)
I love it..
as you are handy with wood and carpentry..
I have had an idea to camouflage the blue sides of the pool..
there is a sort of cage thing in hot parts of my country.. simple and beautiful..
and easy too..
this is particularly used to provide shade and to block the view without blocking air..
I give the link.. it may be removable too.. maybe it will inspire you.. have a look..
in the meantime enjoy .. and hope that the weather allows you great times.. and many pool parties..
Girl, you sure can git’er done. And with funky junk flair! It all turned out perfectly. Especially love the towel holder.
The gate towel thing is ingenious!!!!!
White pool?
Cottage pool?
Rusty pool?
You can and will do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps – we have a sprinkler here.
check craigslist… we got an above ground 24′ round pool (metal sides) 2 years ago for FREE!!! guy already had part of it down when we got there… i brought along reinforcements to take down the rest… we put it up the following summer (that was a rough one).. and this summer it’s done and sparkling when we come home.. we bought a deck from someone who had taken down their pool last summer.. it’s resting on the ground next to the pool now until we get around to putting it back up on posts
I see sunshine now. Lots of sunshine. If it didn’t blow away yesterday you should be able to dip your toes in by today.
Love your towel hanger…very creative. We are back yard pool people too and we live on the shore so we are at the ocean and lakes alot too. Our pool has a deck going 1/2 way around it so alot of the sides are covered. It is alot of work to care for and I swear at least 3x a summer that I’m going to tear it down! Usually when I’m having chemical troubles, but my kids love it and well there’s a deck built around it and that would look awfully funny without the pool in the middle. Enjoy all of your hard work, your creativeness sure has made a nice retreat for your family!
Dee from Farmhouse Country Style
The heat seems to have parted here as well, but it left some nice summer weather behind, so I am one happy camper.
The pool looks great and with all of that space in your yard and the beautiful looks in the back, you have a place fit for a long summer holiday. Wish I could come over and play.
It all looks so nice. That cow sign if just the best.
Love the towel rack idea! Thanks, I think I will do a version for my bath! Enjoy the pool….when it gets warmer! 🙂
That pool looks appealing, even if it is 0 degrees. LOL!
We have a preety big backyard but do not know what exactly to do with it.
Wow Donna – I am constantly amazed and inspired by you! What a fabulous summer hang-out space you have created for your family!! The towel rack idea is one of those that when you see it, you think, of course – that’s what I need (but didn’t know it). I will be making one for my house in your honor 🙂 Thanks for continuing to be who you are *and* be so willing to share it with all of us.
Yup…we put up our pool this past weekend too (although it is only 3/4 full until the well replenishes itself!!) But that is fine by me as it is cold and 12 degrees on this windy, rainy day!! However, my 3 boys were in there like dirty shirts as it is being filled….these Canadian boys really don’t mind cold water either!! Now I need to figure out somewhere to put a towel rack too but there is nothing nearby to even prop up something temporary!!
Urban, what about a step ladder? The self standing upside down V kind. The rungs are perfect for towels and you can even screw in hooks on the flat sides if you desire.
I forgot to put the cover on the pool and we had a big wind storm. A pool that’s only been swam in once is full of leaves. 😛 Such a newbie of the season here!!
Thanks for the kudos, all!
Hi, Donna! We have the exact same pool. Haven’t done much yet to spruce it up. We’ve talked about a few things, like building a cheap deck around it, hauling in sand, even talked about buying a more heavy duty one. But I think this summer we’ll just enjoy swimming in it. Love the door!
…I drove threw your little village yeterday onthe way to promotory & my sister ….& I wondered???…which street is she on!…no I am not a creeper!
Anyway it was so pretty there & I think the”smurf”pool is wonderful!..cuz when our LONG summers are over you have your yard back for the other 300 plus days!…looks great !
I grew up overseas in hot places like Thailand and Pakistan adnd my parents always shipped over an above ground pool to keep their 5 kids entertained. It was so much fun and I have fond memories of marco polo and cannon bombs and running around the top edge of the metal sided pool and trying to not fall in. We finally upgraded to an above ground pool that had a deep end! It was excavated underneath and the liner went right into a deep part….so cool!
I laughed out loud about your crate design for a pool exterior! Too funny. Thanks for the highlight on my gitter done shed project. Would love it if you would follow me!! You are my role model in blogland baby!
Oh how I WISH I had a POOL!! We tried an inflated pool last year, but it got popped by stickers or animals, not sure which, so we gave up on that. Yours looks so inviting! I LOVE your little sitting area. That cow sign is AWESOME!!
Hope the sun comes back out for you, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. 🙂
Hugs ~ Jo
I would sooooooo be inn that pool! Blue smurfy or orange and purple….I would be in that pool!!
I have been a reader for a long time, but never a commenter…. but I have a question… I have the same pool, and while I have not a care in the world about the goofy inflatable ring – I do worry about the grass dying underneath the pool…. did you set yours up right on top of live grass? Have you done this before? Won’t the grass die? I rent my home and so my husband is a little worried about setting up the pool on the grass and then having to replace it at the end of the season. Any thoughts from anyone?
BTW – I adore this blog. I love every single thing about it. Thank you for sharing all the projects as well as the person behind them.
lol. Your description of your little guy’s blood cracked me up!
With 100 degree weather as the norm here during the summer, I would LOVE to have a pool, but alas, we do not. I was coveting your pool as I read through your post 😉 Have fun!
Very fun! I think we might get one of these pools in a couple years when our boys are older. We would get so much use out of it and I love the idea that you can tuck it away for the winter.
Your pool looks so inviting!! And you poolscape with chairs etc looks fabulous!!
And kudos for the scooter!! Nothing like a little wheel action!!
Enjoy the water!!
What great ideas you have. Love it all.
The water would prolly be boiling here! Oh my, I long for cooler temps. You did a superb job ~ I don’t know that I would tackle it. I hope you take the time to enjoy once it warms up.
i love your blog, SUper cute stuff. i posted your shutters on my blog, LOve them!
Your pool looks pretty smurfy enviting! Great pics!
As hot as it has been here I think I would enjoy the cold water! Love the towel holder.
Hugs, Sherry
Love it! We have the same pool, serves a purpose and keeps you cool! Follow your blog, love it and your ideas.. so cute! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Donna-
I can really appreciate your towel rack. We have a pool in our backyard and one of the added benefits/detriments(depending on how you look at it) is I have so many towels piled up in my garage- ones that I didn’t buy, but towels that friends have left here and never claim. I have hats, sunglasses, shirts,and shoes in a lost and found basket. No takers – the only thing people come back for is their cell phones. If I had an outdoor towel rack like yours maybe friends and family would not forget to take their towels and stuff home. I will be making something similar – that can be moved like yours. Thanks for the inspiration.
For your blue pool, you could probaly come up with some sort of fence, wrap-around with all the pallets you have collected. Hinge them together somehow or lay in some posts and attach the pallets like you would a stockade fence. You are so clever, I know you will come up with something ingenious.
My best- Diane
#25 Sheena,
This is our 3rd year of having a pool. The pool is most definately right on the lawn and it does die. But our pool is only up for 2 months (that’s max for summer in these parts) so the grass, believe it or not, does come back. Right in time for the pool to go down again. LOL
So, when pool season is over, we move the trampoline in that spot and allow the grass to come back where the tramp was. Come summer, tramp gets scooted back when it’s pool time.
Basically put, there’s always a weird deadish spot on the lawn that struggles. But to me, that’s part of a kid’s yard. If I decided to not put the pool up to reseed, that’s all you’d have to do. Fluff up the area by raking, then seed it.
For ANYONE in a hot area, this pool is NO BIG DEAL. Why suffer? They come in all sizes to cater to all age groups. Just do it. You’ll never go through a hot summer without one again.
Cats & inflatable pools do not mix. Nor with goats — so we are deprived of a pool. But if I ran that much water in one day the water company would give me notice that I had a ‘leak’ anyway. That is life.
Fabulous! My husband wants one of these pools for the summer. You make me want to do it.
I love the towel rack idea!!! I can’t seem to get around to actually drilling into the brick to hang a hook but I could do this!
Another great idea!
I just so happen to have an old gate and I just so happen to have a bathroom that needs a makeover, I’m definitely going to try my hardest to go for the “gate as a towel rack” idea! I love it!
I am an old lady, but your posts make me feel young, and make me think “I could do that!” What you create looks REAL, comfortable, but unexpected. Your blog is one of six which I have in a Daily Blogs Check folder.
Hey Donna! Thanks for stopping by. Just remember, it is completely your fault that these bushes got trimmed. I think you are conspiring to get me off my rear and to get in gear!! If you have your way, you’re gonna make me sweat some fat off this fluffy body, lol. Really, a thousand thanks to you, I look forward to all “Gitter Done” Challenges-they are just what I needed:)
Donna, Donna, Donna. I am so in love with that gate with the hooks. The simple projects always get me. Well done, my friend. Now, when is the pool party?
There are times I wish our back yard was large enough for a pool, even a blow-up pool like yours Donna. I suppose if we had kiddies around we’d find a way to make it work! 😉 Lovin’ your towel rack!
I do not have any pictures to post, so did not join in, but we did a Relay for Life Fund Raiser for cancer research last Saturday at the store.
It was a wonderful opportunity to support a program in hopes of finding a cure. My folks and I are all cancer survivors, and trying to do our part.
Thanks for hosting
barbara jean
Donna, I thought of you when I saw this pool – http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/sf/outdoor/summer-project-diy-stock-tank-pool-090793 – that Abigail at gusandotherthings posted about. It’s metal! I’m sure you could add some rusty things somewhere and make it your own!
Yeah, You got the pool up! I just got back from my little road trip and I am trying to catch up on everyone’s posts. I come over to see what is up around here and see my white mantel on your sidebar! How terrific, thank you so much for highlighting my project. I have to see how much time I have until the next one now!
Hey Donna I love your gate and also your Cow Sign. LOVE IT LOVE IT!
Question, Did your son see smurfette floating by while he was in the pool?
Just had to show you! http://marilovesbrian.blogspot.com/2010/08/project-re-cap.html
Thanks for being such an inspiration!